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Creating a Survey Using Dreamweaver’s Record Insertion Form Wizard.

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1 Creating a Survey Using Dreamweaver’s Record Insertion Form Wizard

2 Creating a Survey Creating a survey is a six-step process: First, create the data table that will hold the survey results. Second, create the Web page upon which you want the user to land after filling out your survey. Third, create the Web page that will contain the survey. Make this an ASP page. Fourth, from design view, pull down the Insert menu and select Application Objects > Insert Record > Record Insertion Form Wizard. Fifth, fill out the Record Insertion Form dialog. Sixth, publish and test the page.

3 Create the Database Start Microsoft Access, pull down its File menu, and choose the option to create a new blank database. When the File New Database dialog appears, name the database Survey.mdb, and save it in a folder that is not in Web space.

4 Create the Data Table Double-click the option to create a table in Design view. When the Table window opens, create the following five fields. After you type each Field Name, press the Tab key, and a pull-down menu appears in the Data Type column. Pull down that menu and make the field’s data type match the ones illustrated here:

5 Save the Ages Table Pull down the File menu and choose Save; when the Save dialog appears, name the table Ages. When Access asks if you want a primary key, say yes. Access will make ResponseID the primary key, because the autonumber data type makes each user have a unique ResponseID.

6 Transfer the Database Transfer the database to the designated folder containing databases for your Web site. In this course, you can create a Dreamweaver site for publishing your databases. The next two slides show the local and remote settings.

7 Local Info Settings

8 Remote Info for FTP Access

9 Creating the Landing Page Use Dreamweaver to open the site in which you want to create the survey form. The landing page is where the user will be taken after filling out your survey. The landing page typically thanks the user for filling out your survey. If your landing page does not already exist, use Dreamweaver to create it now.

10 Creating the Survey Web Page Pull down the File menu and choose New to bring up the New Document dialog. Select the Dynamic Page category to make the Dynamic Page options appear. Select ASP JavaScript and click the Create button; the new page appears. Pull down the File menu, choose Save, and save the file in your site’s local root folder.

11 Running the Record Insertion Form Wizard From design view, pull down the Insert menu and select Application Objects > Insert Record > Record Insertion Form Wizard. When the Record Insertion Form dialog appears, fill it out to suit your survey. The next page shows an example of how to complete this dialog.

12 Filling Out the Record Insertion Form Dialog

13 Defining the Connection In this course, the connection string is: "DBQ=C:\\fthstudents\ databases\lastname\Survey.mdb; DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}“ -or- "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\fthstudents\databases\lastname\Survey. mdb“

14 Testing the Survey Web Page After you click OK to close the Record Insertion Form dialog, the survey form will appear onscreen. Save the file and press F12 to publish it to your Web site and test it. When the Web page survey appears, fill it out and click the Submit button.

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