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Published byMarlene Webster Modified over 9 years ago
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 1 20. – 22.01.2009 Finnish Environment Institute, Syke Helsinki Programming with BEAM Norman Fomferra Carsten Brockmann
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 2 Day 1: Introduction 1.Software Overview An introduction to VISAT, its user interface elements and the BEAM command line tools. Includes a detailed presentation of the BEAM standard I/O format. 2.Architecture and APIs A high level introduction into the BEAM 4.x architecture including the diverse application programming interfaces. 3.Runtime Configuration A detailed presentation of the BEAM installation directory structure, the standard modules, the 3rd party libraries used, the main entry points into the BEAM code. 4.Development and Build Process An introduction to Java development with BEAM. The goal is to compile and run a simple program that uses the BEAM API with your preferred Java IDE. Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 3 Day 2: Using the BEAM API 1.A simple Data Processor We develop a simple data processor, which will ingest an AATSR Level 1 data product and write a trivial cloud mask. The processor will use a simple command line interface. We will then review the output in VISAT. 2.BEAM Graph Processing Framework (GPF) A detailed introduction to the new BEAM graph processing framework. 3.Developing a GPF Operator We convert the simple data processor into a GPF operator. The processor will use the standard command line interface provided by the GPF. 4.BEAM Scripting An introduction to the new Scripting API introduced in Java 1.6 and a discussion of its relevance for BEAM. Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 4 Day 3: Extending BEAM 1.BEAM Module Development An introduction to BEAM modules (plug-ins), the module descriptor file and module activators. 2.The Maven Build System Maven is a highly configurable build system which allows us to quickly create a module for BEAM. 3.Creating a BEAM Module We add a module descriptor to the code developed so far in order to create a versioned, deployable and updateable BEAM module. The GPF operator becomes part of BEAM. 4.Integration with VISAT We develop a simple graphical user interface for the GPF operator. We integrate the GPF operator and its GUI into VISAT by adding a command which allows the users to invoke the operator from the VISAT Tools menu. Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 5 Wish list of participants Writing plug-ins (like a simple algorithm) Batch processing Automatic retrieval of new satellite products (wouldn't that be a nice feature) Command-line interfacing, interfacing with MATLAB Automatically producing graphics or georeferenced sub-products Pixel value retrieval, coordinate-based retrieval for a large sample set Overlaying transect data from external sources with beam-supported products Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 6 Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 22.-26.09.2008 Why develop with BEAM? Access EO data, metadata, no-data, flags Simple & effective programming models Reuse a rich software infrastructure It is free, it is open source, its Java Review and reuse source code BEAM code is widely used, it is in use BEAM is supported by ESA
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 7 Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 22.-26.09.2008 Development Use Cases 1.Use it Write batch-mode scripts Program stand-alone applications Develop web-services 2.Extend it Add EO data readers, writers Add EO data processing nodes Add map projections, DEMs Add VISAT actions, tool bars and tool windows 3.Clone it Customize and brand VISAT
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 8 Architecture Overview Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 9 Module-based Architecture BEAM module: –Name –Description –Version –Authors –Changelog –Dependencies –Extension points –Extensions Simple extension model: –Host module provides extension point, e.g. “product-reader” –Client module provides extension to host's extension point, e.g. “seawifs-reader” –Clients can be hosts Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 10 VISAT Module Manager Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 11 Development Platform Usages Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 12 Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 22.-26.09.2008 GPF - Graph Processing Framework Rapid processor development Forget about processing environment Concentrate on data and algorithm
