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CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Does it apply to ME? Lorraine Osman Vice President: SA Pharmacy Council.

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Presentation on theme: "CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Does it apply to ME? Lorraine Osman Vice President: SA Pharmacy Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Does it apply to ME? Lorraine Osman Vice President: SA Pharmacy Council


3 3 Task 1 What are your expectations today? What do you expect to learn? Why do you want to learn that?

4 CPD – Definition 4 What is CPD?

5 5 Task 2 What do you understand by the term “Continuing Professional Development”?

6 CPD is the process by which natural persons registered with Council continually enhance their competence throughout their professional careers, and encompasses a range of activities including continuing education and supplementary training 6

7 CPD overview – International and National trends 7

8 Country Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Education CPD regulators Mand atory IncentivesPenaltiesDescription PortugalYesMaintain Practice licence Undertake extensive exam/ disciplinary action Evaluated every five years Pharmacy board and gov CanadaYesMaintain Practice licence Refusal to renew licence Mandatory CE credits Provincial pharmacy boards GermanyNoCertificateN/ACE point =45 mini units N/A CPD and CE systems by Country 8

9 Country Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Education CPD regulators Mand atory IncentivesPenaltiesDescription SingaporeNoCertificate and Maintain Practice licence N/A MaltaNoN/A USA (in all 50 states)‏ YesMaintain Practice licence Refusal to renew licence Completion of specified no of hours of accredited CE/CPD State boards of pharmacy 9 CPD and CE systems by Country

10 Country Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Education CPD regulators Mand atory IncentivesPenaltiesDescription BrazilNoN/A CyprusNoN/A CPD in development Regulatory boards FranceYesCertificateN/A CPD in development Regulatory boards 10 CPD and CE systems by Country

11 Country Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Education CPD regulators Mand atory IncentivesPenaltiesDescription UKYesMaintain Practice licence Maybe removed from register Record CPD activities Pharmacy profession IraqNoCertificateN/AOne credit per year Pharmacy profession IsraelNoCertificateN/AVoluntaryGov 11 CPD and CE systems by Country

12 Country Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Education CPD regulators Mand atory IncentivesPenalties Description JapanNoCertificateN/ABased on CPD credits MLHW and MEXT KenyaYesRenewal of annual practice licence Remedial learning and re- examination Point allocation Gov NepalNoN/A CPD in development Pharmacy Council 12 CPD and CE systems by Country

13 Country Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Education CPD regulators Mand atory IncentivesPenaltiesDescription TaiwanYesMaintain Practice licence Refusal to renew licence 48 hrs (credits) every two years. Pharmacy profession ZambiaYesRenewal of annual practice licence Refusal to renew licence Evidence of attendance (points)‏ Pharmacy profession source: 13 CPD and CE systems by Country

14 CPD overview – South African Pharmacy Council 14

15 CPD system SAPC Country Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Education CPD regulators Mand atory IncentivesPenaltiesDescription South Africa YesMaintain Practice status Change to non- practising Record 12 activities p.a. and evaluated every five years SAPC 15

16 Who needs to do CPD? All persons registered with the SAPC Pharmacists Pharmacist’s assistants Pharmacy technicians Medical sales representatives? 16

17 Guidance document Case studies Test site CPD Website

18 CPD submissions Web based record No assessment for competence – pharmacists’ ethical and legal obligation to ensure competence Assessment for compliance Portfolio of evidence – preferably in electronic format Council reserves the right to call for the portfolio 18

19 What if I don’t comply? Registration status may be changed on decision of Council from practising to non practising Practising – performs functions which fall within the scope of practice for which you are registered 19

20 Do you use your professional judgement in any way? Are you employed because of your professional knowledge and expertise? Practising vs non-practising

21 Worst case scenario Referred for investigation in terms of chapter 5 (disciplinary powers of the Council) of Pharmacy Act Right of appeal 21

22 How do I participate in CPD? 22

23 CPD – Definition Means the process by which natural persons registered with Council continually enhance their competence throughout their professional careers, 23 and encompasses a range of activities including continuing education and supplementary training

24 CPD cycle RECORD 24 So what? How? Do it! What?

25 What’s the bottom line? NB – how you reflect on those activities to show how they have impacted or will impact on your current and future professional practice 25

26 How do I use the CPD web- based system to maintain my CPD portfolio? 26

27 27

28 What do you want to learn to do? How did you identify this? To which areas of competence does it relate? 28

29 Urgency? Importance or impact? How? 29

30 When did you do it? What did you learn? Has your learning objective been met? How have you applied what you learnt? What feedback have you had? 30

31 Where do we go from here? RECORD What did you NOT achieve? Why not? What’s next? 31

32 CPD implementation 32

33 CPD pilot 700 tutors, HOS, facilitators, Council members and the Office of the Registrar Purpose  Test the web-based system for the 2010 implementation  Guide further research on CPD development Final pilot report will be published 33

34 How the system will help us Easy for user to record and manage CPD details Can flag use (or non-use)‏ Can identify if all steps have been followed, but cannot monitor the logic (or lack thereof)‏ Can give guidance on gaps in curricula and CPD topics 34

35 TIME FRAME FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF MANDATORY CPD FOR PERSONS REGISTERED WITH THE SAPC PhaseDescriptionDates Phase 1Voluntary participation in CPD – self determination and self assessment 2009 Phase 2Preliminary study using volunteers and tutors for the development of the CPD system July 2009 Phase 3Mandatory CPD. During this phase CPD records will be assessed for compliance only 1 January 2010 – 31 December 2014 Phase 4Pilot phase for testing the assessment tool 2010 – 2014 Phase 5Mandatory CPD with assessment of CPD records 1 January 2015 35

36 Just do it! Action? 36

37 SAPC customer care 0861 7272 00 CPD Website

38 Temporary Passwords SAPC No:0090-0095 Username:test0090- test0095 Password:pwd0090- pwd0095 38

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