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Predictors - shock/events and response - gender - long term illness - vaccination status - breastfeeding - health service utilisation - social networks.

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Presentation on theme: "Predictors - shock/events and response - gender - long term illness - vaccination status - breastfeeding - health service utilisation - social networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Predictors - shock/events and response - gender - long term illness - vaccination status - breastfeeding - health service utilisation - social networks - economic status - birth weight/birth order - health status of household - education of caregiver - water and sanitation access - dietary diversity - information about health - food shortage (behaviour) Young Lives Health Data Analysis Plan Health Service Utilisation Subjective Health Morbidity For further information Please contact Plans for Health Research in Young Lives Intellectual - Building a conceptual framework for health within Young Lives by establishing consensus on a definition of health that will minimally contain physical, mental and social health, objective and subjective health. Operationalising the definition through a review of theoretical literature and empirical studies in the four participating countries - Mapping of health policy/ healthcare systems (in conjunction with country policy teams), influence of Millennium Development Goals - Original analysis, e.g. student research papers Internal support/ capacity building - Advising on questions/ lines of enquiry for the round 3 survey and the 2nd phase of the qualitative research - Supporting ongoing data analysis, e.g. for qualitative working papers and policy briefs External promotion/ dissemination - Encouraging students/researchers to use the dataset (ultimately an integrated data set with both quantitative & qualitative) - Providing support/ training to external researchers in using the data set - Coordinating the dissemination of findings through appropriate health fora/ media. Health Seeking Behaviour Nutrition Anthropometry - WHZ - HAZ - WAZ - BMI (maternal/child) - rating of weight/ height in comparison to other children Outcome - morbidity (serious illness, long term illness, injuries) - cognitive development - school enrolment - educational achievement - child labour (type, income) - puberty - subjective health - overweight/obesity Vietnam: Smoking Hunger Eradiation Program Peru: food security Communal Kitchen Program Glass of Milk Program India: - school lunch program Ethiopia: nutrition education food-for-work program Outcome - anthropometry - immunisation status - morbidity - access to information about health, family planning, child care - subjective health status - economic status of HH (costs for treatment, income) Morbidity - long term illness - serious injuries - serious illness - other illnesses (qualitative research) Predictors - child labour - anthropometry - access to water and sanitation - caregiver’s education - education - household size - economic status - birth order - gender - social network - amount of sleep - vaccination status - season/climate - access to information Peru: paternal BMI child abdominal circumference Predictors - barriers to access to health service -costs for treatment - waiting time - availability of health service - information about service - education of caregiver - age of caregiver - total number of children -rural/ urban residence - religion/ ethnic group - marital status of caregiver -birth order - relation caregiver/child - gender of child Health Service Utilisation - type of health facility (private, public, traditional) Outcome - anthropometry - cognitive impairment - effects on education - effects on social networks - ability to work - subjective health - economic status of HH (costs for treatment, income ) Peru health insurance India Program for children with disabilities Ethiopia: costs for treatment Vietnam free medical treatment card Predictors - caregiver’s education - household size - economic status - access to information about health, care, family planning - social network - availability of programs/services - acceptance of programs (e.g. religion, social, political) - household’s head characteristics Health Seeking Behaviour - immunisation - utilisation of health facilities - sleep per night - dietary diversity Outcome - subjective health status - morbidity Outcome - morbidity - cognitive development - anthropometry - mortality - child’s psychological well being Subjective Health - self-rated health compared to same age (by child) - caregiver rates health of child compared to same age - rating of height/weight of child compared to same age Predictors - gender - economic status - employment of parents - enrolment in school - anthropometry - amount of sleep - child labour - social networks/friends - utilisation of health facilities - access to information -travel in/out community - ethnic group/ religion - long term illness - dietary diversity - likes/dislikes environment Peru Communal Kitchen Program Glass of Milk Program smoking alcohol consumption plans for food security India Lunch Program Ethiopia use of iodised salt nutrition education attitude towards immunisation Vietnam smoking free medical treatment card Young Lives Department of International Development, University of Oxford 3 Mansfield Road Oxford OX1 3TB, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 289966 NutritionMorbidityHealth Service Utilisation Health Seeking Behaviour Subjective Health

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