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New Castep Functionality
Linear response and non-local exchange-correlation functionals Stewart Clark University of Durham, UK
The Authors of Castep Stewart Clark, Durham Matt Probert, York
Chris Pickard, Cambridge Matt Segal, Cambridge Phil Hasnip, Cambridge Keith Refson, RAL Mike Payne, Cambridge
New Functionality Linear response Non-local exchange-correlation
Density functional perturbation theory Atomic perturbations (phonons) E-field perturbations (polarisabilities) k-point perturbations (Born charges) Non-local exchange-correlation Summary of XC functionals Why use non-local functionals? Some examples
Density Functional Perturbation Theory
Based on compute how the total energy responds to a perturbation, usually of the DFT external potential v Expand quantities (E, n, y, v) Properties given by the derivatives
The Perturbations Perturb the external potential (from the ionic cores and any external field): Ionic positions phonons Cell vectors elastic constants Electric fields dielectric response Magnetic fields NMR But not only the potential, any perturbation to the Hamiltonian: d/dk Born effective charges d/d(PSP) alchemical perturbation
Phonon Perturbations So we need this E(2)
For each atom i at a time, in direction a=x, y or z This becomes perturbation denoted by l The potential becomes a function of perturbation l Take derivatives of the potential with respect to l Hartree, xc: derivatives of potentials done by chain rule with respect to n and l So we need this E(2)
The expression for phonon-E(2)
Superscripts denote the order of the perturbation E(2) given by 0th and 1st order wave functions and densities This is a variational quantity – use conjugate gradients minimiser Constraint: 1st order wave functions orthogonal to 0th order wave functions This expression gives the electronic contribution
The Variational Calculation
E(2) is variational with respect to |y(1)> The plane-wave coefficients are varied to find the minimum E(2) under a perturbation of a given ion i in a given direction a and for a given q Analogous to standard total energy calculation Based on a ground state (E(0)) calculation Can be used for any q value
Sequence of calculation
Find electronic force constant matrix Add in Ewald part Repeat for a mesh of q And with Fourier interpolation: Fourier transform to get F(R) Fit and interpolate Fourier transform and mass weight to get D at any q
Phonon LR: For and against
Fast, each wavevector component about the same as a single point energy calculation No supercells requires Arbitrary q General formalism Against Details of implementation considerable
Symmetry Considerations
When perturbing the system the symmetry is broken No time reversal symmetry Implication is: k-point number increases For example, Phonon-Si2 (Diamond): 6x6x6 MP set, 48 symmetry operations leads to SCF 28 k-points q=(0,0,0), 48 symmetry elements x-displacement leaves 12 elements 72 k-points for E(2) q=(1/2,0,0), 12 symmetry elements y-displacement leaves 4 elements 108 k-points for E(2) q=arbitrary, leaves only identity element and needs 216 k-points
So what can you calculate?
…and phonon DOS Phonon dispersion curves…
Thermodynamics Phonon density of states Debye temperature
Phase stability via Entropic terms – derivatives of free energy Vibrational specific heats
Electric Field Response
Bulk polarisability Born effective charges Phonon G-point LO/TO splitting Dielectric permittivities IR spectra Raman Spectra
Why Electric Fields Need Born effective charges to get LO-TO splitting: originates from finite dipole per unit cell Example given later… Found from d/dk calculation and similar cross-derivative expressions Technical note: this means that all expressions for perturbed potentials different at zone centre than elsewhere
Examples of E-field Linear Response
Response of silicon to an electric field perturbation Plot shows first order charge density Blue: where electrons are removed Yellow: where electrons go Acknowledgement: E-field work by my PhD student Paul Tulip
Phonon Dispersion of an Ionic Solid: G-point problems
At zone centre: Finite dipole (hence E-field) per unit cell caused by atomic displacements
E-field on a polar system: NaCl
Without E-field: LO/TO Frequencies: 175 cm-1 Born charge: Na Cl Ionic character as expected: Na+ and Cl- ions LO/TO splitting is 90cm-1: Smooth dispersion curve at the G-point Polarisability Tensor Electronic Permittivity Tensor Quantities given in atomic units
Summary of Density Functional Perturbation Theory
Phonon frequencies Phonon DOS Debye Temperate PVT phase diagrams Vibrational specific heats Born effective charges LO/TO Splitting Bulk polarisabilities Electric permittivities First order charge densities (where electrons move from and to) Etc… Lots of new physics…and more planned in later releases
Non-local XC functionals
Basic background of XC interaction Description within LDA and GGAs Some non-local XC functional Implementation within Castep Model test cases
The exchange-correlation interaction
Many body Hamiltonian – many body wavefunction Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian – single particle wavefunction Hartree requires self-interaction correction Single particle KE – not many body All goes in here
Approximations to XC Local density approximation – only one
Generalised gradient approximations – lots GGA’s + Laplacians – no real improvements Meta-GGA’s (GGA + Laplacian + KE) – many recent papers – but nothing exciting yet. Hybrid functionals (GGA/meta-GGA + some exact exchange from HF calculations) – currently favoured by the chemistry community. Exc[n(r,r’)] – has been generally ignored recently by DFT community (although QMC and GW show it to have several interesting properties!).
