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Computer Architecture B-tree construction & Traversal YongSoo Bae Room 236, Engineering Building [Project 1]

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Architecture B-tree construction & Traversal YongSoo Bae Room 236, Engineering Building [Project 1]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Architecture B-tree construction & Traversal YongSoo Bae Room 236, Engineering Building [Project 1]

2 Project1  Due date : 2010. 5. 14. (Mon.)  Main Purpose of this Project  Understand ARM assembly language and Recursive Function algorithm  Develop a ARM machine program  ARM Developer Suite v1.2  Using this program, it’s possible to run a ARM assembly code  Download an Installation Guide from the following website :   B-tree construction & Traversal

3 ARM Developer Suite  Install guide in zip file is available, further information is searched in internet.  You can use developer guide documents in PDF polder  ADS_AssemblerGuide_B.pdf  ADS_DeveloperGuide_D.pdf  You can get much information to search it from google

4 B-tree construction & Traversal  What to submit?  A code file [student number.s] : 60%  ex) 20XX170XXX.s  Include detailed comments inside your code  A WORD/HWP document that describes your algorithm : 40%  File name is same as code file, ex)  You can use any word processor.  You must explain your code and algorithm in detail.  Your document will be used to determine partial credit if the code fails to run.  Save your files in [student number] folder, and zip.  Follow this example. ex)  Submit your zip file through E-Mail

5 B-tree construction & Traversal  B-Tree  A B-tree is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time  The B-tree is a generalization of a binary search tree in that a node can have more than two children  2-4 tree : it is B-tree that has 4 max children and 3 max data  You can consult B-tree information from internet

6 Upper value is example. It will be change 10 days ago from deadline. Use this sequence for input data B-tree construction & Traversal  Construct B-tree  Insert 30 integer sequence of right insertion sequence to tree.  Test B-tree implementation, you can use simple sequence  Use insert function that use memorized data in memory, not input data by keyboard  Delete element  Delete 3 integer sequence of right deletion sequence in tree  You must use insert function that use input data by keyboard  Show traversal sequences from the B-tree.  pre-order, in-order, and post-order Insertion Sequence 0x1x2x 137923667 2445715970 3655933587 4760949244 592991750 6622501218 7358765929 8241645321 95024102 10287974885 Deletion Sequence 123 0x241933885

7 B-tree construction & Traversal  Tree traversal : tree structures can be traversed in many different ways. Starting at the root of a binary tree, there are three main steps that can be performed and the order in which they are performed defines the traversal type.  To traverse a non-empty binary tree in pre-order, perform the following operations recursively at each node, starting with the root node  Visit the root ⇒ Traverse the left subtree ⇒ Traverse the right subtree  To traverse a non-empty binary tree in in-order, perform the following operations recursively at each node  Traverse the left subtree ⇒ Visit the root ⇒ Traverse the right subtree  To traverse a non-empty binary tree in post-order, perform the following operations recursively at each node  Traverse the left subtree ⇒ Traverse the right subtree ⇒ Visit the root

8  This is only example.  At 10 days ago from deadline, I will update correct data and result.  You can test simple data that you choose. B-tree construction & Traversal Input ***************** OPTION ***************** 1. Insert sequence 2. Delete data 3. Pre-order 4. In-order 5. Post-order ***************** > 3 Output ********************************* RESULT ********************************* Root : 244 | 4,37,50 | 102,218,241 | 244,287 | 321 | 358,445 | 501,502,587 | *********************************

9 B-tree construction & Traversal  Point!  You have to use recursive function.  If you don’t understand about this project, You can use E-mail or Use the board in our laboratory homepage  Use only assembly language, don`t use mixing c/c++  Don’t use disassembler. I will check this strictly  To get input data from console except insertion put output data and to console, you must use swi  CDHDCD.html CDHDCD.html 

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