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Clallam County Prevention Works! Community Coalition Clallam County Prevention Works! Community Coalition.

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Presentation on theme: "Clallam County Prevention Works! Community Coalition Clallam County Prevention Works! Community Coalition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clallam County Prevention Works! Community Coalition Clallam County Prevention Works! Community Coalition

2 Rooted in the past Growing toward the future

3 The Beginning of Prevention Works! We began small. In the fall of 1998, seven people who wanted to improve the future for children in our county and to maximize funding possibilities met for the first time.

4 Our Original Goals To focus on at-risk parents with children ages 0 to 4. To target problem behaviors of substance abuse, child abuse and neglect, and violence. To invest in research-based programs and services. To conduct independent evaluations of services. To coordinate services and blend funding. WE ARE ON TARGET!

5 Who is Prevention Works! Today? Prevention Works! is a non-profit corporation comprised of over 200 individuals representing nonprofit organizations, government organizations, businesses, schools, and the community-at-large, who are working together to help families.

6 Structure of Prevention Works! Board of Directors Executive Committee (5) Parenting Education Committee Home Visiting Committee Strategic Planning Committee Publicity Committee Membership Committee KEYS (families with Children 5-10) Rock N Roll (working with families with youth 11-18) Ad Hoc Committees Family Friendly Business Committee Child Abuse Prevention Month Prevention Works! Forum Committee

7 How We Have Grown in the Last 4 Years: We began focusing on children from birth to 4. Now we focus on children throughout the growing years.

8 Two Additional Coalitions Formed KEYS (Kids Elementary Years for Success) focuses on parents and children 5-10 Rock N Roll focuses on parents and children 11-18.

9 Membership Membership has grown from the original 7 in 1998 to over 200 in 2003 with people from all segments of the community. Parents Government Agencies Churches Service Clubs Citizen ParticipantsTribes Representatives of Social Service Agencies and Health Agencies Schools

10 Our Growth Is Impressive *KEYS and Rock and Roll not included

11 E-Mail Outreach Developed We are proud of our accomplishment in maintaining contact with our many members through our extensive use of e-mail.

12 Mission Statement To prevention child abuse and neglect, substance abuse and violence in Clallam County

13 How Do We Do This? What Are Our Goals? Bridge the gap between research and practice through the development and implementation of ongoing prevention activities. Support and seek prevention-focused projects and funding. Provide prevention-based educational opportunities for our community. Advocate for research-based prevention activities to policy makers, providers, community members, and businesses. Promote and strengthen parent education, home visiting, and quality childcare programs. Support and participate in the development of a Community Prevention Plan.

14 What Does Prevention Works! Do? Increase public awareness and education about prevention Provide training opportunities Hold monthly meetings Hold Home Visiting and Parent Education Summits Seek funding for prevention Facilitate community prevention planning Encourage businesses to be family friendly Increase collaboration and cooperation between public and private agencies.

15 Funding Through the collaborative efforts of Prevention Works! we have blended prevention funds from multiple sources. The Prevention Works! umbrella grew from $119,952 in 1999 to $740,128 in 2001 and continues to grow.

16 Exemplary Awards In 2000, Prevention Works! was one of two programs in the state of Washington to receive an Exemplary Program Award for Substance Abuse Prevention. In 2001, Prevention Works! received a certificate of excellence from the Washington State Governor’s Council on Substance Abuse.

17 Drug Free Communities Grant In 1999 Prevention Works! was one of eight coalitions in the state to receive a direct Federal grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Grant under the Drug Free Communities Support System. The award is possible for four years (the first two years at $100,000, subsequent years at $75,000). Currently, the Coalition is in its fourth year.

18 Community Awareness and Education Prevention Works! Community Forums – Robin Karr-Morse and Dennis Maloney in 2000 – Parenting with Love and Laughter with Judy Ford in 2002 – Prevention Works! You’re Part of It with John Medina in 2003 Treatment Works! Conference in 2000, Prevention Works! presented workshops on prevention Coordinated Child Abuse Prevention Month in 2001 & 2002 Family Friendly Business Awards in 2002 Co-sponsor of the 2nd Annual Foster Parent Recognition Gala in 2002 Co-sponsor of the Working Together Against Methamphetamine Conference 2002

19 Trainings to Upgrade Services Trainings to Educate the Public -Over 900 people have attended 3 Prevention Works! Forums -Over 200 people have attended 3 Home Visiting Summits -Over 150 people have attended 2 Parent Education Summits

20 Trainings to Educate the Trainers Make Parenting A Pleasure 2001 The Incredible Years 2001 Parents Who Care 2003 The Nurturing Program 2003 (June 25, 26 & 27) Over 125 participants have been trained to provide these 4 “best practice” curricula in Clallam County.

21 Trainings Emphasizing Diversity Working with Latino Families (Forks) 2002 Building Harmony with Our Latino Community (Sequim) 2003 Interpreter Training (Forks & Sequim) 2003 Home Visiting with Tribal Members (Port Angeles) 2002 Over 200 people participated in these trainings, which helped to increase understanding of all people in Clallam County.

22 Trainings to Build A Stronger Community Prevention Training at Treatment Works Conference 2000 Developmental Assets 2001 Grant Writing for Prevention & Treatment Programs 2001 Writing Grant Objectives for Prevention & Treatment Grants 2002 Training on Environmental Approaches to Prevention 2002

23 Trainings to Build a Stronger Community (continued) Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training 2002 Fostering Resiliency 2002 Developing Healthy Kids Through Community Wide Prevention 2002 Methamphetamine Treatment 2002 Methamphetamine Conference 2002 ASAM Patient Placement 2002

24 State-Wide Presentations Prevention Works! was one of three prevention project presentations at the meeting of the Washington State Governor’s Council on Substance Abuse - 25 People - June 2001 Prevention Works! members presented a workshop - “The Little County that Could” at the Washington State Prevention Conference - 20 People - October 2001 Prevention Works! members presented three workshops at the Washington State Prevention Conference 2002

25 National Trainings Drug Free Communities Grantees- 3 participants 1999 National Institute of Drug Abuse National Research Conference - 3 participants 2001 National Prevention Conference - 1 Participant 2001 Zero to Three, 16th Annual Training Institute 2001 Center for Substance Abuse Prevention- Model Programs Conference- 1 Presenter - May 2002 Drug Free Communities Grantees - 2 participants May 2002

26 Evaluation Evaluation is critical to Prevention Works! funding requirements. Tools used to evaluate the parent education classes and the home visiting programs were developed by the Evaluation Center of the University of Washington School of Social Work. An on-going evaluation is done by our membership to evaluate the effectiveness of the coalition and its strengths and weaknesses.

27 Accomplishments Increased funding... never enough but a lot more than before Public awareness of the importance of prevention Broadened focus for Prevention Works! Increased statewide recognition of Prevention Works! efforts

28 How do I find out more? Visit our website

29 Looking Toward the Future “Never doubt a small group of committed people can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

30 Prevention Works! is doing its part to change our area of the world for the better.

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