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GEO 441 MARCH 2012 KYLE J CHIU OLGA LUKASHEVA IVEON YVES NGOIE Constraint Analysis and Project Management for Golf Complexes.

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Presentation on theme: "GEO 441 MARCH 2012 KYLE J CHIU OLGA LUKASHEVA IVEON YVES NGOIE Constraint Analysis and Project Management for Golf Complexes."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO 441 MARCH 2012 KYLE J CHIU OLGA LUKASHEVA IVEON YVES NGOIE Constraint Analysis and Project Management for Golf Complexes

2 Table of Contents Economic Factors and Constraints Social Factors Physical Factors and Constraints Wetlands Water Bodies Water Structures Airports, Runways and Industry Buffered and Non- Buffered Buildings Non-Buffered Constraints Distance Factors Hot-Spot Analysis Ideal Slope Conditions Final Locational Recommendations Conclusion Flow-Chart of GIS Process

3 Physical Factors and Constraints Susceptibility to flooding and slope failure. Golf courses designed to minimize flood risk with man-made ponds and rivers. Implementation of sand traps and bunkers aid flood control. Land flattened to irrigate evenly using rainwater and other systems. River presence is ideal for obstacles depending on their width and the level of difficulty set for the course. Rapids would be considered a constraint, but GIS analysis described their locations are irrelevant to golf courses in the region on York.

4 Economic Factors and Constraints Previous land uses (Rural > Urban) Finding balance between land price and quality. Determining an economically safe medium in order to minimize cost of construction by utilizing natural aspects of the land. For example: The land in the downtown area may be ideal, but it is being used as condominium space. Is it economically feasible to make such drastic changes of the land use?

5 Social Factors Environmental factors, noise from construction of land. Not many significant social restraints. Golf courses are often located outside of downtown core. Green factor raises real estate value, and induces a relaxing environment in a quiet neighborhood. The image on the right depicts the versatility of a golf course that is adjacent to condominium development.

6 Outlined Constraints ConstraintDistances Buffered# of Golf Courses that Intersect with Buffer Wetland120m- 140m9; 120m buffer Airports and Runways250m- 750m0 and 2, respectively; 750m buffer Industrial Land25m- 100m20; 100m buffer Malls100m- 500m6; 500m buffer Arenas250m- 1000m7; 1000m buffer Industrial Buildings250m- 1000m8; 1000m buffer Mines and Autowreckers500m-1000m10; 1000m buffer High Elevation areas adjacent to low elevation areas 1000mN/A

7 Wetlands By law, a 120m distance must be kept between development and wetlands. 3 constraint options: 120m, 130m and 140m (see map on right). There are 28 wetlands within 120m of a golf course, and some courses are situated directly on top of wetlands (see map on left), and thus, a 120m buffer is sufficient.

8 Water bodies Select by location was used to identify bodies of water within golf courses, selecting all but 9 of 1428 features. Attribute sort was used to identify the largest feature within a course, which had an area of 490, 783 m 2. Attribute selection identified all of the bodies of water larger than the limit for area, which were mapped as constraints. Small bodies of water, on the other hand, are beneficial for golf courses for irrigation and obstacles and do not limit development of a golf course. Water Structures These include dams, breakwaters, navigable canals, sea walls, pond partitions, wharfs, dyke/levees and lock gates. Select by location was used to seek out water structures within courses. Only dams and embankments were not constraints. Using select by attribute, all other types were isolated as constraints and then merged together to create a single map layer.

9 Airports, Runways and Industry After distinguishing the airports and runways, an array of buffers were created to determine what the most ideal distance is between golf courses and these features. We chose three buffer sizes, each of which intersected with golf courses (see table below). Because of the extensive air and noise pollution of an airport or runway, a 750m buffer would be most efficient in elimination disturbance from constraints. Industrial sites include auto-wreckers, tanks, solid depot/dumps, liquid depot/dumps and mines. Large buffers for industrial land including cuts and solids/liquids depot/dump were not needed. A 50m buffer was used, intersecting with 17 golf courses On the other hand, industrial land such as mines and autowreckers were located a significant distance away from courses, for their polluting and disturbing nature. As for industrial buildings, 1000m buffer was used for these features, intersecting with 10 courses. FeatureBuffer Zone 250m500m750m Airport012 Runway235 This map displays Diamond Back Golf and Country Club on top of wetlands and forested area, and in a 250m vicinity of an airport. None of these practices would be advised.

