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Project “Educational action plan about Millenium Development goals through school twinning between North and South” (ref. DCI-NSAED/2009/202-190)

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Presentation on theme: "Project “Educational action plan about Millenium Development goals through school twinning between North and South” (ref. DCI-NSAED/2009/202-190)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project “Educational action plan about Millenium Development goals through school twinning between North and South” (ref. DCI-NSAED/2009/202-190)

2 TWINNINGS  Who is involved?  Where are they happening?  In what language do they happen?  What to talk about in the twinnings?

3  ITALY ○ 8 High and primary school ○ 32 classes ○ 720 students  BULGARIA ○ 12 High and primary school ○ 60 classes ○ 1200 students  CAMEROON ○ 19 High and primary school ○ 70 classes ○ 4500 students  BURKINA FASO ○ 14 High and primary school ○ 40 classes ○ 3000 students  FRANCE ○ 5 High and primary school ○ 15 classes ○ 300 students TWINNINGS: who is involved?

4  MULTIPLE twinning: examples ITALYCFP Canossiano BULGARIASportschool Todor Kableshkov CAMEROONLycée de Meskine BURKINA FASOLycée municipal de Koudougou FRANCECollège de Valmy BULGARIASportschool Todor Kableshkov CAMEROONLycée de Meskine BURKINA FASOLycée municipal de Koudougou

5 TWINNINGS: where are they happening? Twinnings are on the online platform of OMD project


7 TWINNINGS: where are they happening?

8 TWINNING: present yourself!







15  Italian  French  English  …. Every message will be translated in the other languages from translators of the Centre TWINNING: what language?


17 TWINNING: what to talk about?  Millennium Development Goals 1.Eradicate extreme poverty 2.Reach universal primary education 3.Promote equal opportunities and independency of women 4.Reduce child mortality 5.Improve modern health 6.Fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7.Ensure sustainable development 8.Developing a global partnership for development

18  Microprojects TWINNING: what to talk about?

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