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Liquid Al surface density profile F.D. Di Tolla, PhD Thesis (1996)

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Presentation on theme: "Liquid Al surface density profile F.D. Di Tolla, PhD Thesis (1996)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Liquid Al surface density profile F.D. Di Tolla, PhD Thesis (1996)

2 Density profile for gas & liquid in pore Walton and Quirke, Chem. Phys. Lett. 129, 382 (1986).

3 Turbulent nature of liquid surface Molecular Dynamics Applet

4 Surface reconstruction Si (111) Au (100)

5 Different surfaces within a crystal Low index surfaces for a face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal

6 Surface reconstruction fcc

7 Surface reconstruction Si (111)

8 Adsorbate superlattices

9 Surface tension from cohesive forces

10 Water-walking insects

11 Soap bubbles


13 Giant soap films 1999 APS meeting

14 Experiment to define surface tension

15 Pressure difference across curved surface

16 Temperature Dependence of Surface Tension

17 THIN LIQUID FILMS thin liquid films occur in everyday life – adhesives (superglue) – lubricants (on cornea of eye, engine piston) – spray coatings (paint, herbicides, fibers) – printing (ink on transparency or tape) – soap bubbles & films – foams (shaving cream, cappuccino) – water films (water spotting, hydroplaning) stability desirable/ essential stability undesirable

18 DEWETTING OF POLYMER FILMS PS films on Si dewet at elevated temperatures – form polygonal patterns of PS droplets [G. Reiter, PRL 68, 75 (1992)] same patterns observed for dewetting of PS on PMMA [e.g. S. Qu et al., Macromolecules 30, 3640 (1997)] PS/Si PS/PMMA

19 Contact angle  lg   sl  sg  sg –  sl –  lg cos  = 0 liquid solid gas

20 Inspired by Nature – lotus leaf – symbol of purity – nature’s self-cleaning surface – mimic microstructure on surface [D. Quéré, Nature Mater. (2002)]

21 Cheerios effect coined by Jearl Walker, Flying Circus of Physics

22 Cheerios effect can also lead to formation of bubble rafts [Vella & Mahadevan, Am. J. Phys. (2005)]

23 Sphere at liquid-gas interface

24 Waterlily leaf beetle larva Hu & Bush, Nature 437, 733 (2005).

25 Capillary origami [Py et al., PRL (2007)]

26 Capillary force on AFM tip F cap = 2  R  (cos  1 + cos  2 )

27 Capillary force on AFM tip [Sirghi et al., Langmuir (2001)]

28 Force Spectroscopy in AFM forces between AFM tip and a mica surface in air and water measurement in air shows large adhesive force due to capillary effect immersion in water almost completely eliminates capillary forces and adhesion

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