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Areas of Learning As part of our topic this term, we will be exploring water within our world- major bodies of water within the world, the water cycle,

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Presentation on theme: "Areas of Learning As part of our topic this term, we will be exploring water within our world- major bodies of water within the world, the water cycle,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Areas of Learning As part of our topic this term, we will be exploring water within our world- major bodies of water within the world, the water cycle, how it shapes life and the nurturing and destructive qualities of water around us. We will explore water through music and dance and how it has become a catalyst for areas of popular culture. In art, we will work primarily with watercolours, exploring a series of brush techniques to create both detailed and abstract landscapes. We will consider how despite 70% of our world is covered in water, there are still places in the world that do not yet have fresh water for drinking. We will also study some of the diseases associated with unclean and untreated water and how these can devastate communities. Global Citizens We will recognise the importance of other traditions and religions throughout the world during our study of Islam and Judaism during our RE lessons. Through research and lessons we will be aware of fundraising opportunities where we can make a difference to areas of our planet and where possible make these water- related. Creativity and a love of learning We will look to plan our curriculum starting with children’s questions, linking our areas of English, Art, History and Music together within one topic. We will experience themed days within this topic, giving children a first hand experience that we lead into their writing. Skills for Life We will continue to build important life skills through our varied Science and Engineering weeks. We will consider ways in which we can save water around the house by looking at daily tasks and considering how much water is wasted through these. The Whole Child Harnessing the importance of getting along together and building long lasting friendships with those around us. We will consider this through our class lessons, collective worship and liturgy, anti-bullying and anti-racism themed weeks as well as fundraising for CAFOD. Water Year 6 Spring term – Mr Haws

2 Communication, Language & Literacy Through our reading and writing, we will work on a number of different projects over the coming months. We will start first with a short story focused on flashbacks, using The Piano by Adrian Gibbons as our inspiration. We will focus most of our writing on water, and through our knowledge of personification, will write from the point of view of water as it travels from source to sea. Our non- fiction writing will be informative, charting the different types of animals and creatures found living in the waters of Britain and around the world. Religious Education During this term, as always, RE will shape many of the things we do each day, with Christ being the centre of our school. During our lessons we will study the source of many people’s religious understanding, including the Bible. We will see how the Eucharist enables people to live in communion with each other. Then, as we near Easter, we will celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection. Mathematics Over the next term, maths will include continuous study centred around: All 4 operations + - x ÷ Fractions, decimals and percentages Shape and Space Mental calculations Solving multi-step word problems/problem solving Place value Puzzles and patterns Measurements and statistics Computing We will oversee all of our computing lessons with a background understanding of E-Safety which will allow us to continue to be mindful of the dangers of the internet. We will continue to familiarise ourselves with Scratch, a computer resource which is an excellent introduction to computer programming. Learning & Thinking Skills The children in the class will be challenged regularly with a series of challenges, brain teasers and puzzles to help develop problem solving and determination. Social Skills We will work on building bridges through our ability to see the good in others and celebrate what makes us unique. Geographical Understanding Our main focus of the term will be geographical knowledge, finding and locating the main bodies of water within the world, and having an understanding of famous rivers and seas. We will consider how global warming will affect our planet aswell as identifying countries within the world where water is still scarce. D & T Skills We will plan and design water carriers and canisters for keeping water cold and pure. We will think about materials needed to help sustain temperature and use this knowledge to help our design. We consider and plan areas of water that require dams, and design these to fit in with the environment. Science Skills We will develop our investigation skills around water, testing its properties and behaviour and learning about the water cycle. We will also study the wide range of living things that use water as a habitat, how they have developed and evolved in the water. Art We will primarily be using watercolours during this term, learning techniques for small detail and larger washes of colour. We will use bodies of water as our focus and attempt to use a number of different painting styles. Physical Education We will begin the term by focusing on acrobatic gymnastics, where the children will attempt to evaluate and improve their performances that will include different kinds of balances and gymnastic actions. We will continue to work on means of expression through dance where we will try to mimic the movement of water through our collection of vocabulary.

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