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Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow. Father of Humanism  Humanistic Assumptions All humans have an innate tendency toward personal growth & fulfillment.

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Presentation on theme: "Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow. Father of Humanism  Humanistic Assumptions All humans have an innate tendency toward personal growth & fulfillment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow

2 Father of Humanism  Humanistic Assumptions All humans have an innate tendency toward personal growth & fulfillment Problems arise from conditional love Unconditional Positive Regard Reflective Client-Centered counseling techniques Organismic Valuing Process Model

3 Hierarchy of Needs Assumptions in the hierarchy  Hierarchy is meant to explain how the “tendency toward growth” works as a model  Satisfaction at a lower level leads naturally to a higher level of need.  Lower level needs must be met first before higher level needs can be met.  Self-Actualization Living up to your greatest potential

4 Hierarchy of Needs (Overhead) Deficiency Needs (Lower level needs)  A feeling that something is lacking is very motivating. If you are thirsty, what are you motivated to do?  When a deficiency need is satisfied, the motivation for that level decreases. Once you drink enough water, do you keep drinking?

5 Hierarchy of Needs Model Growth Needs (Higher level needs)  A feeling of fulfillment is very motivating. Learning new technique in Ed. Psych. makes you want more Ed. Psych.  When a growth need is satisfied or achieved, the motivation for that level increases. Your first short story is published in a literary magazine, makes you want to write creatively even more.

6 Hierarchy of Needs - Levels Physiological Needs  Physical necessities for sustaining life Most Pre-potent need within the model Food, Water, Shelter, Sleep, ????? Safety Needs  Threat of pain of all kinds Emotional & Physical Previous stability becomes unpredictable

7 Hierarchy of Needs - Levels Love & Belonging Needs  Sense of membership/acceptance in a group Pathologies often linked to a lack of belonging Ethnicity, Chess club, Sports teams, ?????? Esteem Needs  Dignity and respect from self & peers Sense of self-worth within a group Roles within a group, leader, follower, note-taker

8 Hierarchy of Needs - Levels Need to Know & Understand  Acquisition of new knowledge Differentiating, Assimilating, or Associating Discoveries, AHA! moments, Achievements Aesthetic Needs  Mastery to the point of creating art Why just do something when you can do it beautifully. Poetry vs. paragraphs, recital vs. composing, exercise vs. dance

9 Hierarchy of Needs - Levels Self-Actualization Needs  Live to fullest potential Take advantage of all talents & abilities Albert Einstein, Sam Rahube, Fran Hiezel, etc.

10 Hierarchy of Needs - Limitations Inconsistent Stages Stages can be skipped Movement up & down the levels Multiple needs at the same time Satisfaction of a need is extremely arbitrary

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