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Chapter 2 Empathy Amber Gilewski Tompkins Cortland Community College.

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1 Chapter 2 Empathy Amber Gilewski Tompkins Cortland Community College

2 What is Empathy?  Imagining yourself in someone else’s shoes  Sharing another being’s feelings and emotions  Difference between sympathy vs. empathy?

3 Empathy & Social Action  Empathy is related to compassion  Compassion gives rise to altruism & social action  We respond to suffering in many ways  Some of the distress we feel can cause us to act

4 Snap Judgments  Rushing to judgment or ideas about someone else  Snap judgments prevent us from being empathic  Belief in a “just world” can create snap judgments  How can we avoid making snap judgments?

5 Forgiveness  Ending resentment or anger towards someone we believe offended us  Possibly stopping to demand punishment, apology, or payback  Forgiveness appears helpful to our well-being  It is linked with less depression, anger, and hostility  Can improve our self-esteem, increase empathy, and generates a greater sense of control AMISH SCHOOL SHOOTING & FORGIVENESS AMISH SCHOOL SHOOTING & FORGIVENESS

6 Fostering Empathy  Take the other’s perspective  Listen actively to those in distress (even strangers)  Learn from stories and films  Volunteer to help others  Role play  Extend compassion to those outside of your circle  Do random acts of kindness  Raise helpful children

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