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9/19/2015 1 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential WCET/MnSCU Audit Tool—Round 2 eStudent Services Committee Meeting June 24, 2004 Pat.

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Presentation on theme: "9/19/2015 1 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential WCET/MnSCU Audit Tool—Round 2 eStudent Services Committee Meeting June 24, 2004 Pat."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/19/2015 1 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential WCET/MnSCU Audit Tool—Round 2 eStudent Services Committee Meeting June 24, 2004 Pat Shea & Darlene Burnett

2 9/19/2015 2 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential 10 Services Assessment & Testing Tech Support Library Services Bookstore Services Personal Counseling Placement Services Services for International Students Services for Students with Disabilities Tutoring Student Activities

3 9/19/2015 3 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Critical Components Develop a master list Select top 7-10 Define for four generations Select top 3 for pilot self-assessment

4 9/19/2015 4 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Today’s Discussion Services for Student’s with Disabilities Placement Services Assessment & Testing Student Activities

5 9/19/2015 5 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students with Disabilities 1.Access fully all student services provided by the institution—both those on campus and those on the web. 2.Locate and access a list of specialized services available to me from the office for disabled student services. 3.Locate the university’s list of the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities. 4.Get assistance from an ADA compliance officer in addressing any accessibility problems that may occur with student and other campus services. 5.Locate the requirements for me to receive specialized services and can readily apply for such services. As a student with a disability, I can…..

6 9/19/2015 6 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students with Disabilities 6.Readily schedule office visits with staff from the office for students with disabilities for counseling and/or specialized support and specialized training. 7.Find information about the campus and its buildings showing disability- friendly access in line with the requirements of the Federal Architectural Barriers Act and also locate parking areas designated for students with disabilities. 8.Locate information about public computer labs equipped with adaptive computer technology and schedules for lab assistants with at least some limited knowledge of that software and hardware. 9.Use the library and get help from library staff trained in assisting me with specialized adaptive computer technology. As a student with a disability, I can…..

7 9/19/2015 7 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students with Disabilities 10.Find the school’s Web policy for its official Web pages requiring these pages to meet the standards and guidelines provided by the Federal Access Board Section 508 or the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines. 11.Use the online accessibility checkers such as Bobby or Cynthia Says to verify that the school Web pages do meet the standards or guidelines established in the school Web policy. 12.Get assistance from the office for disabled students in obtaining a waiver, when there is a course that is difficult or impossible for me to take because of functional limitations. 13.Get assistance from the office for disabled students in obtaining the appropriate, alternative media formats of all print material required in my study. As a student with a disability, I can…..

8 9/19/2015 8 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students with Disabilities 14.Obtain interpreting services for office visits and can find that at least major student services offices have some system for telephonic communication. 15.Get assistance in making special arrangements for exams through the office for students with disabilities. This includes arranging for extended time, a special quiet place to take the exam and providing the exam in alternative media if necessary. 16.Advise faculty of my specialized needs in class and expect them to take reasonable steps to be sure I can understand class materials and participate in class so long as such adjustments do not fundamentally interfere with the class. 17.Get training and support on the special adaptive computer software and hardware that I may require in addition to regular computer training. As a student with a disability, I can…..

9 9/19/2015 9 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students with Disabilities As a student with a disability, I can….. 18.Find information about taking a service dog, (seeing eye dog or other service dogs), to all areas of the campus.

10 9/19/2015 10 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Placement Services 1.Register with online recruiting system featured by career services office, upload resume, and apply for jobs (single question or 3) 2.Access links to search for part-time and full-time jobs and internships 3.Understand on-campus interview procedures and sign up for interviews 4.View calendar of career events and have option to register for event 5.Access contact and location information for staff/office 6.View list of FAQ’s As a student, I can…..

11 9/19/2015 11 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Placement Services 7.View employers recruiting at the institution 8.Learn how to prepare for an interview and have option to register for or engage in a mock interview 9.Learn about job search strategies 10.Research organizations/employers 11.Learn about the importance of and strategies for successful networking 12.View policies and procedures for office As a student, I can…..

12 9/19/2015 12 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Placement Services 13.Review graduate survey results and examples of alumni success 14.Learn how to evaluate a job offer and strategies to negotiate salary 15.Learn about managing credentials/letters of recommendation 16.Discover resources to help diverse populations locate jobs and employers 17.Link to professional associations 18.Obtain information on topics such as relocation, salary, etc. As a student, I can…..

13 9/19/2015 13 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Placement Services 19.Access online presentations about job search 20.Learn how to build a professional portfolio 21.Understand international employment As a student, I can…..

14 9/19/2015 14 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Assessment & Testing 1.View tests available at institution 2.Find descriptions of tests 3.View calendar of testing dates 4.Access contact information for staff/office 5.View list of FAQ’s 6.Register for tests and indicate any special accommodations required As a student, I can…..

15 9/19/2015 15 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Assessment & Testing 7.Pay any required testing fees 8.View items to bring to test (i.e. calculator, ID) 9.Complete online assessments for career decision-making 10.View test results or understand how to receive test results 11.Find information on test results, interpretation, and implications 12.View testing cancellation, re-testing, and no-show policies As a student, I can…..

16 9/19/2015 16 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Assessment & Testing 13.Learn about test preparation strategies and resources 14.View directions to test location 15.Access sample tests 16.Find links for national test websites 17.Find information about alternative test sites 18.Learn about how test results will translate between institutions, states, etc As a student, I can…..

17 9/19/2015 17 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Student Activities 1.Find friend’s phone, e-mail, and address 2.Find a student friendly map of campus and surrounding community 3.Read news and athletics 4.Locate events for students 5.Find things to do off campus 6.Sign up for a student organization 7.Register for Fraternity and Sorority recruitment As a student, I can…..

18 9/19/2015 18 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Student Activities 8.Sign up for club sports 9.Find out about fitness and wellness opportunities on campus 10.Explore leadership opportunities 11.Find a part-time job 12.Find out about spirit programs 13.Find how to program events and activities 14.Provide feed back and ideas to administration As a student, I can…..

19 9/19/2015 19 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Services for Students Student Activities 15.Find out about local and regional resources and events 16.Find resources for solving physical and emotional concerns 17.Find out about diversity on campus 18.Report a crime 19.Vote for student government officers 20.Find “Code of Conduct” policies and procedures As a student, I can…..

20 9/19/2015 20 WCET Online Services Audit Tool - WCET/MnSCU Confidential Feedback Other thoughts on critical components? Recommendations for best practice sites? Contact Pat Shea Darlene Burnett

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