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Graduate Report Crop & Soil Sciences Spring 2010 Miguel Cabrera - Graduate Coordinator Vivienne Sturgill – Academic Advisor II.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Report Crop & Soil Sciences Spring 2010 Miguel Cabrera - Graduate Coordinator Vivienne Sturgill – Academic Advisor II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Report Crop & Soil Sciences Spring 2010 Miguel Cabrera - Graduate Coordinator Vivienne Sturgill – Academic Advisor II

2 Overview Graduate Student Population Admission Process Major Professor Responsibilities Vote on Guidelines

3 CRSS Student Population = 37 (29) Category Graduate Students Female 12 (11) International 12 (12) M.S 25 (22) Ph.D 9 (5) MPPPM, MCSS, ND 3 (2) Need to recruit more graduate students!

4 Overview Graduate Student Population Admission Process Major Prof. Responsibilities Vote on Guidelines

5 Graduate Committee Major Professor ? Acceptable (Placed on website) Not acceptable Student application Major Professor Funds Not accepted Graduate Student Admission Process Graduate School Not accepted Accepted Non-degree student? 3 Athens 1 Griffin 1 Tifton

6 Admission Criteria GRE GPA Dept 1000 3.5 Grad. Sch. 1000 3.0 > 800 >3.4 >900 >3.1 >1000 >2.8 800 2.6 Ph.D. Students M.S. Students Students with GPA > 3.5 and GRE > 1300 can be nominated for a Graduate School Assistantship (February of each year)

7 Overview Graduate Student Population Admission Process Major Prof. Responsibilities Vote on Guidelines

8 Major Prof. Responsibilities Notify Graduate Coordinator (student arrival) Provide access to computer/printer Assist student with TIMELY submission of: – Advisory Committee – Program of Study – Research Proposal

9 Monitoring Progress Advisory Committee & Program of Study Research Proposal M.S. Students1 st semester2 nd semester Ph.D. Students2 nd semester

10 Advisory Committee M.S. – 3 members –One member can be non-UGA Ph.D. – 5 members –One member from another department –One member can be non-UGA Co-Major Professors count as 1 member

11 Program of Study Requirements for all students – At least one course in Statistics – CRSS 8100 Graduate Seminar Guided teaching experience (CRSS 7990/9990 or education course) –Mandatory for Ph.D. students –Suggested for M.S. students –Effective January 1, 2006 Continuous enrollment (at least 3 cr in two out of three semesters)

12 Major Prof. Responsibilities (cont.) Help student with Graduate Seminar Submit grades for Research/Thesis/Dissertation hours –At the end of each semester!

13 Submit Grades for Research Hours Submit grades online when requested All terms, including summer! Go to Registrar’s Office website If grades are not submitted online, more work for Major Professor because forms have to be signed, faxed, etc.

14 Major Prof. Responsibilities (cont.) Help student with Graduate Seminar Submit grades for Research Hours Complete Annual Evaluation Form (May 30)

15 ANNUAL GRADUATE STUDENT EVALUATION Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Due May 30 Student Name Degree Objective Major Professor No of Semesters in Degree Program ______ 1. PROGRESS TOWARDS DEGREE (to be completed for all students by Advisory Committee) Advisory Committee selected, approved Program of Study approved Research Proposal submitted, approved This student is making satisfactory progress towards degree. YES NO (please circle one) If NO above, please write a detailed description of why and/or how this student is NOT progressing, and suggest actions to be taken to remedy this situation during the following semester: __________ Major Prof.

16 2. COMPLETION OF GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP DUTIES (to be completed by Major Professor for GRA and by supervising instructor for GTA) This student is a GRA GTA (please circle one). Name of Supervising Instructor (if GTA): Brief description of specific assigned duties: This student is satisfactorily completing all duties assigned as part of assistantship. YES NO. If NO above, please write a detailed description why and/or how this student is NOT completing all duties assigned as part of assistantship, and suggest actions to be taken to remedy this situation during the following semester. For GTA, please attach copies of student evaluations completed for the course taught. _________________________ Supervisor Signature I have reviewed this evaluation. My signature below does not necessarily signify concurrence. _________________________ Student Signature

17 Major Prof. Responsibilities (cont.) Help student with Graduate Seminar Submit grades for Research Hours Complete Annual Evaluation Form (May 30) Nominate qualified students for awards

18 Student Awards/Scholarships ASA, CSSA, SSSA –Frank and Evelyn Clark Soil Biology Scholarship –Gerald O. Mott Scholarship –United Soybean Board Fellowship (new) UGA Awards –Excellence in Research Award –Browne Award –William Fanning Award Departmental Awards –Burton Fund Scholarship –Travel Cost Sharing

19 Major Prof. Responsibilities (cont.) Help student with Graduate Seminar Submit grades for Research Hours Complete Annual Evaluation Form (May 30) Nominate qualified students for awards Administer Comprehensive Exam for Ph.D. Student (notify Grad School 2 weeks in advance of Oral Exam) Make sure students provide HARD COPY AND CD COPY of thesis or dissertation to Vivienne

20 Exams Graduate School has to be notified of date of Preliminary Oral Exam at least two weeks in advance Not more than one negative vote is allowed for Preliminary Exams and Final Exams If the Major Professor’s vote is negative the student fails the exam

21 Performance Problems Late submission of Advisory Committee, Program of Study, Research Proposal Late/no submission of grade for Research/Thesis/Dissertation hours Late/no submission of Annual Evaluation Form Lack of involvement in seminar preparation by graduate students

22 Progress towards degree Adequate progress towards degree: 1) Satisfactory academic performance, 2) Compliance with departmental deadlines for submission of advisory committee, program of study, and research proposal, 3) Adequate research progress as assessed by the student’s Advisory Committee.

23 Failure to Make Adequate Progress Students failing to make adequate progress towards degree may be dismissed from the program. Upon dismissal from the graduate program students automatically lose their assistantship

24 Overview Graduate Student Population Admission Process Major Prof. Responsibilities Vote on Guidelines


26 Thank you! Questions/Comments?

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