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TSMN 6350 IP TELEPHONY Class Project Mentor: Aishwarya Srinivasan – Team: Monisha Yerramalla –

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Presentation on theme: "TSMN 6350 IP TELEPHONY Class Project Mentor: Aishwarya Srinivasan – Team: Monisha Yerramalla –"— Presentation transcript:

1 TSMN 6350 IP TELEPHONY Class Project Mentor: Aishwarya Srinivasan – Team: Monisha Yerramalla – Dileesh Chowdary Aluri – Rajakumaran Gowthaman – Shantanu Naresh Arora – 1 Project based on WebRTC Web Real Time Communication

2 What is WebRTC ? A Real-Time communication between the Browsers Accessed completely through JavaScript API No need of plugins, downloads or installs Audio/Video chat on web wherever you are Accessed over multiple platforms using multiple browsers 2

3 Having Trouble ? 3

4 Our Mission We are a start up providing a Real-Time learning experience using WebRTC 4

5 -We provide a simple and elegant solution using WebRTC, Login Access the local elements (Webcam & Mic) Create a room Join the room Experience real-time Communication Believe us, it’s the future 5

6 STUN SERVER NATNAT NATNAT Architecture 6 MEDIA FLOW Gets session ID Wow !! The http://’s are talking…!!!http://’s Simple RTC’s Sandbox Signaling Server My peer, WRU ? Here I am.. ICE FRAMEWORK Teachingcloud’s HTTP server

7 Architecture (contd..) 7 Simple RTC’s Sandbox Signaling Server

8 DEMO 8 Coming soon… stay awake ;) Take a look at the flow chart next

9 9 Establish a connection to the Sand Box Signaling server (http://signaling.simplewebrt Get local stream using getUserMedia() Set LocalStream using: Element autoplay=true; Element.src=webkitURL.creat eObjectURL(stream); Now, Call the JoinRoom(); function If Number of peers > 2 webkitRTCPeerConnection Conversation object Create offer using: peerConnection.cre ateOffer(); Set remote Description by using: peerConnection.setRemoteDescri ptionremoteDescription); Create answer using: peerConnection.createAnswer() ; Send Ice Candidates Onaddstream(); function is called now Video call in progress True False

10 Snapshot 10

11 Challenges Faced Interoperability issues with the web browsers It leaves many details of session establishment to the end points to work out on their own. Complexity in initiating Peer Connection Generating and Processing signaling messages Receiving the remote media stream 11

12 SUMMARY 12 Developed web- based application for universities enabling real time communication between students and professors Teaching only involves web bowsers with Real-Time Communication capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs and HTML5 Group chat rooms. No Native Application downloads and Plugins. Future Scope Setting up a data channel Integrating with existing applications ain’t it cool…!!!

13 References 13

14 14 THANK YOU Prof. Elliot Eichen | TA’s |Mentor | you all - for bearing with us…!!!

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