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Strengthening Nutrition and Food Security along the Dairy Value Chain.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Nutrition and Food Security along the Dairy Value Chain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Nutrition and Food Security along the Dairy Value Chain

2 Outline -Land O’Lakes International Development -Zambia Development Assistance Program Overview -Value Chain Approach -Nutrition and Food Security Results -Lessons Learned

3 Land O’Lakes International Development -Division of Land O’Lakes Inc. founded in 1981, that leverages corporate experience and expertise -Our mission is to generate economic growth, improve health and nutrition, and alleviate poverty by facilitating market-driven business solutions -Current programs in 25 countries; Since 1981, 260 programs in 75+ countries

4 Zambia DAP Overview -Title II Development Assistance Program (DAP) -Implemented 2004-2009 in 12 districts in 4 provinces -Objective: Reduce food insecurity and create sustainability along the dairy value chain by:  Increasing smallholder incomes though milk sales and reliable marketing channels  Establishing producer groups and milk collection centers  Enhancing smallholder farmer productivity through improved dairy cattle genetics

5 Zambia DAP Value Chain Approach -Market-based, value chain approach that increased or strengthened:  Availability, quality, and utilization of productivity-enhancing inputs and services (feed, animal health, breeding, and extension)  Milk production (dairy cows)  Milk collection and storage (aggregation, cooling and transportation)  Dairy processing  Dairy retail sales and consumption

6 Zambia DAP Value Chain Link: Dairy Production -Improved availability of  Dairy cows  Milk -Increased knowledge and utilization of  Farm and household hygiene practices  Animal husbandry skills -Increased household income from  Increased production and sales of milk -Improved dietary diversity via year round milk consumption

7 Zambia DAP Results 1 -7.1 million liters of milk marketed -$2.7 million earned -Household incomes increased > 125% -Food security increased by 3 months per year -Dietary diversity improved by 33%

8 Zambia DAP Results 2 -Improved nutritional intake, particularly among children -Women’s child care responsibilities better accommodated. -Cultural practices prohibiting women’s ownership of livestock overcome

9 Zambia DAP Lessons Learned -Expanded delivery of nutrition and health SBCC and services -Targeted capacity-building in integrated human/livestock nutrition and health -SBCC adapted to business context -Promotion of joint household decision-making

10 Thank You!!

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