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Chapter 11 Test Social Studies ~Mrs. Connor. The President’s Cabinet is made up of: Executive department heads Washington’s First Cabinet had ___ members.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Test Social Studies ~Mrs. Connor. The President’s Cabinet is made up of: Executive department heads Washington’s First Cabinet had ___ members."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Test Social Studies ~Mrs. Connor

2 The President’s Cabinet is made up of: Executive department heads Washington’s First Cabinet had ___ members. FIVE

3 Why did Washington call up the state militia to crush the Whiskey Rebellion? He saw the rebellion as a threat to the new government. This was Washington’s first test of his executive power.

4 In his Farewell Speech, Washington urged Americans… not to let one’s loyalty to a political party tear the nation apart.

5 The best form of government, according to a Federalist is… ~ one in which the wealthy and well educated made the decisions.

6 A major issue dividing Federalist and Republican parties was… how large and powerful the federal government should be.

7 : an attack on the 1 st Amendment rights of free speech and press

8 The State’s Rights theory ~can nullify federal laws, if necessary.

9 The Election of 1800 showed … ~that in a democracy, power could be passed peacefully from group to group without fighting.

10 sedition The crime of encouraging rebellion against the government.

11 nullification: : an action by a state to refuse a federal law

12 cabinet a board to advise the President; members are the secretaries of executive departments

13 aliens : people who have come from other countries and are not yet citizens of the US.

14 political party ~an organized political group

15 Washington was very concerned about…? ~ negative influences of political parties.

16 Who created a National Bank? Alexander Hamilton

17 The Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions Promoted the idea of a State’s Rights OPPOSED THE ALIEN & SEDITION ACTS

18 What was created because of a lack of faith in the ability of the common man to vote by those in politics? The Electoral College

19 Who should govern the country, according to Jefferson and the Democrat-Republicans? The people.

20 Hamilton and the Federalists believed an ideal economy was based on… ~business, manufacturing and trade NOT FARMING

21 Washington’s First Secretary of State - Thomas Jefferson

22 To win the presidential election, a candidate has to win the ______ vote. ELECTORAL

23 The French Revolution Raised more arguments in American over our relations with Great Britain and France.

24 MATCHING John Adams Thomas Jefferson George Washington 2 nd President of the US Believed citizens could make good decisions Concerned about threats from foreign countries

25 MATCHING Alexander Hamilton Henry Knox Edmond Genet insulted Washington and ordered to leave the US Believed people are selfish and out for themselves First Secretary of War

26 MATCHING 535 538 Number of members in the US Congress Number of Electoral votes

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