New Functionals: The CPU cost
We aim to go beyond the local (LDA) or semi-local (GGA) approximations Why? Cannot get any higher accuracy with these class of functionals The computational cost is high: scaling will be O(N2) or O(N3) This is because all pairs (or more) of electrons must be considered That is, beyond the single particle model most DFT users are familiar with
First Class of New XC Functional: Exact and Screened Exchange
Exact Exchange (Hartree-Fock): Screened Exchange: And in terms of plane waves:
Why Exact/Screened Exchange?
Exact exchange gives us access to the common empirical “chemistry” GGA functionals such as B3LYP Screened exchange can lead to accurate band gaps in semiconductors and insulators, so improved excitation energies and optical properties The cost: scales O(N3), N=number of pl. waves LDA/GGA is 0.1% of calculation, EXX is 99.9%
Silicon Band Structure
Extra cost can be worthwhile Some recent results (by my PhD student, Michael Gibson) LDA band gap: 0.54eV Exact Exchange band gap: 2.15eV Screened Exchange band gap: 1.11eV Experimental band gap: 1.12eV
Another approach: Some theory on exchange-correlation holes…
The exact(!) XC energy within DFT can be written as Relationship defined as the Coulomb energy between an electron and the XC hole nxc(r,r’) XC hole is described in terms of the electron pair-correlation function Determines probability of finding an electron at position r’ given one exists at position r
Properties of the XC hole
Pauli exclusion principle: gxc obeys the sum rule The size of the XC hole is exactly one electron – mathematically, this is the Pauli exclusion principle The LDA and some GGAs obey this rule For a universal XC function (applicable without bias), it must obey as many (all!) exact conditions as possible
The Weighted Density Method
In the WDA the pair-correlation function is approximated by The weighted density is fixed at each point by enforcing the sum rule This retains the non-locality of the function along with the Coulomb-like integral for Exc[n]
The XC potential XC potential is determined in the usual manner (density derivative of XC energy) We get 3 terms where
Example of WDA in action: An inhomogeneous electron gas
Investigate inhomogeneous systems by applying an external potential of the form Very accurate quantum Monte Carlo results which to compare Will have no pseudopotential effects It’s inhomogeneous! Given a converged plane wave basis set, we are testing the XC functional only – nothing else to consider
Investigate XC-hole shapes
XC holes for reference electron at a density maximum WDA results: acknowledgement to my PhD student Phil Rushton
But at the low density points…
Exchange-correlation hole at a density minimum
How accurate are the XC holes?
Compare to VMC data – M. Nekovee, W. M. C. Foulkes and R. J. Needs PRL 87, (2001)
Self Interaction Correction
H2+ molecule contains only one electron HF describes it correctly, DFT with LDA fails Self-interaction correction is the problem
Realistic Systems - Silicon
Generate self-consistent silicon charge density Examine XC holes at various points Si [110] plane
XC holes in silicon Interstitial Region Bond Centre Region
XC hole of electron moving along [100] direction
Some electronic properties
Band structure of Silicon – band gap opens
III-V semiconductor band gaps
Band gaps in eV The non-local potential opens up the band gap of some simple semiconductors
Timescales The following is my list of developments - other CGD members have other new physics and new improvements First implementation of phonon linear response already in Castep v2.2 Much faster (3-4 times faster) phonon linear response due to algorithmic improvements in Castep v3.0 Phonon linear response calculations for metals under development. Aimed to be in v3.0 or v3.1 Electric field response (Born charges, bulk polarisabilities, permittivity, LO/TO splitting) in Castep v3.0 Exact and screened exchange: currently being tested and developed aimed at the v3.0 release Weighted density method: currently working and tested – release schedule under discussion Raman and IR intensities currently being implemented. Scientific evaluation still be performed before a possible release can be discussed
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