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Sjappe.cyt a filing system for cytotoxic preparations Stein Lyftingsmo Hospital Pharmacy of Elverum Norway sjappe.cyt.

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Presentation on theme: "Sjappe.cyt a filing system for cytotoxic preparations Stein Lyftingsmo Hospital Pharmacy of Elverum Norway sjappe.cyt."— Presentation transcript:

1 sjappe.cyt a filing system for cytotoxic preparations Stein Lyftingsmo Hospital Pharmacy of Elverum Norway sjappe.cyt

2 Unik master (production document) for each single Milligram strength Container Volume Solvent sjappe.cyt developed May 1996 by Stein Lyftingsmo and Hans Storslett at Hospital Pharmacy of Elverum, Norway sjappe.cyt

3 Fluo1200.pcs Generic name 4 positions Strength (or concentration) 1-4 positions Container Volume Solvent sjappe.cyt

4 bleobleomycin cispcisplatin cyklcyklofosfamid dakadakarbizin daktdaktinomycin docedocetaxel doxodoxorubicin dox$doxorubicin liposomalt etopetoposid etofetoposidfosfat fluifludarabin fluofluorouracil gemzgemzitabin sjappe.cyt

5 Container P – plastic perfusion bag G – Glass S – Syringe C - Cassette sjappe.cyt

6 Volume Roman figures –L, C, D, M Q – 250ml A – other sjappe.cyt

7 Solvent S – saline 9mg/ml W – water G – glucose 50mg/ml (empty position) – undiluted solution sjappe.cyt

8 Fluo1200.pcs Generic name 4 positions Strength (or concentration) 1-4 positions Container Volume Solvent sjappe.cyt

9 Rounding off 2% without asking Coarser rounding when agreed sjappe.cyt

10 2,5-5mgeach 0,1mg 5-12each 0,2mg even numbers 12-25each 0,5mg 25-50each single mg 50-120each 2mg even numbers 120-250each 5mg 250-500each 10mg 500-1.200each 20mg 1.200-2.500each 50mg 2.500-each 100mg sjappe.cyt

11 Labels same file name with L in front cykl1150.pcs Lcykl1150.pcs sjappe.cyt

12 Part of large vial or single tailor made preparation It is possible to have two sets with production documents (add P in front of file name) sjappe.cyt

13 More than one active ingredient Doxo52.Vinc1_6.E192G Doxorubicin 52mg og Vinkristin 1,6mg Elastomer pump, 192ml Glucose 50mg/ml sjappe.cyt

14 Calculations –Done once and for all Packages specified Equipment specified sjappe.cyt

15 sjappe.cyt can be obtained by asking me

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