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DMK – week 3 part 2.. Onderwerpen week 3 deel 2 Tio Personas What is a persona? What is the purpose? How do I apply a persona? Digital marketing General.

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Presentation on theme: "DMK – week 3 part 2.. Onderwerpen week 3 deel 2 Tio Personas What is a persona? What is the purpose? How do I apply a persona? Digital marketing General."— Presentation transcript:

1 DMK – week 3 part 2.

2 Onderwerpen week 3 deel 2 Tio Personas What is a persona? What is the purpose? How do I apply a persona? Digital marketing General introduction on digital marketing Digital marketing applications Search engines Search Engine marketing Search engine optimization (organic) Search engine Advertising (paid) Google Adwords/AdSense/Display advertising Support Resources of Google, as Insights and keyword generator Minor Digital Marketing

3 Persona Tio Persona research is applicable to digital research on target audiences Minor Digital Marketing Persona Archetype Personas are fictional characters based on actual observed behaviors of real users; Getting to know the customer is main objective; Basically they are custom made customer profiles obtaining insight in the target audiences; It’s simple an powerful tool to make organizations recognize and focus on customers; Persona’s deliver concrete means for approaching customers.

4 Persona Tio Examples Minor Digital Marketing

5 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Search Engine Marketing SEM Search Engine Optimization SEO Search Engine Advertising SEA Search Engine Positioning SEP First a look at Google Search Engine Result Page

6 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Google Search Engine Result Page The 'information silos‘ are additional Google search engines. They are integrated in the main keyword based Google Search Engine. Source: dutchcowboys Proper SEO generates good ranking in different databases. Universal Search keywords SEA adwords Organic results

7 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Google Search Engine Result Page special links with Google product are good for better results: Google+ Google maps, Youtube, Google street view…… Universal Search

8 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing

9 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Facts Google world wide market leader (average of 75% market share); Search is unstructured market: method of indexation is not transparent; Social media influence ranking; SEM partly not paid> organic > SEO SEM partly paid > adwords > SEA SEM immediately measurable, qualitative analysis and manageable; SEM is related to indexation and content of a site; SEP is ranking and the positioning in a search engine. Multiple search results from Google databases like Google +; Unpaid SEM is called organic or natural search and SEO is one of the main factors for online conversion.

10 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Search Engine Optimization aims for higher ranking to related keywords search results. Rules for SEO relevant content on the website, do not copy content; Create a site with a clear, transparent and easy to use hierarchical structure; Scripts like Javascript if possible in external files; Use up to date sitemap. Google provides free tools in Webmaster support centre from Google; Make sure meta-tags, like en ALT-attributes (used with images) are relevant, descriptive and accurate; Meta-tags keywords and description are not exceptional important to Google.

11 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing rules SEO Make use of relevant links to the site with high authority; these are inlinks from sites having a high ranking already. Make your presence relevant and smart in additional applications of Google. Such as mentioning of your location in Google Plus making use of Google Shopping; Use keywords related and used by users of search engines. Update on a regular pace. Limit the number of links on a page to a maximum of 100. Avoid or limit buying links to the site (Google penalty related).

12 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing SEO en consumer behavior Most internet users make use of search engines on a daily basis; About 85% of web users use the internet for orientation for service and products; Reviews, ratings on social media are becoming more important to SEO; Top 5 ranking are regarded as most important and reliable; Mobile search will exceed desktop search by 2015; Top 10 results are regarded as A-brand making SEP important to online brand awareness; 77% visit a site through by using the web from which most by using a search engine; Searchers use no more than 2 to 3 keywords almost never just 1; Social search is growing and extending > Google allows social activity as important factor to SEO ; Google + linking provides a little advantage for good ranking.…….

13 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing SEO analyses by Google Google and other search engines provide opportunities for analyzing positioning (SEP) and the indexed content by using: Link: Site; Viral site; Info; File type;

14 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Do in SEO 1.Content using keywords; 2.Structuring the site enables indexing; 3.Links on site and mainly to other extends value en popularity;

15 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Don’t in SEO 1.No frames, flash; 2.Do not buy inlinks because Google will penalty linksfarming; 3.High speed optimalization is not appreciated as well; 4.Unorganized, bad navigated site with many different and scattered content obstructs proper indexing by SE; 5.Do not use domain names with unrelevant content; 6.No cloacking: using multiple content on websites; 7.Do not use software to register your site on many referral. It will be regarded as spamming; 8.Do not make us of CMS that can not be indexed.

16 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Search Engine Advertising SEA Paid SEM Adwords Adsense/display marketing

17 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Search Engine Advertising SEA Reasons for using SEA: Short term campaigning or of product launches; Website is only shortly launched and not yet indexed for natural/organic search; A outstanding strategy on Cost Per Click has been formulated; To fierce competition within SEO for winning top ranking; Affordable and preferably unique keywords are available for direct traffic/CT to the organization or product.

18 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Search Engine Advertising SEA dashboard s/answer/2454067?hl=en

19 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Search Engine Advertising SEA / Pay per click PPC Pay per view PPV Pay per mille PPM Cost per click CPC Cost per view CPV Cost per mille CPM See for setting up SEA campaign on for example the next slides and chapter 05 of the book.

20 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Search Engine Advertising SEA And Adwords Dashboard Surf naar

21 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Do for optimalisation SEA amongst others: Link adverts to relevant keywords No use of spam related keywords or brands; Active style of writing; Variety of adverts (text) Be concrete and provide Call to Action; Provide recognisition; Use Dynamic Keyword insertion; Use keywordplanner such as wordplanner wordplanner ner; ner Time displaying on relevant to your audiences; Apply a/b en/of multivariate testing.

22 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Tips for better landing pages Landing page is page after CT. User a variety of advertisements and landing pages; Support the message with visual means; Place logo for additional reliability; Use Hallmarks for additional trust and reliability; Provide support for conversion; Limit choices: provide recognition, be convincing, provide call to action; Theme in advert is theme on landing page. Nothing more and nothing less; Ask for simple personal information on landing page; Make simple and transparent promises on handling, price, delivery and more over…keep them Use media for experience on landing pages. Also reviews en other social proof and linking to social media is supportive to the conversion process;

23 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing Search engine Positioning (SEP) top 5 positions of organic results are viewed by searchers; Top 3 of SEA; User make selections based on a variety of offered information. Google uses more sources in results. More and variation is reliable; Clear information; Social proof and linking;

24 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing 5 R model Retention: no direct conversion, aim for returning visitors; Relevance: relevant content related to keywords, timed display and related content on landing page; Reaction en Return on investment; powerful and concrete call to action Rich: optimizing results on the search engine query by applying Rich content on the page in the form of text, images, and support to the visitor.

25 Search Engine Marketing Tio Minor Digital Marketing You are not alone. Visit the webmaster pages and browse through the content. Google offers various free support and other search engines are just as helpful…… mpaign=en&utm_source=uk-ww-et-b2bfooter_bsolutions

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