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(Thanks to Lauren Miller of Blue State Digital for some of this great content) Small Dollar Online Fundraising Julia Rosen, Courage Campaign Andy Szekeres,

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Presentation on theme: "(Thanks to Lauren Miller of Blue State Digital for some of this great content) Small Dollar Online Fundraising Julia Rosen, Courage Campaign Andy Szekeres,"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Thanks to Lauren Miller of Blue State Digital for some of this great content) Small Dollar Online Fundraising Julia Rosen, Courage Campaign Andy Szekeres, 3PG Consulting Josh Cohen, Approve71

2 What We’ll Cover Who’s Online and What Are They Doing? What It Takes To Raise $ Online Internal Organization Step-By-Step Guide Case Studies

3 Who’s Online? Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project April 2009 Survey

4 What It Takes To Raise $ Online A great story Some good luck A clean website Supporters who can help carry your message A solid theory of change

5 Internal Organization Field/Organizing Communications Fundraising Online Presence

6 Internal Organization Online fundraising is about money, but also about intense internal cooperation Coordinate fundraising across channels –new media, phone banks, field, direct mail Communications and field –Can provide great stories to highlight for fundraising –Assist with list-building and fundraising asks

7 Step-By-Step Guide 1.Build your email list 2.Know your list 3.Tell your story 4.Make your ask 5.Maximize your website 6.Track & engage 7.Additional fundraising methods

8 1. Build Your Email List Collect email addresses through: –Petitions –Pledges –Donations –Tell a friend –Social networking sites –Offline activities Partner with organizations who have a similar mission and goals to do an email swap

9 2. Know Your List Where did the people on your list come from? Why did they join? What are they expecting? Did they sign-up based on a particular petition or cause? Segment your list: –Interests –Donors v. non-donors –Recent donors v. lapsed donors –New donors v. reoccurring donors

10 3. Tell Your Story Invite a conversation with your supporters Use voices and personalities from your organization Be creative – and use both email and web Share what’s happening out in the field Ask supporters for their input and FOLLOW UP

11 4. Make Your Ask It's not just about donating – it’s about empowering and providing a way to take action Set goals and deadlines Plan around key milestones Use personal stories as often as possible Take advantage of breaking news

12 4. Make Your Ask Be transparent. Tell your supporters what you want to do, what it’s going to cost, and what change will result from their donation Start with a small ask (e.g., $10 or $25) After people donate, slightly increase the amount in the next ask (e.g., $50 or $75)

13 5. Track & Engage Monitor your initiatives and track the progress Segment your list and conduct A/B testing Keep the conversation going – provide updates/ action items Expect a drop-off rate with email addresses and donors Continue to build and refine your list

14 5. Track & Engage: A/B Testing Gives a better picture of what does/doesn’t work so you can maximize future asks Things to test (one at a time) –Subject line –Sender –Phrasing of the ask –Small graphic –Length of email –Placement of donation link

15 5. Track & Engage: Metrics Different types of metrics to look at: –Open rate –Click-through rate –Average donation –Number of donations –Increase in donation amount –Forward to a friend

16 6. Additional Fundraising Methods Splash page (home page takeover) Name the fundraising campaign Feature personal stories Text-to-donate campaigns Match two donors and introduce them to each other Dollar for dollar matching Recurring donations

17 7. Maximize Your Website Make it as easy as possible to –Donate –Signup for email Engage and empower your supporters Share personal stories throughout your site

18 7. Maximize Your Website Content on your site should match the content in your email campaign

19 7. Donation Page Make it as easy as possible for supporters to donate Don’t stand in the way! Thank supporters after they donate Use a targeted landing page to encourage donors to share with friends

20 Fundraising Campaign Started 9/2 Large Donor Ban 10/13 Ballots Mail 10/16 –All mail voting state Small Donations key for final push Total raised ~ $1.8million

21 Microsoft ERG Match “Employee Resource Groups” Companies may not donate or take position on the issue –Employees can often help on their own GLEAM board provided 10k match –Carefully worded message to avoid official sounding endorsement –Reach Out, you may find help Find relevant and local ERGs – –Contact info: corporate websites “Diversity” pages

22 Today should be the day you do your partToday should be the day you do your part. (And for those who have already given, thank you!) Here's why: A set of donors from Gay and Lesbian Employees at Microsoft (GLEAM), acting as individuals, have pledged to match each dollar of your donations over the next week, up to $10,000. Help make sure all Washingtonfamilies are equal: Donate to the Approve Referendum 71 campaign today.

23 Match Results Campaign raised about $18k –Almost double the match amount Add $10k –Almost 30k raised Microsoft ulimately supported R71 –Largest Donor (100k) –Public Statement of Support

24 Coalition Strategy Have coalition members leverage their lists Create tailored messages to their membership Approve their messaging to ensure consistency

25 Online sites like Act Blue and others Be sure to sign up as early as possible Encourage individuals, bloggers, groups to create their own “campaigns” with goals Thermometer –Choose achievable goals –If it’s going well, keep raising the goal –Sliding scale of 2.9% for Act Blue Actblue Hosted or your own page

26 Act Blue Hosted Page

27 Act Blue Edit Page

28 Your Page: R71 Personal Stories

29 Embed Thermometer <img src=" ve71ontheair/goal/light.png" alt="Goal Thermometer"/> Goal Page

30 ERW Education “Buy Airtime”

31 “Lock-In”

32 “Lock-in” <object width="500" height="336" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param name="flashvars" value='config={"playlist":[{ "url":"", "autoPlay":false,"autoBuffering":true}]}' /> Workflow Original came from youtube? Use Realplayer to download the video Youtube “download mp4” Convert to Flash/FLV Free tool: “Super” Upload your video to your website Free Flash Players Jwplayer Embed appropriate code

33 Summary Included Coalition Partners can help Reach out to Corporate ERGs Online techniques are applicable to many sites, not just ActBlue

34 No on 1 1.4 Million Dollars 17,125 Contributions Average 81 dollars 75 pages created by friends and staff Wired for Change 780,000 raised 5430 donors with an Average $143

35 Contact Information Andy Szekeres, 3PG Consulting – – Julia Rosen, Courage Campaign – – Josh Cohen, Approve71 –

36 Contact Info New Organizing Institute (202) 558-5585

37 Backup


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