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6.04 Honors Assessment Template.

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1 6.04 Honors Assessment Template

2 Assessment Fertilization and Development Graphic Organizer Create a graphic organizer (flow chart, Venn diagram, etc.) to describe the major events in each of the trimesters of fetal development. You can use any graphic organizer format that you wish, but you must include each trimester and supporting details about each. First Trimester Second Trimester Third Trimester Details to discuss include: Blastocyst Gastrulation Ectoderm Endoderm Mesoderm Neurulation Nervous system development in each trimester Bone and specific organ development in each trimester

3 Examples of flow chart graphics that you may use for this assignment.

4 Note: If you are unable to use the graphics from the previous slide, or you’re having general
technical difficulties with the flow chart, you may use the slides below for this assignment. This assignment is worth 20 points. To receive full credit, all of the terms from Slide 2 must be used. Each correct use of term, along with properly identifying what trimester it occurs in, is Worth 2.5 points.

5 1st Trimester

6 2nd Trimester

7 3rd Trimester

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