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Resource Management Development and Growth with Resource Management Contracting Sean Sylver - MassDEP.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Management Development and Growth with Resource Management Contracting Sean Sylver - MassDEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Management Development and Growth with Resource Management Contracting Sean Sylver - MassDEP

2 Overview Contractual partnership between waste generator and qualified contractor. Bolster waste reduction and recycling through value-added services such as improved reporting, dedicated customer service, and analysis. Provide incentives for contractor to shift profitability model from “haul/dispose more volume” to “minimize waste & manage resources better.”

3 Overview continued… Significant cost-effective opportunities to reduce waste, boost recycling and optimize services exist. Contractors will pursue them when offered proper financial incentives. Financial incentives to contractors are supported by the savings generated through cost-effective improvements to current system.

4 Approach Organize a team, establish goals and a timeline Identify current waste and recycling activities (baseline) Develop a scope and RFP Issue RFP and select contractor Measure program success

5 Case Study: Bridgewater State University Reporting was inconsistent (particularly for areas like dining services and construction recycling) and BSU was unable to identify areas in which they could improve material capture and cost-savings.

6 BSU Goals Improved reporting and record-keeping More efficient paper collection; more types of paper accepted Expansion of paper collection to dormitories More efficient, expanded capture of containers

7 BSU Gains More transparent reporting allows for program evaluation and change Reduced costs for waste hauling by increasing the recycling rate, reducing the number of pickups, and eliminating redundancies Increased revenue from recycled materials provides incentives for both the hauler and BSU to increase the recycling rate

8 Gains continued… Increased cardboard recycling greater than 50%. Efficiencies allow for staff to focus on new recycling initiatives Increased awareness and commitment on campus breeds success

9 Update: UMass Medical School Recently signed RM contract. Priorities (1) reduce generation of waste (2) reuse/return/donate (3) recycle/compost (4) dispose Greater efficiencies in waste handling and reduction in overall costs Tracking/reporting system Education/training for staff and contractors

10 UMMS Goals Consolidated billing Develop strategy to more efficiently serve facilities Focus on organics

11 Implementation Phase I - Program Transition: 1-3 months. New contractor observes current system, provides current service, build relationships, verifies baseline data. Phase II - Program Implementation: improve upon existing service levels and programs, improve the efficiency of existing service levels, and develop and implement new diversion programs.

12 Update: Massport Logan Airport Inadequate reporting, incorrect nomenclature, incomplete picture. 4 year baseline involves waste characterization studies. Improve education and signage. Take over additional waste management responsibilities from tenants.

13 Logan Airport continued… Spreadsheets Mapped MSW service Centralized waste services for tenants Rebates drive down cost to use Reach workers, airport users

14 Resources RFP Template (MassDEP website) EPA Resource Management site Recycling Works

15 Questions? Sean Michael Sylver MassDEP (617) 292-5747

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