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NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 1 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y NetFPGA Tutorial Tsinghua University – Day 2 Presented by: James Hongyi.

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Presentation on theme: "NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 1 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y NetFPGA Tutorial Tsinghua University – Day 2 Presented by: James Hongyi."— Presentation transcript:

1 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 1 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y NetFPGA Tutorial Tsinghua University – Day 2 Presented by: James Hongyi Zeng (Stanford University) Joshua Lu (Xilinx China) Beijing, China May 15 - 16, 2010

2 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 2 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Outline Tree Structure Develop a cryptography module –Quick overview of XOR “cryptography” –Implement crypto module –Write software simulations –Synthesize –Write hardware tests

3 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 3 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Tree Structure NF2 bin lib projects bitfiles (scripts for running simulations and setting up the environment) (contains the bitfiles for all projects that have been synthesized) (stable common modules and common parts needed for simulation/synthesis/design) (user projects, including reference designs)

4 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 4 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Tree Structure (2) lib C java Makefiles Perl5 python scripts verilog (common software and code for reference designs) (contains software for the graphical user interface) (makefiles for simulation and synthesis) (common libraries to interact with reference designs and aid in simulation) (common libraries to aid in regression tests) (scripts for common functions) (modules and files that can be reused for design)

5 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 5 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Tree Structure (3) projects doc include regress src sw synth verif (project specific documentation) (contains file to include verilog modules from lib, and creates project specific register defines files) (regression tests used to test generated bitfiles) (contains non-library verilog code used for synthesis and simulation) (all software parts of the project) (contains user.xco files to generate cores and Makefile to implement the design) (simulation tests)

6 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 6 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Cryptography Simple cryptography – XOR ABA ^ B 000 011 101 110

7 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 7 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Cryptography (cont.) Example: Explanation: –A ^ A = 0 –So, M ^ K ^ K = M ^ 0 = M Message:00111011 Key:10110001 Message ^ Key:10001010 Message ^ Key ^ Key:00111011

8 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 8 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Implementing a Crypto Module (1) What do we want to encrypt? –IP payload only Plaintext IP header allows routing Content is hidden –Encrypt bytes 35 onward Bytes 1-14 – Ethernet header Bytes 15-34 – IPv4 header (assume no options) –Assume all packets are IPv4 for simplicity

9 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 9 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Implementing a Crypto Module (2) State machine (draw on next page): –Module headers on each packet –Datapath 64-bits wide 34 / 8 is not an integer!  Inside the crypto module

10 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 10 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Crypto Module State Diagram Hint: We suggest 4 states (or 3 if you’re feeling adventurous) Skip Module Headers

11 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 11 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y State Diagram to Verilog (1) Module location 1.Crypto module to encrypt and decrypt packets MAC RxQ MAC RxQ CPU RxQ CPU RxQ MAC RxQ MAC RxQ CPU RxQ CPU RxQ MAC RxQ MAC RxQ CPU RxQ CPU RxQ MAC RxQ MAC RxQ CPU RxQ CPU RxQ Input Arbiter Output Port Lookup MAC TxQ MAC TxQ CPU TxQ CPU TxQ MAC TxQ MAC TxQ CPU TxQ CPU TxQ MAC TxQ MAC TxQ CPU TxQ CPU TxQ MAC TxQ MAC TxQ CPU TxQ CPU TxQ Output Queues Crypto

12 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 12 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Inter-module Communication data ctrl wr rdy

13 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 13 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y State Diagram to Verilog (2) Projects: –Each design represented by a project Format: NF2/projects/ –NF2/projects/crypto_nic –Consists of: –Missing: Verilog source Simulation tests Hardware tests Libraries Optional software State diagram implementation Simulation tests Regression tests

14 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 14 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y State Diagram to Verilog (3) Projects (cont): –Pull in modules from NF2/lib/verilog Generic modules that are re-used in multiple projects Specify shared modules in project’s include/lib_modules.txt –Local src modules override shared modules –crypto_nic: Local user_data_path.v, crypto.v Everything else: shared modules

15 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 15 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y State Diagram to Verilog (4) Your task: 1.Copy NF2/lib/verilog/module_template/src/module_template.v to NF2/projects/crypto_nic/src/crypto.v 2.Implement your state diagram in src/crypto.v –Small fallthrough FIFO –Generic register interface –Registers to be used defined in include/crypto_defines.v

16 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 16 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Generic Registers Module generic_regs # (.UDP_REG_SRC_WIDTH (UDP_REG_SRC_WIDTH),.TAG (`CRYPTO_BLOCK_TAG),.REG_ADDR_WIDTH (`CRYPTO_REG_ADDR_WIDTH),.NUM_COUNTERS (0),.NUM_SOFTWARE_REGS (1),.NUM_HARDWARE_REGS (0)) crypto_regs (.reg_req_in (reg_req_in), ….reg_src_out (reg_src_out), ….software_regs (key),.hardware_regs (), …

