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Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve –Measure Screening Results New Measure Proposal February 19th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve –Measure Screening Results New Measure Proposal February 19th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve –Measure Screening Results New Measure Proposal February 19th, 2014

2 Measure background Measure Name: Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve Likely Measure Type:UES Likely Measure Category:Provisional Measure Sector:Residential End-Use:Hot Water Proposing Party:ShowerStart, LLC Interested Party: Southern California Gas, Ucons

3 Measure Definition and Specifications Device works by slowing the water down to a trickle once the hot water reaches the valve, thus saving the hot water that would be wasted down the drain when the shower is not being attended. In CA this measure is bundled with low flow showerheads.

4 Behavioral Waste Reduced by Thermostatic Restriction Valves Original LBNL research (Lutz, 2011) investigated 36 shower events in 3 households. o Only 5 events provided usable data. Recent study by the same author collected usable data from 60 shower events (8 homes, 13 bathrooms) o Study yet to be published by LBNL o Behavioral hot water waste occurs for approximately 45 seconds.

5 Measure Screening Assumptions Water temperature and shower use assumptions taken from (UES) Low Flow Showerheads measure workbook. o Inlet mains temperature is assumed to be 55 degrees F. o Mixed water temperature is calculated to be 108 – 111 degrees F, depending on showerhead flow rate. o 370 showers per year, per showerhead Savings for four distinct showerheads with flowrate - 2.5, 2, 1.75, and 1.5 GPM. Electric water heater tank efficiency is assumed to be 100 %. Heat Pump COP assumed to be 2.5.

6 Measure Screening Assumptions No NEBs were taken into account. Accounting for NEBs would increase the cost effectiveness of the measure. Measure cost assumed to be $16. Cost estimate provided by ShowerStart, LLC. Measure life assumed to be 10 years. o Measure life provided by ShowerStart (10,000 cycles) exceeded 10 years which is RTF approved EUL for showerheads. o ShowerStart EUL estimate verified by IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials – ANSI certified)

7 Measure Savings Estimate

8 Measure Cost Effectiveness Estimate

9 Staff Assessment Staff believes that this measure could be developed as a Provisional UES Measure o Measure is cost effective based on initial screening tests. o Staff to conduct a detailed review of the experimental data provided by LBNL. o Staff to draft a Provisional UES Measure workbook and research plan. o Research plan will detail additional data required to develop this measure into a UES measure.

10 RTF Proposed Motion: “I _________ move that the RTF: (Pick one) 1.allocate staff resources towards developing a Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve Provisional UES measure, or 2.not allocate staff resources to developing a Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve Provisional UES measure.”

11 Refrigeration Cycle Optimization – Staff Technology Review New Measure Proposal February 19th, 2014

12 Technology Definition and Specifications Instruments make it possible to attain system performance data to optimize refrigeration and cooling system operation ClimaCheck manufactures two types of equipment that meet this specification: o Portable Installation: Portable ClimaCheck can be connected to a desired system; it will provide equipment performance documentation within 30 minutes of connection. o Fixed Installation: Fixed ClimaCheck equipment will provide continuous monitoring of equipment performance and energy consumption. Immediate feedback provided if maintenance required.

13 Sample Equipment

14 Actions Taken Since Last Meeting RTF asked staff to further investigate the use of this technology as a tool to estimate savings, or as a Standard Protocol. RTF Staff further reviewed the Refrigeration Cycle Optimization technology and found technology to be sound. o RTF Staff review was aided by Bob Davis (Ecotope). Staff spoke with James Anthony (BPA Contractor) and ClimaCheck to understand the energy efficiency measures this technology could best serve.

15 Staff Assessment Staff recommends that Refrigeration Cycle Optimization technology is a good tool to understand potential savings and system performance. This technology is not a measure in itself. BPA contractor (James Anthony) thinks this technology could help better understand EER of grocery store refrigeration systems. o A large number of grocery measures would benefit from a better understanding of EER. o He will investigate the usefulness of this technology and keep RTF staff up to date of his findings and any data that is collected through this effort. Staff will keep this technology in mind while drafting Standard Protocols for refrigeration and HVAC measures in the future. o No further staff action required.

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