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 13 BEAM Development Process at BC 3-4 core developers 1-2 application developers 1 permanent tester Developers also do user support Agile Development Process Feature list planning with ESA every 2 months Weekly iteration meetings Daily stand-up meetings Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 14 Tools used for BEAM Development Development IntelliJ IDEA (10) and Eclipse (2) IDEs Version control system is Subversion Maven - Project model & dependency management Testing JUnit – achieve good tested(10) code coverage QF Test – Automatic application & GUI testing Build Maven – The Java make Install4j – Installer builder TeamCity build server Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 15 Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 22.-26.09.2008 Getting started Online programming tutorial and guides From BEAM website Download & install BEAM 4.6.1 Download BEAM API documentation Download BEAM source code Install a Java IDE IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 16 Naming Conventions in Java Code Interface / Class names CamaleCase, first character upper-case GeoCoding, Product, RasterDataNode Variable names CamelCase, first character lower-case backgroundColor, threshold, minValue Constant names All letters upper-case, underscore DIALOG_TITLE, BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT Method / Function names CamelCase, first character lower-case getSampleValue, computeTile, isClosed Package names all lower-case beam, syke, binning Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 17 BEAM Installation Directory beam-4.x.y BEAM installation directory bin Application binary and script files visat.exe, gpt.bat, ceres-launcher.jar,... config Application configuration file(s) beam.config lib Common, 3 rd -party libraries xtream.jar, jdom.jar, gt-*.jar,... modules Application and plug-in BEAM modules ceres-*.jar beam-*.jar Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 18 Invocation of Command-line Tools Invocation of gpt.bat via a dedicated launcher program ( ceres- launcher.jar ). All JARs found in BEAM’s lib and modules directories are put on the classpath: @echo off set BEAM4_HOME=C:\Program Files\beam-4.6.1 "%BEAM4_HOME%\jre\bin\java.exe" ^ -Xmx1024M ^ -Dceres.context=beam ^ "-Dbeam.mainClass=org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.main.Main" ^ "-Dbeam.home=%BEAM4_HOME%" ^ "-Dncsa.hdf.hdflib.HDFLibrary.hdflib=%BEAM4_HOME%\...\jhdf.dll" ^ "-Dncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.H5.hdf5lib=%BEAM4_HOME%\...\jhdf5.dll" ^ -jar "%BEAM4_HOME%\bin\ceres-launcher.jar" %* exit /B 0 Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 19 The BEAM Graph Processing Framework (GPF) Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 20 Terms ((EO) Data) Processing System A system that utilizes hardware and manages processes running on it ((EO) Data) Processor A program that transforms source products into target products ((EO) Data) Processing Framework A software and API with an architecture designed for developing processors Framework “Don’t call us, we call you.” Abstract interfaces comprising callback functions clients must implement Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 21 Processing System (1) Main objective: Translate a job into a number of tasks running in parallel on a cluster of machines Scalability –Add CPUs –Add more storage space Data locality –Avoid network I/O –Force local data I/O Load balancing –Assign tasks to idle compute nodes Backup tasks –Handle tasks taking unusually long time to complete Fault tolerance –Recover from HW failures Monitoring –Statistics & Performance
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 22 Processing System (2) A processing system places some requirements on the processes (processors) it is running: A processor shall be configurable Input and output files Processing parameters Runtime behaviour (e.g. memory, tiling, buffer sizes) A processor shall be observable Progress Status Logging Exit code Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 23 A Processing Graph Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 24 Processing Framework Requirements Create processing chains or even graphs composed of processing nodes. Processing nodes shall be reusable in other graphs, e.g. MERIS Cloud Screening be easily configurable in terms of processing parameters be easily configurable in terms of the algorithm implementation Processor implementation code shall abstract from physical file format of EO data file I/O configuration & parameterisation, parameter value access Avoid I/O overhead between processing steps Exploit multi-core CPU architectures The framework shall be extendible, e.g. it shall recognise new processing node implementations at runtime Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 25 BEAM GPF Allows to construct directed, acyclic processing graphs Implements the “pull-processing” paradigm A processor is represented by its processing graph Product processing requests are translated into raster-tile- requests propagated backwards through the graph Tile requests are automatically parallelised depending on CPU cores Simple data processing and programming model For a particular node, clients (Java developers) implement how a raster tile is being computed Parameter values are “injected” by the framework Generated user interfaces: Command-line (gpt) and VISAT GUI Operators can be dynamically added to BEAM via plug-in modules Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 26 Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 22.-26.09.2008 Product Data Model (1)
