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Development of instruments, music and dance - Saxophone,piano,drums-

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Presentation on theme: "Development of instruments, music and dance - Saxophone,piano,drums-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of instruments, music and dance - Saxophone,piano,drums-

2 Saxophone Predecessor: flute (woodwind) Invention:1840 by Adolph Sax, but used in 1900 Since 1920 popular in Europe Music:Swing(1920) big bands/orchestra (1940) Classic Rock ‘n‘ Roll (Twist 1960) American black music (Soul and Blues) Most important influence on Jazz music Today: rock music Dance: Swing, Twist and Rock ‘n‘ Roll

3 Saxophone

4 Piano Invented: 17th century by Christofori for Ferdinando De Medici Establishment: at the end of the 18th century in the western civilisation It was the first keyboard instrument with loud and quiet sounds Only royals had one, because it was expensive first e-piano in 1900, but more modern ones used in pop music since the 1950s

5 Piano

6 Drums Predecessor: drum Drums: since the invention of the Bass drum (pedal) in 1887 E- drum: since 1980 no sound, when you beat on the drum. Sound is produced on electronic loudspeaker. Is popular since 1960 due to Pop-Music Dance: Rock ‘n‘ Roll, Hip-Hop and more

7 Drums

8 Thank you for listening!!!

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