17 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 17 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y First Break (While writing Verilog modules)

18 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 18 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Testing: Simulation (1) Simulation allows testing without requiring lengthy synthesis process NetFPGA provides Perl simulation infrastructure to: –Send/receive packets Physical ports and CPU –Read/write registers –Verify results Simulations run in ModelSim/VCS

19 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 19 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Testing: Simulation (2) Simulations located in project/verif Multiple simulations per project –Test different features Example: –crypto_nic/verif/test_nic_short Send one packet from CPU, expect packet out physical port Send one packet in physical port, expect packet to CPU

20 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 20 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Testing: Simulation (3) Useful functions: –nf_PCI_read32(delay, batch, addr, expect) –nf_PCI_write32(delay, batch, addr, value) –nf_packet_in(port, length, delay, batch, pkt) –nf_expected_packet(port, length, pkt) –nf_dma_data_in(length, delay, port, pkt) –nf_expected_dma_data(port, length, pkt) –make_IP_pkt(length, da, sa, ttl, dst_ip, src_ip) –encrypt_pkt(key, pkt) –decrypt_pkt(key, pkt)

21 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 21 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Testing: Simulation (4) Your task: 1.Template files NF2/projects/crypto_nic/verif/test_crypto_encrypt/ NF2/projects/crypto_nic/verif/test_crypto_decrypt/ 2.Implement your Perl verif tests –Use the example verif test (test_nic_short )

22 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 22 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Running Simulations Use command –Optional parameters --major --minor --gui (starts the default viewing environment) test_crypto_encrypt Set env. variables to reference your project NF2_DESIGN_DIR=/root/NF2/projects/ PERL5LIB=/root/NF2/projects/ /lib/Perl5: /root/NF2/lib/Perl5: majorminor

23 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 23 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Running Simulations When running modelsim interactively: –Click "no" when simulator prompts to finish –Changes to code can be recompiled without quitting ModelSim: bash# cd /tmp/$(whoami)/verif/ ; make model_sim VSIM 5> restart -f; run -a –Do ensure $NF2_DESIGN_DIR is correct

24 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 24 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Synthesis To synthesize your project –Run make in the synth directory (NF2/projects/crypto_nic/synth)

25 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 25 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Second Break (while hardware compiles)

26 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 26 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Regression Tests Test hardware module Perl Infrastructure provided to –Read/Write registers –Read/Write tables –Send Packets –Check Counters

27 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 27 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Example Regression Tests Reference Router –Send Packets from CPU –Longest Prefix Matching –Longest Prefix Matching Misses –Packets dropped when queues overflow –Receiving Packets with IP TTL <= 1 –Receiving Packets with IP options or non IPv4 –Packet Forwarding –Dropping packets with bad IP Checksum

28 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 28 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Perl Libraries Specify the Interfaces –eth1, eth2, nf2c0 … nf2c3 Start packet capture on Interfaces Create Packets –MAC header –IP header –PDU Read/Write Registers Read/Write Reference Router tables –Longest Prefix Match –ARP –Destination IP Filter

29 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 29 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Regression Test Examples Reference Router –Packet Forwarding regress/test_packet_forwarding –Longest Prefix Match regress/test_lpm –Send and Receive regress/test_send_rec

30 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 30 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Creating a Regression Test Useful functions: –nftest_regwrite(interface, addr, value) –nftest_regread(interface, addr) –nftest_send(interface, frame) –nftest_expect(interface, frame) –encrypt_pkt(key, pkt) –decrypt_pkt(key, pkt) –$pkt = NF2::IP_pkt->new(len => $length, DA => $DA, SA => $SA, ttl => $TTL, dst_ip => $dst_ip, src_ip => $src_ip);

31 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 31 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Creating a Regression Test (2) Your task: 1.Template files NF2/projects/crypto_nic/regress/test_crypto_encrypt/run 2.Implement your Perl verif tests

32 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 32 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Running Regression Test Run the command --project crypto_nic

33 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 33 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Third Break (while testing hardware)

34 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 34 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y The New 2.0 Release Modular Registers –Simplifies integration of multiple modules Many users control NetFPGAs from software –Register set joined together at build time Project specifies registers in XML list Packet Buffering in DRAM –Supports Deep buffering Single 64MByte queue in DDR2 memory Programmable Packet Encapsulation –Packet-in-packet encapsulation Enables tunnels between OpenFlowSwitch nodes

35 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 35 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y

36 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 36 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Project Ideas for the NetFPGA IPv6 Router (in high demand) TCP Traffic Generator Valiant Load Balancing Graphical User Interface (like CLACK) MAC-in-MAC Encapsulation Encryption / Decryption modules RCP Transport Protocol Packet Filtering ( Firewall, IDS, IDP ) TCP Offload Engine DRAM Packet Queues 8-Port Switch using SATA Bridge Build our own MAC (from source, rather than core) Use XML for Register Definitions