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 27 Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 22.-26.09.2008 Product Data Model (2)
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 28 Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 22.-26.09.2008 GPF Architecture (1)
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 29 GPF Architecture (2) Clients provide their compiled Operator Java code packed into JAR modules A JAR module publishes its operator services via metadata (Service Provider Interface, SPI) META-INF/services/ org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.OperatorSpi Once GPF is started, e.g. by visat.exe or gpt.bat, it loads all operator services it finds on its (dynamic) classpath %BEAM_HOME%/modules/*.ja r %BEAM_HOME%/lib/*.jar Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 30 GPF Processing Node Anatomy (1) @OperatorMetadata(alias = “NoiseRedOp", version = "1.0", authors = "Ralf Quast", copyright = "(c) 2008 by Brockmann Consult", description = "Performs a noise reduction on” + “ CHRIS/Proba images.") public class NoiseRedOp extends Operator { @SourceProduct(alias = "source") private Product sourceProduct; @TargetProduct private Product targetProduct; @Parameter(defaultValue=“false”) private boolean slitCorrection; @Parameter(interval=“(0,50]”, defaultValue=“25”) private int smoothingOrder; @Parameter(valueSet={“N2”, “N4”, “N8”}, defaultValue=“N2”) private String neighbourhoodType; //... } Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 31 GPF Processing Node Anatomy (2) If single target bands can be computed independently of each other, e.g. NDVI or algorithms which perform single band filtering: public class NoiseRedOp extends Operator { public void initialize() throws OperatorException { // validate and process source products and parameter values // create, configure and set the target product } public void computeTile(Band targetBand, Tile targetTile, ProgressMonitor pm) throws OperatorException { // Obtain source tiles for used bands of source products // Process samples of source tiles to samples of target tile // Set samples of single target tile } Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 32 GPF Processing Node Anatomy (3) If single target bands cannot be computed independently of each other, e.g. model inversion algorithms based on neural networks: public class NoiseRedOp extends Operator { public void initialize() throws OperatorException { // validate and process source products and parameter values // create, configure and set the target product } public void computeTileStack(Map targetTiles, Rectangle targetTileRectangle, ProgressMonitor pm) throws OperatorException { // Obtain source tiles for used bands of source products // Process samples of source tiles to samples of target tiles // Set samples of all given target tiles } Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 33 Programming BEAM, ESRIN, 22.-26.09.2008 How GPF “drives” Processing Nodes 1.GPF knows about all registered Operators (Plug-in) 2.GPF encounters a required node (GUI, CLI, XML graph) 1.The client‘s Operator class is found by its alias 2.The SourceProduct, TargetProduct and Parameter annotations are analysed 3.The client‘s Operator object is created 4.Source products and parameter values are injected 3.GPF calls Operator.initialize (). In this method, the client provides code to 1.validate and process source products and parameter values 2.create, configure and set the target product 4.GPF calls either Operator.computeTile() or Operator.computeTileStack() in case raster data is required
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 34 gpt – The GPF Command-Line Tool Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 35 GPF Processing Node Configuration Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 36 GPF Processing Node GUI Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 37 GPF Programming Model Product p0 = ProductIO.readProduct(“MER_1P.N1”); Map params1 =...; Map params2 =...; Map params3 =...; Product p1, p2, p3; p1 = GPF.createProduct(“SmileCorrOp”, params1, p0); p2 = GPF.createProduct(“CloudMaskOp”, params2, p1); p3 = GPF.createProduct(“NoiseRedOp”, params3, p1, p2); WriteOp.writeProduct(p3, new File(“TEST.DIM”), “BEAM-DIMAP”, ProgressMonitor.NULL); Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
B ROCKMANN C ONSULT 38 End Thanks for using BEAM! Programming BEAM, Syke, 20.-22.01.2010
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