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Two major styles influential, both derived from ancient Greek tradition: 1. Asiatic - from Pergamum in Asia Minor, dating from late 4th c BC. Highly emotional,

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Presentation on theme: "Two major styles influential, both derived from ancient Greek tradition: 1. Asiatic - from Pergamum in Asia Minor, dating from late 4th c BC. Highly emotional,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Two major styles influential, both derived from ancient Greek tradition: 1. Asiatic - from Pergamum in Asia Minor, dating from late 4th c BC. Highly emotional, using gestures, flowery phrases and musical rhythms 2. Attic - made famous by Lysias (d. 380 BC). Plain, simple and direct Rhetorica ad Herennium (Art of Rhetoric Addressed to Herennius). Only surviving text on rhetoric from Late Republican period Rhetoric

2 106 BC Born into Italian equestrian family. Studies law and philosophy in Rome, Athens and Rhodes. Pursues political career and rises through ranks 69 BC Curule aedile 66 BC Praetor 63 BC Consul. Executes conspirators led by Catalina Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

3 58 BC Exiled by enemies 57 BC Recalled and hailed as hero 49-45 BC Supports Pompey against Julius Caesar in civil war. Forgiven by victorious Caesar 44 BC Caesar assassinated. Cicero approves 43 BC Executed by Octavian and Antony

4 Wrote large number of works, including: Many legal and political speeches, including In Catalinam (vs. Catalina) and the Philippics (vs. Antony) Essays, including De Senectute (On Old Age) and De Amicitia (On Friendship) Philosophical and legal treatises, including De Legibus (On the Laws) and De Re Publicae (On the Republic)

5 Works on rhetoric, including De Oratore (On the Orator) and the Brutus (an account of Roman oratory) Also well known for many letters that describe events taking place around him In his rhetoric, Cicero uses blend of Asiatic and Attic styles

6 Genres of Rhetoric 1. Judicial/forensic genre: used in law courts 2. Deliberative genre: used in parliamentary or popular politics 3. Demonstrative/epideictic genre: used on ceremonial occasions Extracts from De Inventione (On Invention) and Partitiones Oratoriae, both by Cicero, and the Rhetorica ad Herenniam

7 Herodotus (c. 484-425 BC) Thucydides (c. 460-400 BC) Polybius (mid 2nd c BC)

8 Historical Writing Earliest Roman historians, writing in wake of Second Punic War (218-201 BC) took inspiration from ancient Greek historians and wrote in Greek. Later was gradual changeover to writing in Latin Early Roman histories are also propaganda documents and have conservative agenda Historians tended to be from upper classes

9 Julius Caesar (102-44 BC) The Gallic War The Civil War

10 Little known of Tacitus’ life. Attained senatorial rank. Served as consul in 97 AD. Later proconsul (governor) of Asia Works:1. Dialogus (Dialogue), on oratory 2. Biography of father-in-law Agricola, general and governor of Britain (77-84 AD) 3. De Origine et Situ Germanorum (On the Origin and Location of the Germans), ≈ ethnography Gaius (or Publius) Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55-117 AD)

11 4. Histories, covering Flavian period (69-96 AD) 5. Annals, covering Julio-Claudian dynasty from 14-68 AD, written c. 100-111 AD Only parts of these two works survive

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