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Do Now: May 1, 2015  Write down tonight’s homework.  Get a whiteboard, marker, and eraser for you and your partner (get the best working marker you can-

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: May 1, 2015  Write down tonight’s homework.  Get a whiteboard, marker, and eraser for you and your partner (get the best working marker you can-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: May 1, 2015  Write down tonight’s homework.  Get a whiteboard, marker, and eraser for you and your partner (get the best working marker you can- no complaining!)  Have out your worksheet for homework to check the answers.  We will then go over the study guide.

2 Ms. Ruberto will now show you the answers for the homework sheet. Be sure to check your work!

3  Working with your partner, you will answer each question on the white board.  Questions will simulate the format of your test on Tuesday.  DO NOT raise your board until Ms. Ruberto says, “Hoist!”  You will keep track of your points on your board.  The winner(s) will receive a sticker! Sentences Review Game: Rules

4 Read the following sentence and write the TYPE of sentence it is. After running the Long Branch Half Marathon, Ms. Ruberto felt proud and accomplished. Question #1 Complex Sentence

5 Label the parts of the following sentence: underline the clauses and label what type of clause it is; circle the conjunctions and label what type of clause it is. Although thought to be indestructible, the Twin Towers fell on September 11, 2001, and it forever changed the New York City skyline. Question #2 subordinating Dependent clause coordinating Independent clause

6 Given the following topic, create your own original sentence according to the type of sentence listed: Topic: Demarest Middle School Type of sentence: compound-complex Question #3 Teacher’s Example: Even though it is a small district, Demarest Middle School is a wonderful community, for it is filled with dedicated staff and administration.

7 Read the following sentence and state the type of sentence it is: Mrs. Erol enjoys Dunkin Donuts coffee in the morning, but Ms. Verno enjoys Starbucks coffee instead. Question #4 Compound Sentence

8 Label the parts of the following sentence: underline the clauses and label what type of clause it is; circle the conjunctions and label what type of clause it is. The team captain jumped for joy, and the crowd roared because we won the state championship. Question #5 coordinating subordinating Independent clause Dependent clause

9 Given the following topic, create your own original sentence according to the type of sentence listed: Topic: favorite sports team Type of sentence: compound-complex Question #6 Teacher’s Example: The New York Yankees have been on a winning streak, even though they were losing in the beginning, but Yankee fans have a long season ahead.

10 Read the following sentence and state the type of sentence it is: Laura forgot her friend's birthday, so she sent her a card when she finally remembered. Question #7 Compound-complex

11 Read the following sentence and state the type of sentence it is: Because the soup was cold, I warmed it in the microwave. Question #8 Complex

12 Read the following sentence and state the type of sentence it is: Even though the pirate captain lost his treasure map, he still found the buried treasure, but it was lost in the sand. Question #9 Compound-complex

13 Given the following topic, create your own original sentence according to the type of sentence listed: Topic: favorite food Type of sentence: compound-complex Question #10 Teacher’s Example: Although beef isn’t the healthiest, cheeseburgers are Ms. Ruberto’s favorite food, yet sushi is a close second favorite.

14 State the role of the word “however” in the following sentence: The mathematics test was quite difficult, causing many students to fail; however, Mrs. Erol decided to allow extra credit. Bonus Question However = adverb

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