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TheEdge Instructional Presentation Information contained within this presentation is proprietary to SunAmerica. Marketing Materials Order Management System.

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Presentation on theme: "TheEdge Instructional Presentation Information contained within this presentation is proprietary to SunAmerica. Marketing Materials Order Management System."— Presentation transcript:

1 TheEdge Instructional Presentation Information contained within this presentation is proprietary to SunAmerica. Marketing Materials Order Management System

2 What is TheEdge? TheEdge (the System) is a Web-based internal order management system used to facilitate all orders of SunAmerica marketing materials. Access to the System is limited to employees (primarily sales, marketing & operations). The System is updated with information from eleven internal SunAmerica databases to allow for retrieval of Broker, Policyholder, and Employee information. For help with using TheEdge, contact or call the Distribution HuntLine at (818)

3 Features Broker, Policyholder, External Wholesaler, or Employee shipping information is automatically displayed to eliminate manual entry. Catalog viewing is customized for each client, which makes materials retrieval easier and faster. Many of the pieces can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader, software already loaded on user workstations. Depending on file size, some materials can be emailed, downloaded, and/or faxed directly from the System, saving delivery time and production and shipping costs. Users receive automatic email confirmations for new orders Created, and orders Shipped. Complete, online viewing of orders is available by client, by confirmation number, or by the order creator.

4 Using the System Employees may navigate to the System by following the link “EDGE Ordering System” available on the SunAmerica Connect intranet homepage. Alternatively, they may enter the URL into the browser address bar. By selecting a Broker, Policyholder, or Employee, the Catalog automatically displays Marketing materials specific to that Client. Browsing the Catalog, the user can order items to be delivered via email or fax, and if shipment is necessary, via regular post using UPS shipping services. After placing a shipment order, the user will receive an email confirmation in their Outlook Inbox. The System can be accessed at any time to check real-time shipment status for any order. Multiple shipping addresses can be stored for any client and are accessible by all other users of the System.

5 About the Interface There are seven, step-by-Step Navigation Tabs: Welcome Select Client View Catalog View & Submit Order Order History View Profile Marketing News Follow along while each is explained. To go back or forward at any time, select the presentation navigation buttons at the bottom, left side of your screen.

6 Welcome From the System homepage, enter your Login ID. To get a Login ID and password, send your request to Enter your Password. Passwords are case sensitive. You have up to three attempts to enter your password correctly. If you forget your password or become locked out, call the Help Desk at x4455. Never share your ID with Anyone.

7 Selecting a Client Broker Select a specific Broker by Name, Social Security Number, Appointed States, or by Sales Relationship. Policyholder Select a Policyholder by Policy Number, Social Security Number, or Name. Self Service Select Self Service Client to view all materials in the Catalog. Items ordered for shipping will be delivered to your office, or to an alternative person/address you select or create. External Wholesaler Select an External Wholesaler by Name, Email Address, or by Sales Division. Registered Employee Select a Registered Employee, those registered as a user of TheEdge Order Management System, by Name, Email Address, or by Department. After logging in, the System will automatically navigate to the Select Client tab where you can Narrow the Catalog by Client Type.

8 Viewing the Catalog To view a specific Catalog Item, enter the Item Number, Title, or some or all of the Item Description in the Search Entire Catalog field. You can use Firm Approvals to adjust the catalog view for policyholders, brokers, or specific states. Select a State to show only materials available in a specific State. Or Select an Item Type to show only material of a specific type (ex. Brochure, Sales Idea, Presentation, etc.) The Catalog has been organized into categories, so items may also be found by clicking and following these category links

9 Viewing by Catalog Categories Select a Main Category from the top row to begin the catalog navigation process. Making a selection will display a set of subcategories along the left side of the webpage. Continue to drill-down through the Sub Categories until the desired material is found

10 Viewing by Item Type Narrow the catalog by selecting an Item Type from the Select Item Type dropdown box If you use the Select Item Type dropdown box before selecting any Categories, then you will be shown a list of ALL matching items in the entire catalog. Choosing an Item Type while navigating through the categories will filter the categories, but will not present you with a list of matching results.

11 Viewing by Item Type - Show All Items Narrow the catalog by selecting an Item Type from the Select Item Type dropdown box Clicking the dropdown box will show the list of available item types Click on an Item to select it and then click the Go button to view your list of results

12 Viewing by Item Type - Categories are Filtered Notice that some categories have disappeared. Filtering by Item Type will display only those categories that contain those I tem types. As you continue to drilldown through the categories, you will notice that only those categories that will lead you to an item of the selected Item Type will display.

13 Viewing by Item Type - New Links A new Reset Item Type link will appear. Click on this link to reset the catalog to its original state. A Return to Results Page link appears. Click on this link at any time to return to this page which shows ALL of the items for the selected Item Type

14 Search Entire Catalog Type in all or part of an Item Number or Item Name in the Search Entire Catalog field to display Items that match that criteria. KITPAD1G

15 Firm Approvals Click on Firm Approvals to narrow the Catalog using these selection options: Under the Select Member Type, choose Self Service to return the Catalog to displaying all materials. By selecting Policyholder, only Items available to policyholders will display in the Catalog view. Choose Broker/Dealer and then select a Broker/Dealer group to narrow the Catalog to display only Items available to that firm; further narrowing by selecting specific States or clicking Select All option. Royal Alliance    Press Go to view the Catalog using the selections made.

