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M. Brooks, LANL 1 Physics and Simulation Status and To-Dos Physics Section could probably use a top-down re-write. Most of the info is probably there but.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Brooks, LANL 1 Physics and Simulation Status and To-Dos Physics Section could probably use a top-down re-write. Most of the info is probably there but."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Brooks, LANL 1 Physics and Simulation Status and To-Dos Physics Section could probably use a top-down re-write. Most of the info is probably there but successive edits over couple years have left it difficult to read and pull out key points Detector Design/Performance needs a little more work: phi stagger or not, stereo or not, 3- d DCA cuts Physics Performance Plots: Finish updating S:B improvement with FVTX  updated physics plots with error bars Physics plots with error bars should have suite of theory comparisons to show how measurements go from qualitative to quantitative Charm-beauty separation using DCA, event topology cuts needs to be fleshed out W improvement simulations need to be completed (Zhengyun made significant progress, need to finish backgrounds with single track simulations). Additional cuts need to be studied (dE/dx, silicon track  2, full MuTr+silicon track fit cuts…) Additional physics studies would be nice, but may not be time: Drell-Yan, mid- rapidity  …

2 M. Brooks, LANL 2 Physics Motivation Silicon Vertex Tracker for Forward Rapidity: Tag displaced vertices to allow precision heavy flavor measurements Separate Charm and Beauty Add Drell-Yan,  ’,  at mid-rapidity(?), Significantly enhances every aspect of the Muon Arms Physics Program Complements Barrel Tracker which will cover central rapidity y = 1.2 y = 2.4

3 M. Brooks, LANL 3 Physics Motivation Heavy Ions: Precision heavy flavor production measurement and separation of charm and beauty should allow for unambiguous modeling of quark energy loss Precision charm measurement along with improved vector meson measurements allows vector meson production and suppression to be understood Charm and beauty flow measurements Expanded vector meson measurements, Cold Nuclear Matter: Same measurements; needed to separate cold and hot nuclear matter effects Drell-Yan measurements help understand CNM energy loss Spin Physics: Precision heavy flavor measurements help understand gluon contribution to spin Drell-Yan can give anti-quark spin measurements Improved W measurements

4 M. Brooks, LANL 4 What does FVTX provide? DCA measurement separates prompt, finite c  Isolation cut, general event topology cut possibilities (PID) More constraints on track fit, more precision dE/dx  prompt

5 M. Brooks, LANL 5 Heavy Quark Signal Extraction with FVTX Signal:Background for heavy-quark:decay muons+punch-throughs <1 before FVTX Place cut DCA min < DCA < DCA max Signal:Background>1 over all pT after FVTX DCA cuts (each background reduced by ~*10) To Do: S:B plots being updated using full KF fit, 3-d cuts, full PYTHIA events… (Zhengyun, LANL) Current plots are from straight-line fit, single particle events, r-z cut

6 M. Brooks, LANL 6 Heavy Quark Signal Extraction with FVTX Improved S:B  smaller statistical and systematic errors (calculation as a function of S:B) Heavy quark cross section  R AA changes from qualitative to quantitative Should show that FVTX error bars allow discrimination among different models c/b separation also key to making clear distinctions To Do: change error bars to R AA error bars, overlay all theory plots. Ivan has clear c/b separation plots *Xiaorong Wang

7 M. Brooks, LANL 7 Heavy Quark Signal Extraction with FVTX p+p asymmetry measurements should show ability to distinguish among various  G models. Below picture shows that charm, beauty separation also significantly improves measurement capability To Do: Add different  G curves *Xiaorong Wang

8 M. Brooks, LANL 8 Separating Charm and Beauty Beauty measurements by: B  J/  event topology cuts in single muon events kinematic cuts (p T, DCA fits) To Do: take event topology and DCA cuts from qualitative statements to quantitative statements Direct Beauty Measurement LANL Event Topology Michael Malik Charm/Beauty p T Zhengyun, LANL

9 M. Brooks, LANL 9 W physics W signal enhanced by: DCA cuts, isolation cuts, match track in FVTX (removes neutral   ) Deep track *3 Quality cuts *2 Isolation, Neutral, and DCA Cut *6 Shower Cut in MuID *5 To Do: Finish background studies, add additional FVTX cuts (dE/dx, silicon  2 cut, silicon+MuTr track fit cuts) *Zhengyun You, Ming Liu o Before ▲ After Pythia Min. Bias and W events through full reconstruction

10 M. Brooks, LANL 10 Misc other physics plots Vector meson improvements: don’t expect additional studies before review Drell-Yan – state it can be done, but full simulation not done  at mid-rapidity - ditto Without FVTX With FVTX

11 M. Brooks, LANL 11 Backups

12 M. Brooks, LANL 12 Detector Specifications Enough planes to get 3 or more hits on most tracks within the Muon Acceptance  4 planes with maximal r/z coverage Good enough DCA resolution to find primary vertices and separate D, B from prompt and long-lived decays  75  m pitch strips Low enough occupancy in Central AuAu to have efficient track finding  75  m pitch, with 3.75° phi Ability to match tracks to muon system tracks  resolution, hits

13 M. Brooks, LANL 13 What does FVTX provide? DCA measurement separates prompt, finite c  Isolation cut, general event topology cut possibilities (PID) More constraints on track fit dE/dx  prompt B->µ cm D->µ cm

14 M. Brooks, LANL 14 Why?—Improvement of Forward Rapidity Muon Measurements Physics observables with Muon Arms plus FVTX: Vector Mesons Open heavy flavor Hadrons Real Data  from D and B Simulation Each and every physics measurement from the muon arm will be improved with the addition of the FVTX and new measurements will become available

15 M. Brooks, LANL 15 Why?—Limitations of Current Measurements Many current measurements with PHENIX detector are quite limited because of large systematic errors associated with large backgrounds Real Data MB AuAu J/  with Background Single Muon Spectra Based on Real Data

16 M. Brooks, LANL 16 How FVTX Can Help Single muon components can be separated from each other, greatly reducing systematic errors on open heavy flavor measurements Decay muons can be removed from dimuon background and dimuon mass resolution will improve. All dimuon measurements (vector mesons, Drell-Yan, correlated and uncorrelated open heavy flavor) will have less background Real Data Without FVTX With FVTX

17 M. Brooks, LANL 17 Why Forward Rapidity? Improvement in rich Muon-Arm physics program: pp, dAu, AuAu programs all improved significantly Forward Rapidity brings critical kinematic extension with much better systematic errors than current measurements to: Separate various cold- and hot-nuclear matter effects Map out distribution functions over broader x-range

18 M. Brooks, LANL 18 LastGap==4 Factor ~ 3 Quality cut Factor ~ 2

19 M. Brooks, LANL 19 SvxConeHit = 0 Factor ~ 6 Muid Show and ConeHit = 0 (r=50cm) Factor ~ 5

20 M. Brooks, LANL 20 Detector Performance Full PISA simulation Digitize strips, find clusters, get centroid Use Kalman Filter Fit to fit and project to z_vertex Get DCA components in r (good) and phi (less good) ~100  m resolution in r and ~500  m resolution in phi Multiple-scattering dominated resolution Sufficient resolution to separate prompt, heavy quark, and light meson decays. (r) Muon acceptance

21 M. Brooks, LANL 21 Alternate Detector Configurations Under Study Stereo angles for strips Phi staggering at each station (r)

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