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P arent I nvolvement A nalysis? The Parent Involvement Analysis is designed and developed by Academic Development Institute What is.

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Presentation on theme: "P arent I nvolvement A nalysis? The Parent Involvement Analysis is designed and developed by Academic Development Institute What is."— Presentation transcript:

1 P arent I nvolvement A nalysis? The Parent Involvement Analysis is designed and developed by Academic Development Institute What is

2 Academic Development Institute The Parent Involvement Analysis (PIA) online tool is used by state departments of education to assist schools in developing their school improvement plan.

3 Academic Development Institute For Title I Schools the tool helps meet the letter and the spirit of parent involvement as defined in Title I Section 1118 under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Any school will benefit from using PIA

4 Academic Development Institute The Parent Involvement Analysis online tool guides a school ‐ based team through an inventory and self ‐ assessment of parent involvement policies and practices, resulting in objectives for improvement that can become part of the school improvement plan. PIA Purpose

5 Academic Development Institute The team may be an existing team (school improvement team) or a team formed especially to conduct the analysis. A typical team should include the principal, school staff, and parents. A least half of the members of the team should be parents of currently enrolled students and not employed by the school or district. The School Team

6 Academic Development Institute The principal prints out the needed worksheets from the website Makes copies for team members The team discusses and completes the worksheets at the meeting The principal records the completed version in the online system PIA Tools for the Team

7 Academic Development Institute The time investment necessary to complete the analysis process is approximately 5 to 6 hours. Time Commitment

8 Academic Development Institute Three meetings of 90 minutes each (one meeting for each of steps 3, 4, and 5 in the process). Meet twice for longer amounts of time, maybe 2 1/2 hours each meeting. Devote a day to the process and complete the analysis in one session. Meeting Options

9 Academic Development Institute The school will use the login code provided by their state. The first time the school logs into the system the password can be changed. Walk Through the Parent Involvement Analysis Online Process

10 Main Menu Quality resources for the school and the team

11 What are the 5 steps in the Parent Involvement Analysis?

12 Step 1 The principal completes the School Information Form. What is in the School Information Form? School and District Contact Information Demographics School Personnel School Grades Levels and Enrollment State Standards Assessment Scores Current Parent Involvement Practices Other information about the school

13 The principal gathers copies of key documents for review by the school team. Step 2

14 Academic Development Institute Step 3 The school team scores the key documents with the rubrics.

15 Academic Development Institute The School Team completes the School Community Survey. Step 4 Each member of the team completes the survey independently. The team discusses each survey question and arrives at a consensus score for each question. Discussing each question will take time, but it simplifies the development of your objectives step 5.

16 Academic Development Institute Sample Survey PageSample Report Page

17 Academic Development Institute The school team completes a needs assessment and develops objectives to include in the school improvement plan. Step 5 School Information Form Policy Analysis School Community Survey Needs Assessment

18 Needs Assessment Pages WiseWays®

19 The WiseWays ® are one of the many evidence-based resources available to the team while preparing and implementing their objectives. Did you Notice the WiseWays ® ?

20 When the Needs Assessment is submitted a full report will be submitted to the District Title I Director or Superintendent As each document is submitted, a completion date will be added to the main screen.

21 State Administrative Page View the number of schools using the tool and what step they are on in the process View progress dates based on the filter options offered.

22 For Technical Assistance, use the provided links

23 Academic Development Institute 217-732-6462 Visit our websites for more resources: In Illinois We can help you to build strong school communities within the schools you serve.

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