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Landscape Study on the use of mobile and wireless technologies for learning and teaching in the post-16 sector CETIS Joint SIG meeting, South Birmingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscape Study on the use of mobile and wireless technologies for learning and teaching in the post-16 sector CETIS Joint SIG meeting, South Birmingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscape Study on the use of mobile and wireless technologies for learning and teaching in the post-16 sector CETIS Joint SIG meeting, South Birmingham College Agnes Kukulska-Hulme John Traxler

2 Project aims Findings: Current uses Potential uses Strategic implications Overview

3 Project aims A birds-eye view of developments and practice in the UK and internationally Focused on learners and institutions Produced 3 reports and Summary report to facilitate discussion in the post-16 sector Based on: Existing case studies, conference papers, reports Interviews and discussions Think-tank meeting of experts/ practitioners

4 Tablet PCs personal media players video game consoles Smartphones mobile phones PDAs Wearable PDAs Mini digital camcorders Portable DVD players laptops digital voice recorders Current mobile devices Personal Response Systems

5 Current uses - examples Strathclyde University - Personal Response System in large lecture hall Bangor University - Wireless laptops used by student nurses Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College - Wireless Tablet PCs in learning and teaching management

6 Current uses - examples Dewsbury/ Bishop Burton/ Thomas Danby College – Use of PDAs in a range of contexts Gloucestershire College of Art and Technology – Satvan and wireless laptops out in the community

7 Current uses - examples SMS & language learning - e.g. Italian vocabulary at Griffith University, Australia; Greek phrases at Olympic Games iPods at Duke University, USA - lectures, audio books, language learning

8 e-learning m-learning interactive hyper-linked situated private spontaneous focused media-rich context-aware usable intelligent institutional desktop premeditated personal Strengths of mobile Learning...? connected

9 Current Uses of wireless and mobile devices What is likely to work best: ‘Drip,drip’ learning - little and often Skill building - little by little Self-evaluation and reflection Alerting learners to information and deadlines Rapid response by teachers Mobile mentoring & moderating Collaboration on task - spontaneous and ongoing Information gathering on the go M-portfolios - electronic portfolios on mobile devices Connecting workplace learning with institutional learning Recording experiences using multiple media Learning in context - using contextual data Internet or resource access, almost anywhere and anytime

10 Current/future uses Moblogging – mobile blogging (text, audio, video) Podcasting – audio file broadcasting and creation Museum and heritage – augmented experiences Spanning formal and informal settings... or tying in mobile & desktop access, e.g.

11 Looking to the future Technology driven potential Increasing use of technology in schools will create future learners with a greater awareness of possibilities offered by technology Increasing use of images, sound, video Instant capture of personal / group experience Instant access to reference information Context based, personalised, location-based learning

12 Looking to the future New contexts and models for learning Move away from content based learning Teacher’s role as facilitator Situated learning Collaborative learning Conversational framework model Navigation model

13 Strategic Implications Projects fixed-term/small-scale access to funds Niches small-scale but sustainable specific subjects, specific pedagogies particular constituencies, eg EO, assistivity Producers’, manufacturers’ and developers’ perspectives technical and market trends, e.g. convergence, segmentation Institutional perspectives on the nature of institutional barriers and processes technical support staff, staff developers, QA units learning and teaching champions

14 Strategic Implications Possible trends Institutional caution on mobile learning with PDAs: mainly from IT support SENDA, usability network security diversity/fluidity of devices, platforms and systems lack of staff expertise standards/interoperability with VLEs, portals, e-Portfolios, LOs procurement, maintenance, ownership issues

15 Strategic Implications Possible trends PDAs in education may be squeezed by smarter phones USB sticks laptops maybe enhanced SIM cards PalmOS (and Palm) squeezed by Microsoft (who’ve just bought them) and perhaps Symbian one specific conception of mobile learning? SMS breaking through to institutional/large-scale use assuming tariffs are stable operators trying to develop GPRS, MMS and 3G markets possibility of un-metered access and/or VoIP Increasing but unsupported PDA/laptop use by academics continued concern about cost issues, working day, stress, privacy

16 Acknowledgement Diane Evans, Open University – Potential Uses strand Contact Thank you!

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