10 Buffered and Non-Buffered Buildings Arenas and malls can be quite noise-polluting, with high levels of traffic. Within a 25om buffer of arenas, o courses were found, 1 course within 500m and 7 within a 1000m buffer. Industrial buildings, air and noise polluting, buffered within 250m intercepted 1 golf course, 500m buffer intercepted 3 courses, and a 1000m buffer intercepted 8 courses. These constraints were extensively considered and buffered by the largest distance. Buildings including senior homes, schools, hospitals, churches, police stations, EMS stations, fire stations, municipal halls, and lodging facilities are unconflicting constraint and were not buffered. The layers were merged together for facility.

11 Non-buffered Constraints Vegetation, such as wooded areas and orchards, constraints but are ideal near golf for scenery and obstacles. Recreational activities including campgrounds, parks, sports fields, picnic areas, cemeteries and exhibition grounds are constraints. Railroads are a constraint; although a railroad may pass through a course on the map surface, it is most likely no longer in use. Railroads are mostly adjacent to golf courses.

12 Isolation of Constraints The map on the right outlines forementioned land uses and their corresponding buffer and constraint zones Displayed with a map of slope, the land use constraints are shown in relation to areas with preferable slope.

13 Distance Factors Distance not a major issue, as a golf course can be located several hours away, because of the amount of time the activity consumes at a time. Seclusion is ideal for the peace and serenity. An ideal travel time is minimal, yet an area that is some distance from commercial and industrial land use is preferable. The York region road network is well developed, and access is not an issue.

14 Hot-Spot Analysis Golf course architecture and design use the land with highest variation in slope, as rolling hills are key. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic determines spatial pattern of like values on a map surface. The red areas represent an agglomeration of polygons with like values, blue areas show dispersion, and pale yellow polygons represent a random distribution. The Northern region of York has the most variation in land forms, and slope values show no spatial pattern.

15 Optimal Slope Based on the assumption that a variety of landforms accompany steep slope, these areas were buffered by 1km. The average area of a golf course in York Region is approximately 1km 2, thus 1km is the distance from steep slope that can support a gold course. The buffered areas around steep uphill slope were intersected with areas that have steep downhill slope, to identify areas with variation in slope, represented by the purple polygons. The polygons within the intersection were later dissolved for clear visual display. The intersection was displayed on a map surface depicting the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic.

16 Final Locational Recommendations This map shows the ideal location for a golf course in the region of York. The polygon outlined in black represents the intersection between a steel downhill slope and a 1km buffer around a steep uphill slope, thus representing the boundary between adjacent polygons that have varying slopes. Constraint features were made white, to have a similar effect to erase, displaying areas where development cannot take place. The standard deviation of slope allows one to examine unique spatial landforms in a more narrow spatial analysis.

17 Conclusion The physical, economic, social, and distance constraints are accounted for through discrete buffering. Through assessment of the land use constraints and the use of slope in hot-spot analysis, the location for a golf course may be determined.

18 Flow Chart of GIS Processes Site Selection Buffer Statistical Output (mean) Add Field Golf Courses Simultaneous Map Display Select by Attribute (uphill steep slope) IndustryWetlandRunwayMall Arena Buffer Airport Spatial Model Hot Spot Analysis Intersect Select by Attribute (downhill steep slope) Intersect Buffer Selection Water Structures Select by Location Select by Attribute Merge Spatial Model Buildings Select by Attribute Select by Location Water bodies Select by Attribute Attribute Sort Merge Road Sports & Rec. Vegetation Industrial Building Rail road

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