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Body Image & Eating Disorders  Objectives: SWBAT identify eating behaviors that are harmful to one’s health. SWBAT locate & seek resources that can help.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Image & Eating Disorders  Objectives: SWBAT identify eating behaviors that are harmful to one’s health. SWBAT locate & seek resources that can help."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Image & Eating Disorders  Objectives: SWBAT identify eating behaviors that are harmful to one’s health. SWBAT locate & seek resources that can help deal or manage eating disorders.  Warm-Up: 1. What are some factors that influence how you think about your body? 2. Create a chart that with the following columns: Symptoms, Health Risks and rows: Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating DisorderSymptomsHealth Risks Anorexia Bulimia Binge Eating

2 Your Body Image  Media & other influence can affect your body image BODY IMAGE: the way you see your body Influences:  Models, Actors, Athletes  Peers  Accepting Yourself Growth Spurts Hormonal Changes

3 Fad Diets  Fad Diets are neither safe nor reliable ways to lose weight FAD DIETS: weight loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time. Fad Diets lead to WEIGHT CYCLING: a repeated pattern of losing & regaining body weight  Recognizing Fad Diets Does not follow MyPyramid Guidelines Promises ultra-fast weight loss Promises you can lose weight without physical activity Uses words like: effortless, guaranteed, miraculous, secret Require you to buy certain products

4 Fad Diets  Types of Fad Diets Miracle Foods: plans that promise you can “burn fat” by eating lots of single foods Magic Combinations: certain foods eaten together trigger weight loss Liquid Diets: replace solid foods with ultra-low calorie foods Diet Pills: suppress appetite so you eat less, or “block” fat from the body Fasting: not eating; depriving body of nutrients & can result in dehydration

5 Eating Disorders  Extreme & dangerous eating behaviors that require medical attention  Classified as mental illnesses—often linked to depression, low self-esteem, or troubled personal relationships  Eating disorders run in families  Social & cultural forces that emphasize physical appearance can play a role

6 Anorexia Nervosa  Eating disorder win which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves  See themselves as unrealistically overweight even when dangerously thin  Factors: Outside pressures High expectations Need to be accepted Need to achieve  Affects self- concept & coping abilities

7 Anorexia Nervosa  Obsessive Behaviors: Avoiding food & meals Eating only a few kinds of food in small amounts Weighing or counting the calories in everything they eat Exercising excessively Weighing themselves repeatedly  Health Consequences Malnutrition & starvation Brittle bones (osteoporosis) Decreased heart rate, blood pressure  reduced organ size  heart problems & cardiac death Decreased body temp. Decreased ability to fight off infection

8 Bulimia Nervosa  Eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging  Behaviors: Go on binge, feel guilty so they purge Typically in the normal weight range for age & height Fear of weight gain Dissatisfaction with their bodies  Health Consequences Dehydration Sore & inflamed throat damaged teeth Damage to stomach, intestines, kidneys, esophagus Chemical Imbalances  Irregular Heart Rhythm  Heart Failure -- Death Eating PurginingEating Purging

9 Binge Eating Disorder  Eating disorder in which people eat compulsively  Not as frequent as bulimia  During binge, disgusted with behavior, but powerless to stop it  More common in males  Health Consequences: obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease

10 Key Questions  List 2 factors that influence body image.  How might a poor body image result in an eating disorder?


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