37 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 37 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y NetFPGA Designs Project (Title & Summary)BaseStatusOrganizationDocs. IPv4 Reference Router2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityGuide Quad-Port Gigabit NIC2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityGuide Ethernet Switch2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityGuide Hardware-Accelerated Linux Router2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityGuide Packet Generator2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityWiki OpenFlow Switch2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityWiki DRAM-Router2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityWiki NetFlow Probe1.2FunctionalBrno UniversityWiki AirFPGA2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityWiki Fast Reroute & Multipath Router2.0FunctionalStanford UniversityWiki NetThreads1.2.5FunctionalUniversity of TorontoWiki URL Extraction2.0FunctionalUniv. of New South WalesWiki zFilter Sprouter (Pub/Sub)1.2FunctionalEricssonWiki Windows Driver2.0FunctionalMicrosoft ResearchWiki IP Lookup w/Blooming Tree1.2.5In ProgressUniversity of PisaWiki DFA2.0In ProgressUMass LowellWiki G/PaX ?.?In ProgressXilinxWiki Precise Traffic Generator1.2.5In ProgressUniversity of TorontoWiki Open Network Lab2.0In ProgressWashington UniversityWiki KOREN Testbed ?.?In ProgressChungnam-KoreaWiki RED2.0In ProgressStanford UniversityWiki Virtual Data Plane1.2In ProgressGeorgia TechWiki Precise Time Protocol (PTP)2.0In ProgressStanford UniversityWiki Deficit Round Robin (DRR)1.2RepackageStanford UniversityWiki.. And more on

38 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 38 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Group Discussion Your plans for using the NetFPGA –Teaching –Research –Other Resources needed for your class –Source code –Courseware –Examples Your plans to contribute –Expertise –Capabilities –Collaboration Opportunities

39 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 39 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y NetFPGA Developers Workshops You already know that the NetFPGA implements a Gigabit NIC, a hardware-accelerated Internet router, a traffic generator, an OpenFlow switch, a NetFlow probe and more. What else can it do? We invite you to contribute a NetFPGA project and present your work at a NetFPGA workshop NetFPGA Events: – 2010 Locations: –USA (Stanford, California) –Europe (UK) –Asia (Korea) Format –Presentations –Demonstrations Example – “What can you built with your NetFPGA?”

40 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 40 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y The contest is split into two challenges. Teams can participate in either or both challenges. Design challenges will be posted on the start date of the contest. The design teams have 120 days to produce a working implementation employing any HW and SW design methodology and targeting the NetFPGA development platform. Dates –Contest starts on Feb 9th 2010 –Contest ends on June 1st 2010. Challenge 1: The Best Network Tester/Packet Capture system –There are a small number of very expensive packet generator and capture systems on the market, used for testing networks and network equipment. The goal of this design is to provide a usable, powerful and open-source alternative for use by universities and organizations unable to afford such expensive equipment. Challenge 2: The Best Overall Network System Design –The goal is to design and implement a novel design on the NetFPGA system. Use your imagination to devise a new use case for the NetFPGA. We are looking for solutions utilizing the NetFPGA cards that perform significant networking functionality. Rules and more Information – NetFPGA Design Contest

41 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 41 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Thoughts for Developers Build Modular components –Describe shared registers (as per 2.0 release) –Consider how modules would be used in larger systems Define functionality clearly –Through regression tests –With repeatable results Disseminate projects –Post open-source code –Document projects on Web, Wiki Expand the community of developers –Answer questions in the Discussion Forum –Collaborate with your peers to build new applications

42 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 42 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Visit

43 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 43 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Join the Community Log into the Wiki Access the Beta code Join the netfpga-beta mailing list Join the discussion forum

44 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 44 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Contribute to the Project Search for related work List your project on the Wiki Link your project homepage

45 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 45 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Survey How did you like this this tutorial? –What did you find useful? –What should be improved? –What should be removed? –What should be added? Can we post the video from this event? –If not, please let us know. Complete On-line survey –

46 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 46 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Acknowledgments NetFPGA Team at Stanford University (Past and Present): Nick McKeown, Glen Gibb, Jad Naous, David Erickson, G. Adam Covington, John W. Lockwood, Jianying Luo, Brandon Heller, Paul Hartke, Neda Beheshti, Sara Bolouki, James Zeng, Jonathan Ellithorpe, Sachidanandan Sambandan

47 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 47 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Special thanks to: Other NetFPGA Tutorials Presented At: SIGMETRICS Patrick Lysaght, Veena Kumar, Paul Hartke, Anna Acevedo Xilinx University Program (XUP) See:

48 NetFPGA Tsinghua Tutorial May 15 -16 2010 48 S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y Acknowledgments Support for the NetFPGA project has been provided by the following companies and institutions Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or of any other sponsors supporting this project.

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