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¡A Comer! Capítulo 6 VOCABULARIO 1. Commenting on Food Making Polite Requests.

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Presentation on theme: "¡A Comer! Capítulo 6 VOCABULARIO 1. Commenting on Food Making Polite Requests."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡A Comer! Capítulo 6 VOCABULARIO 1

2 Commenting on Food Making Polite Requests

3 El Agua 1. water

4 El Atún 2. tuna

5 La ensalada de frutas 3. Fruit Salad

6 El flan 4. Custard

7 El jamón 5. Ham

8 El jugo 6. Juice

9 La leche 7. Milk

10 Las papas 8. Potatoes

11 Las papas fritas 9. French Fries

12 El queso 10. Cheese

13 El refresco 11. Soda

14 La salsa 12. Sauce, Gravy

15 El sándwich 13. Sandwich

16 La sopa de verduras 14. Vegetable Soup

17 El tomate 15. Tomato

18 Caliente 16. HOT (temperature)

19 Salado (a) 17. Salty

20 Picante 18. Hot (spicy)

21 Rico (a)… Riquisimo (a) 19. Delicious

22 Frio (a) 20. Cold

23 Me encanta (n) 21. I really like… I love…

24 En la mesa hay… 22. There are … on the table.

25 No estoy de acuerdo. 23. I don’t agree.

26 Para tomar puedes pedir… 24. You can order… to drink

27 ¿Qué prefieres pedir? 25. What would your rather have?

28 ¿Qué tal está(n)…? 26. How are the…?

29 ¿Qué vas a pedir? 27. What are you going to order?

30 GRAMÁTICA 1 Stem-Changing Verbs SER vs, ESTAR

31 Pedir 28. To ask for… To order

32 Preferir 29. To prefer

33 Probar (ue) 30. To try, to taste

34 Servir 31. To serve

35 ¡A Comer! Capítulo 6 Gramática 1

36 Conjugate the two verbs in Spanish that mean “TO BE”…

37 When do you use the two different “To Be” verbs? Place each of the descriptions under the appropriate verb. SERESTAR How people are doing Location Where someone is from Descriptions Day, Date, Time Telling what food is normally like Telling what a specific food is like at a particular moment

38 Conjugate the following [o-ue] stem-changing verbs. “to be able to” “to taste, to try”

39 Conjugate the following [e-i] stem-changing verbs. “to ask for, to order” “to serve”

40 Conjugate the following [e-ie] stem-changing verbs. “to prefer”

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