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Observation/Inferences What do these two words mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Observation/Inferences What do these two words mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation/Inferences What do these two words mean?

2 Observations / Observations: We use our senses to gather information about the world around us. There are two types of observations.

3 Qualitative / Qualitative observation: (quality) Uses words. Usually made with our senses. / See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell. Examples: / Brutus is wearing a Scarlet and Gray Long Sleeve Shirt. / The lab tabletop is smooth. / Qualitative observation: (quality) Uses words. Usually made with our senses. / See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell. Examples: / Brutus is wearing a Scarlet and Gray Long Sleeve Shirt. / The lab tabletop is smooth.

4 Quantitative / Quantitative observation: (quantity) How many? Will always have a number Based on exact measurement. Examples: / The room is 8 meters across. / Thelma is 141-cm tall. / Earl weighs 68,100 Grams. / Quantitative observation: (quantity) How many? Will always have a number Based on exact measurement. Examples: / The room is 8 meters across. / Thelma is 141-cm tall. / Earl weighs 68,100 Grams.

5 Inferences / Inference: / A logical interpretation of an event that is based on observations and prior knowledge. / What does this mean in 6th grade terms? / Inference: / A logical interpretation of an event that is based on observations and prior knowledge. / What does this mean in 6th grade terms?

6 Making Inferences / You are at the counter in the office to get a bus pass signed. You see a student leave the principal’s office crying and upset. We could make an inference as to why the student is upset. / Could be in trouble (Lunch Detention, ALC) / Family problems at home (sick, accident) / Student not feeling well / Student has poor grades (failing, retention) / You are at the counter in the office to get a bus pass signed. You see a student leave the principal’s office crying and upset. We could make an inference as to why the student is upset. / Could be in trouble (Lunch Detention, ALC) / Family problems at home (sick, accident) / Student not feeling well / Student has poor grades (failing, retention)

7 Observation vs. Inference / Observation – Based on the five senses: / Sight / Smell / Touch / Taste / Hearing / A visible or provable fact. / For example, the whiteboard is white / Observation – Based on the five senses: / Sight / Smell / Touch / Taste / Hearing / A visible or provable fact. / For example, the whiteboard is white / Inference – Based on prior knowledge or opinion / For example, that dog looks ugly! Sorry Mrs. Snider!

8 Examples OBSERVATIONS / That plant is extremely wilted. / The car stopped running / There is 1 round table in this room. OBSERVATIONS / That plant is extremely wilted. / The car stopped running / There is 1 round table in this room. INFERENCES / That plant is extremely wilted due to a lack of water. / The car stopped running because it was out of gas. / There is one round table in this room because Mr. Burger likes Rectangles better.

9 Observation vs Inference / List 2 Qualitative Observations / List 2 Quantitative Observations / List 1 Inference

10 Observation vs Inference / List 2 Qualitative Observations / List 2 Quantitative Observations / List 1 Inference

11 Observation vs Inference / List 2 Qualitative Observations / List 2 Quantitative Observations / List 1 Inference

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