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Joint Urban Roadway Standards Workshop April 27, 2006.

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1 Joint Urban Roadway Standards Workshop April 27, 2006

2 Introductions ► Wrandoll Brenes Morua, P.E. Walla Walla City Engineer ► Gary Allgood City of Walla Walla Engineering Project Manager ► John Dirr Walla Walla County Programs Manager ► Nicola P. Metzger, P.E. College Place City Engineer

3 Purpose of Joint Standards ► Policy makers consider this one of their priorities. ► Recognition of developer and contractor confusion over different standards in different jurisdictions. ► Possible cost reduction for developers and contractors. ► Each jurisdiction's standards needed updating and it was more efficient to work together.

4 Why we’re here ► The more comments and people involved the better the quality of the product. ► No one can think of everything so please review with your experience and the good of the community in mind. ► Written responses will be provided to those submitting comments.

5 Agencies referenced for Standards ► AASHTO – American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ► ITE – Institute of Transportation Engineers ► TRB – Transportation Research Board ► FHWA – Federal Highway Administration ► ADA – American’s with Disabilities Act ► WSDOT – Washington State Department of Transportation

6 Basic Principals ► Roadway cross-sections should be based on elements rather than one size fits all. ► Cross-section elements should be representative of adjacent land use and roadway classification. ► All current Federal and State requirements had to be included. ► Individuality of jurisdictions should be maintained.

7 Types of Roadway Elements ► Lane widths ► Shoulder widths ► Sidewalk widths ► Planting strips ► Bicycle facilities

8 Classification & Land Use ► Classifications :  Principal Arterial  Minor Arterial  Collector  Local Access ► Land Use  High Speed  Commercial/Industrial  Residential ► Not Included - Central Business Districts

9 Principal Arterial – High Speed

10 Principal Arterial – Commercial/Industrial

11 Principal Arterial - Residential

12 Minor Arterial – Commercial/Industrial

13 Minor Arterial - Residential

14 Collector – Commercial/Industrial

15 Collector - Residential

16 Local Access – Commercial/Industrial

17 Local Access - Residential

18 Roadway Structural Sections ► The structural sections listed for each type of roadway are the minimums required and apply to the gravel and sand classifications of the underlying soils. ► The underlying silts and clays will generally require engineering analysis for a proper structural section. ► As an alternative to an engineering analysis for silts and clays, a structural fabric may be placed on top of the subgrade, under the crushed rock, as approved by the agency. ► The structural sections may be increased if a higher percentage of truck traffic is anticipated.

19 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities ► Types  Bike Lanes  Widen Curb Lanes  Multi-Use Paths ► Placement, use, and type determined by jurisdiction

20 ADA ► Federal Law (no local discretion) ► Common Elements for consideration:  Maximum 2% Cross Slope  Landings are required at the top and bottom of each ramp  There are multiple types of ramps for different situations

21 Example ADA Curb Ramps

22 What is next? ► Written comments will be accepted until June 9, 2006 and integrated into the standards. ► Next draft version will go to each agency’s planning commission for additional comment and input. ► Final version will go to councils and commissioners for public hearing and adoption.

23 How do you get copies of the Draft Standards ► Copies will be available electronically on the City of Walla Walla website. ► Hard copies can be obtained at agency offices for the cost of the copies. ► Some copies available here for $4.25

24 Comment Submittals ► Provide written comment to any of the following contacts by June 9, 2006:  Wrandoll Brenes Morua, P.E. 55 Moore Street Walla Walla, Washington 99362  John Dirr P.O. Box 813 Walla Walla, Washington 99362  Nicola P. Metzger, P.E. 625 South College Avenue College Place, Washington 99324

25 Next? ► Joint stormwater guidelines and standards are in the initial stage of development. ► Cities of Walla Walla and College Place plan to develop joint utility standards in the future.

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