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NED Eligibility and Coding 2012. Instructions Click a Topic on the following page to be transported to that section of the training Click the icon on.

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Presentation on theme: "NED Eligibility and Coding 2012. Instructions Click a Topic on the following page to be transported to that section of the training Click the icon on."— Presentation transcript:

1 NED Eligibility and Coding 2012

2 Instructions Click a Topic on the following page to be transported to that section of the training Click the icon on each additional page to return to the Topics page

3 What is NED? NED Requirements NED Reporting Placing a Case in SRS/NED Placing an Ongoing SRS Case in SRS/NED Troubleshooting If a Client Reports Earnings… If You Get an 852… Covered Topics

4 What is a NED Case? A NED case is an SRS SNAP case in which all adult members are defined as: Elderly or Disabled and Have no countable earned income

5 For SNAP elderly means a person age 60 or older See OAR 461-001-0015 Who is Elderly?

6 An adult is considered disabled for SNAP if they are receiving: SSI or SSD or aid to the blind under SSA title XVI Disability related medical assistance under SSA title XIX (Presumptive) Other disability criteria specific to SNAP See OAR 461-001-0015 Who is Disabled?

7 Anna is 63 years old and loves her job in the Garden Center at Fred Meyer. She works part time and also receives a small amount of SSB from her husband who passed away many years ago. NED or Not?

8 Sorry. Anna meets the SNAP definition of elderly, but NED clients cannot have earned income. Not!

9 NED or Not? Phyllis is 72 and has been retired for many years. She is living happily on her pension and SSB. Her grandchildren, age 16 and 17, recently came to live with her, which is why she is now applying for SNAP. Can Phyllis receive SNAP as a NED?

10 Absolutely! The grandchildren are not considered adults for SNAP. NED cases can have children on them as long as they have no countable earned income.

11 NED Requirements NED cases are identified on FSMIS using: This coding is required on all cases that qualify for SRS NED

12 NED Requirements NED cases must be in SRS for 12 months CRS No CRS 12 Months

13 NED Requirements NED cases do not receive an 852 (Interim Change Report) The Expr Cert: will always match the Rpt Exp:

14 NED Reporting NED clients are in SRS and are only required to report one thing: When countable income exceeds 130% FPL

15 Myrna Myrna is receiving SNAP in SRS as a NED client with SSB income at 85% FPL. She has started working at a part-time job, which increases her income to 150% FPL. Is Myrna required to report this?

16 Myrna Answer Yes, Myrna is required to report this as she is now over 130% FPL. Bonus Question: Is Myrna still eligible as a NED client?

17 Nope. Myrna now has countable earned income that must be coded on the case. She can no longer be coded as a NED client. NED Click Here for what to do…Here Bonus Answer

18 Eustice Eustice is certified as SRS NED for 12 months on SNAP at 150% FPL. In month 3 of his certification period he goes to work part time, bringing his income to 200% FPL. Is Eustice required to report this?

19 Eustice Answer Nope. DHS is already aware that Eustice’s income is over 130% FPL. He has met the reporting requirements and does not have to report anything until his next certification.

20 1.Remove any EML, SEC, SEN, TNG or HCW income segments, even if the amount is 0.00 Note: Any of these income types will prevent you from coding the case as NED Placing a Case in SRS/NED at CRT or REC

21 Placing a case in SRS NED 2.Enter a Trans: CRT SRS or REC SRS and the D-Eff:

22 Placing a case in SRS NED 3.Change the N in Mand Rpt: S. Do not touch the Form: or Rept: fields

23 Placing a case in SRS NED 4.Enter the Rpt Exp date, which must equal the certification end date. The certification period must be 12 months.

24 Placing a case in SRS NED 5.Enter the HH Types: NED

25 Placing a case in SRS NED 6.Make any other changes needed and press F9

26 A Completed NED Case

27 Placing an Ongoing SRS Case in NED Examples of this include: Cases transferred from SSP that are not yet in NED People who have been approved by PMDDT This is almost the same process as a new case, but with a few added steps at the beginning.

28 Placing an Ongoing SRS Case in NED 1.Remove any EML, SEC, SEN, TNG or HCW income segments, even if the amount is 0.00 2.Remove the case from SRS by using a Trans: SRS and changing the S in Mand Rpt: N

29 Placing an Ongoing SRS Case in NED 3.Place the case in SRS NED using the steps on slides 20-23.slides 20-23 4.Use Trans: SRS ADJ. Note: Do not use REC unless you are recertifying the case.

30 Troubleshooting If the NED just won’t work… Remove all earned income coding Are all adults elderly or disabled? Code the HH Type: NED Add a HH Type: AD if the client is not elderly or receiving SSD, but is still disabled Make sure your Expr Crt: and Rpt Exp: match

31 If a Client Reports Earnings Remove the case from SRS NED and place it in regular SRS This is possible in months 1, 2, 3, and 6, 7, 8 of a certification If any other month, or if you have any problems, contact the Service Desk

32 If You Get an 852… 1.Verify the client really should be NED If not NED eligible, process normally If NED eligible, continue below 2.If there are no changes or benefits will increase: Process the 852 normally Narrate, Narrate, Narrate

33 If You Get an 852… 3.If benefits will be reduced: Is the reported info “Verified Upon Receipt?” (See SNAP F-8) If Yes, take the appropriate action (Information received that is considered “Verified Upon Receipt” must be acted on) Narrate your action

34 If You Get an 852… 4.If the info is Not “Verified Upon Receipt” Do not pend Do not verify information through screens Process the 852 with no changes Narrate why no action was taken Do not use an REC action

35 SNAP Analysts Dawn Myers503-945-7018 Sandy Ambrose 503-945-6092 Rosanne Richard503-945-5826 Eliza Devlin503-947-5105 Sarah Lambert503-945-6220 Heidi Wormwood503-945-5737 Kate Scott503-947-5177

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