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Alkenes and Cycloalkenes

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1 Alkenes and Cycloalkenes
Chapter 13 Alkenes and Cycloalkenes

2 Alkenes Alkene: a hydrocarbon that contains one or more carbon-carbon double bonds Ethylene (Ethene) is the simplest alkene

3 Alkynes Alkyne: a hydrocarbon that contains one or more carbon-carbon triple bonds Acetylene (Ethyne) is the simplest alkyne

4 Alkenes Structure: VSEPR model predicts bond angles of 120°
In substituted alkenes, may vary due to the repulsion of alkyl groups

5 Alkenes - IUPAC Names To name an alkene
the parent name is that of the longest chain that contains the C=C number the chain from the end that gives the lower numbers to the carbons of the C=C locate the C=C by its first carbon use the ending -ene branched-chain alkenes are named in a manner similar to alkanes; substituted groups are numbered and named

6 Alkenes - IUPAC Names Examples

7 Alkynes - IUPAC Names follow the same rules as for alkenes, but use the ending -yne

8 Common Names Common names are still used for some

9 Cycloalkenes To name a cycloalkene
number the carbon atoms of the ring double bond 1 and 2 in the direction that gives the lower number to the substituent encountered first list substituents in alphabetical order

10 Dienes, Trienes, Polyenes
di, tri, tetra … in front of “ene”.

11 Alkenes Cis-trans isomerism
because of restricted rotation, an alkene with two different groups on each carbon of the double bond shows cis-trans isomerism

12 Alkenes Alkenes – Naming CH2 CH CH3 CH3 CH 1-butene 2-butene C Cl H C
cis-1,2-dichloroethene trans-1,2-dichloroethene

13 Alkene cis and trans isomers
trans-2-pentene cis-2-pentene

14 The E,Z System Alkenes with four different substituents cannot be named cis or trans without some sort of rules. A Newer naming scheme – E/Z is now IUPAC

15 The E,Z System the E,Z system is a way to distinguish between highly substituted alkenes in a systematic way. The cis trans designation is not used in the chemistry world much any more.

16 The E,Z System The first step in assigning an E or Z configuration is to determine each groups priority priority is based on atomic number the higher the atomic number, the higher the priority Go from point of difference

17 The E,Z System-Priority
Example: assign priorities to the groups in each set

18 The E,Z System Example: assign E or Z

19 Physical Properties alkenes and alkynes are nonpolar compounds
the only attractive forces between their molecules are London dispersion forces their physical properties are similar to those of alkanes with the same carbon skeletons alkenes and alkynes are insoluble in water but soluble in one another and in nonpolar organic liquids alkenes and alkynes that are liquid or solid at room temperature have densities less than 1 g/mL; they float on water

20 Addition Reactions Alkenes undergo reactions known as addition reactions because atoms are added “across” the double bond.

21 Reactions of Alkenes The most common reaction is addition

22 Reactions of Alkenes Most alkene addition reactions are exothermic
the products are more stable (lower in energy) than the reactants exothermic doesn’t mean rapid reaction rate depends on activation energy a catalyst is often required

23 Addition of HX Addition of HX (HCl, HBr, or HI) to an alkene gives a haloalkane H adds to one carbon and X to the other reaction is regioselective Markovnikov’s rule: H adds to the less substituted carbon and X to the more substituted carbon

24 Addition of H2O Addition of water is called hydration
hydration is acid catalyzed, usually by H2SO4 hydration follows Markovnikov’s rule; H adds to the less substituted carbon and OH adds to the more substituted carbon

25 Addition of Cl2 and Br2 Addition takes place readily at room temperature reaction is generally carried out using pure reagents, or mixing them in a nonreactive organic solvent addition of Br2 is a useful qualitative test for the presence of a carbon-carbon double bond Br2 has a deep red color; dibromoalkanes are colorless

26 Addition of H2 - Reduction
Virtually all alkenes add H2 in the presence of a transition metal catalyst, commonly Pd, Pt, or Ni

27 Alkynes Alkynes – Name longest chain which contains the triple bond and end with “yne.” Number the location. contain at least one carbon-carbon triple bond CH C CH2 CH3 CH3 C 1-butyne 2-butyne 24.2

28 Alkyne Reactions Hydrogenation CH CH (g) + H2 (g) CH2 CH2 (g)
Hard to stop at alkene … ends in alkane if not careful. Addition Reactions (also difficult to stop) CH CH (g) + HBr (g) CH2 CHBr (g) CH CH (g) + Br2 (g) CHBr CHBr (g) CH CH (g) + 2Br2 (g) CHBr2 CHBr2 (g) 24.2

29 End Part 1 Chapter 13

30 Alkene Reactions Production of alkenes by Cracking
C2H6 (g) CH2 CH2 (g) + H2 (g) Pt catalyst Addition Reactions CH2 CH2 (g) + HBr (g) CH3 CH2Br (g) CH2 CH2 (g) + Br2 (g) CH2Br CH2Br (g)

31 Addition of HX Chemists account for the addition of HX to an alkene by a two-step reaction mechanism we use curved arrows to show the repositioning of electron pairs during a chemical reaction the tail of an arrow shows the origin of the electron pair (either on an atom of in a bond) the head of the arrow shows its new position curved arrows show us which bonds break and which new ones form

32 Addition of HCl to 2 Butene
Step 1: the double bond attacks H+ giving a secondary carbocation intermediate Step 2: reaction of the carbocation intermediate with chloride ion completes the addition

33 HBr addition to an Alkene

34 Questions to Ponder What do you think the geometry of the carbon that is + charged would be? Why? Considering the intermediate, what do you expect the product ratios to be? Why?

35 Addition of H2O Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:

36 Polymerization From the perspective of the organic chemical industry, the single most important reaction of alkenes is polymerization polymer: Greek: poly, many and meros, part monomer: Greek: mono, single and meros, part

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