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Welcome!. Welcome to Final Jeopardy The Hawaiian Rainforests.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!. Welcome to Final Jeopardy The Hawaiian Rainforests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!

2 Welcome to Final Jeopardy The Hawaiian Rainforests

3 Instructions 1.Click on a number under a category. 2.The answer is given and you must come up with the question. You will have 30 seconds to answer. 3.After 30 seconds the question will appear. 4.Click on Categories to go back to pick another one. Notes Don’t want the music, press the speaker. Need to review, click the Review button and it will go to the class wiki to the specific research page. Finish before the music, click on the screen to reveal question.

4 Hawaiian Rainforest BiodiversityWatershed Cultural Connection DepletionFuture 100 200 300 400 500 Need to Review? Why is the Hawaiian Rainforest important? Resources

5 Answer: Rainforest: 100 Question: What are plants that make up the Hawaiian Rainforests? Review Categories

6 Rainforest: 200 Answer: Question: What are animals found in the Hawaiian Rainforests? Review Categories

7 Rainforest: 300 Answer: Question: Review Categories

8 Rainforest: 400 Answer: Question: Categories Review

9 Rainforest: 500 Answer: Question: Categories Review

10 Biodiversity: 100 Answer: The variety of life forms on Earth. Question: What is biodiversity? Review Categories

11 Biodiversity: 200 Answer: Question: Review Categories

12 Biodiversity: 300 Answer: Question: Review Categories

13 Biodiversity: 400 Answer: Question: Review Categories

14 Biodiversity: 500 Answer: Question: Review Categories

15 Watershed: 100 Answer: An area of land that catches and collects rain water. Question: What is a watershed? Review Categories

16 Watershed: 200 Answer: Question: Review Categories

17 Watershed: 300 Answer: Question: Review Categories

18 Watershed: 400 Answer: Question: Review Categories

19 Watershed: 500 Answer: Question: Review Categories

20 Culture: 100 Answer: The `ōhi`a lehua. Question: What is the plant that represents Kū in the wao akua? Review Categories

21 Culture: 200 Answer: Question: Review Categories

22 Culture: 300 Answer: Question: Review Categories

23 Culture: 400 Answer: Question: Review Categories

24 Culture: 500 Answer: Question: Review Categories

25 Depletion: 100 Answer: Agriculture, Grazing, Logging, Development Question: What are the major causes of native forest lost? Review Categories

26 Depletion: 200 Answer: Question: Review Categories

27 Depletion: 300 Answer: Question: Review Categories

28 Depletion: 400 Answer: Question: Review Categories

29 Depletion: 500 Answer: Question: Review Categories

30 Future: 100 Answer: Volunteering to plant trees or conserve water. Question: What are ways you can help protect the Hawaiian Rainforest? Review Categories

31 Future: 200 Answer: Question: Review Categories

32 Future: 300 Answer: Question: Review Categories

33 Future: 400 Answer: Question: Review Categories

34 Future: 500 Answer: Question: Review Categories

35 Resources Photo Credits: Hapu`u Frond by Frank Peters from Koa, Olinda, Maui by Tentacle from Music Credit: Theme from “Jeopardy” Think Music from 30 Essential TV Themes Categories Review

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