16 Item Selection Press View/Print to view the Item in Adobe Acrobat Reader, print thereafter. To email an Item, Press Email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma (,) and no space. To fax an Item, Press Fax ; omit parentheses, dashes, and spaces. To save an Item to your hard drive, Press Download ; files will be saved in PDF format. To ship an Item, Enter a Quantity into the QTY box and then Press Add to Order. Select View & Submit Order to view the list of ordered items.

17 Viewing & Submitting An Order Select View & Submit Order tab to view a list of ordered items. Make any changes to the Order Quantity or Press Remove to delete an Item from the list and Press Update Order to save your changes. Press Continue Ordering to return to the Catalog. Press Complete Order to review shipping address and delivery options.

18 Submitting An Order – Address Information The Ship To address will default to the primary address listed in the internal profile for the Client. If the order will be shipped to a different address that won’t necessarily be used again, Press Create One-Time Ship-To and enter the shipping address information. To select a different address already stored, or to create new addresses to be used again in the future, Press Select Different Address. All addresses entered are accessible by any other System user.

19 Completing An Order – Delivery Information Complete the Desired Delivery Date. Click the Calendar button and select a weekday for the shipment to arrive. The default setting for shipping carrier is Best Way to Meet Date. Leave this option and the most appropriate service to get it there by your desired date will be decided for you. Select SunAmerica Expedited to choose UPS expedited shipping services. Select Other Expedited to select other overnight service providers. You must provide an express service account number, and some express providers will not deliver to a PO Box.

20 Submitting An Order An order confirmation can be sent via email to the order recipient by entering an email address in the E-mail field. Separate multiple addresses using a comma (,) and no space. Deliver to second floor Shipping Room. To return to the Catalog, Press Continue Ordering. To change an order quantity or remove an item from the order, Press Modify Order. To submit the order, Press Submit Order. You can enter a brief message in the Message to your Client field; this information will also appear in the email order confirmation. Once Submit is pressed, the order prints, is packed and ships. For this reason, we cannot cancel orders. Users should verify all information before pressing Submit. If an error is discovered, another order will have to be placed.

21 Power Order A an alternative way of ordering materials from TheEdge is through Power Order. Power Order is a simplified way of submitting orders. Some of the benefits of Power Order are:  Streamlined order entry process  Uses only a single screen for order entry  Shortens total time needed for submitting an order  Includes ability to ship to multiple addresses in single order

22 Click on the “Place Power Order” button to begin the ordering process Power Order - Getting Started

23 Power Order - Landing Page The Power Order landing page displays showing Shipping Details Desired Delivery Date Message to your clients Item Search

24 Power Order - Search Begin the ordering process by searching for the desired materials. You may enter the name of the item, or enter the item # of the material, and then click on the Search/Add link. If the search finds that only one item matches the search criteria, then the item is automatically added to the cart.

25 Power Order - Search Results If your search finds several possible matches, add the desired item to the cart by entering the qty in the Qty box and then clicking on the Add to Order link. You may add a single item to the cart, or multiple items with a single click.

26 Power Order - Search & Add to Order When you know exactly what you want to order and need to place it in as little amount of time as possible… You may add an item and the desired quantity to an order with one “click” by entering an exact form number for the catalog item to be ordered.

27 Power Order - Search Results & Add to Order When you have an exact match against the catalog item number with a quantity entered, both will be reflected in the order detail as shown here.

28 Power Order - Calendar Once you are done adding items to the cart, you will be required to enter the date that you wish to have the order delivered. Click on the Calendar link to display the calendar Once you click on a desired date, the calendar will close and your delivery date will be saved to the order

29 Power Order - Order Summary After all required items are added to the order and the delivery date has been established, you are ready to submit the order. Before submitting the order, you may specify an e-mail address for receiving e-mail confirmations of your order. You may either enter your e-mail address, or someone else, or just leave blank if you do not wish to receive any e-mail confirmations for this order. Multiple emails addresses are supported when sparated by a comma. When ready to submit the order, click on the Submit link

30 Order History – Client Search Select the Order History tab to view order history by Client, including Brokers, Broker/Dealers, Policyholders, or by other Employees using the System. To search for a Client, Select Order History By Client and Choose the type of Client you wish to search. In this example, the search will be for a Broker by the name of ‘Susan Huffman’. Once the listing appears, Order History is selected. HuffmanSusan

31 Viewing Order History Filter order history by Status and/or by a Date Period. Press Search to display all orders that meet that criteria. Your can view the original order by selecting View Details. To view Order History for a specific Order, Select Order History By Confirmation Number and enter the Confirmation Number. To view History of all orders placed by yourself, Select View My Order History.

32 Viewing Client Profiles Select the View Profile tab to display details for the current selected Client Select the View My Profile to display details for yourself, the logged-in User Select Address Book to display, add, or edit address information for the selected profile.

33 Marketing News Select the Marketing News tab to view current information about the system and other announcements.

34 Learning More Review the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) at the bottom of any screen for the most current information about the System. If you have any questions about how to use the System, check with a Team Leader on your floor. If you discover an error in a product listing or System feature set, send an email to Distribution and explain these three points:  What navigation steps did you take leading up to the error?  What did you expect to see displayed?  What did you actually see? This will help the Team recreate the experience and handle the problem appropriately. If you have a suggestion or believe that you can help in adding to the FAQs, feel free to send an email to Distribution describing your solution.

35 Place An Order! You are now ready to start placing orders using TheEdge. Final Note To log out of the System, Select Logout at the bottom or the top of any page while in the System.

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