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+ Careers with Children. + Agenda Finish Teaching Tolerance video Teaching Tolerance Discussion Non- discrimination Policy Resisting Bias Finish up.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Careers with Children. + Agenda Finish Teaching Tolerance video Teaching Tolerance Discussion Non- discrimination Policy Resisting Bias Finish up."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Careers with Children

2 + Agenda Finish Teaching Tolerance video Teaching Tolerance Discussion Non- discrimination Policy Resisting Bias Finish up

3 + Questions: How effective did you feel each city was with teaching children about diversity? Were there any schools that you felt were not effective? Why? Overall, what were your thoughts about the video?

4 + Respecting Others Get the White licensing handbook from the bottom shelf Read page 215-217 (Stop at Child Abuse) silently to yourself With a partner, on one sheet of paper, please answer the following questions:

5 + Reflection 1. What are the major parts of a non-discrimination policy? 2. Why is it important to have one in a childcare center? What is the requirement for posting the policy? 3. What are the considerations for religion? 4. What are the considerations for American Indian? 5. How can a non-discrimination policy be used as a tool to teach families and children?

6 + Resisting Bias Finish up working on the Resisting Bias pamphlet!

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