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Introduction to the Revolutions Unit Writing Assignment Have your homework (Industrial Revolution thesis statement) available to be checked off Read over.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Revolutions Unit Writing Assignment Have your homework (Industrial Revolution thesis statement) available to be checked off Read over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Revolutions Unit Writing Assignment Have your homework (Industrial Revolution thesis statement) available to be checked off Read over the writing assignment being passed out in its entirety

2 Writing Process Model The steps of the writing process we will follow for this assignment are spelled out in the document that has just been passed out What follows is a model of how that process should be followed For modeling purposes we will assume that we are working on the following assignment: – “Write a letter to your parents in which you try to persuade them to do or refrain from doing something”

3 Step 1 - Deciding What to Write About Think of something that you want to persuade your parents to do (or not do).

4 Model Response I want my parents to buy me a car

5 Step 2 – Marshalling Your Support Brainstorm all the reasons that support what you want your parents to do. The reasons could focus on why it would be good for you or why your parents would benefit from it. Circle the three that you think are the strongest.

6 Model Response Brainstorming reasons: fun, impress girls, teach me responsibility, place to go on dates, opportunity to pimp it out, make it easier on mom, make my friends jealous, prestige, independence Pick the 3 strongest: responsibility, independence, make it easier on mom

7 Step 3 – Writing the Thesis Definition: A “thesis” is a statement of what your essay will prove. In a persuasive essay it is a statement of your position on an issue and the reasoning that supports your position.

8 Step 3 - Continued A good thesis statement needs to follow these rules It must make the issue clear It must clearly state the writer’s position on the issue It must be phrased as a debatable point (no “I believe” or “in my opinion”) It must clearly state the three arguments/reasons that will be used in the paper to “prove” the writers position It must address the prompt fully It should control the order in which you will be making the arguments in your paper

9 Step 3 – Writing the Thesis Use your responses from “Step 1” and “Step 2” of this exercise for your position on an issue and the reasons that support your position Use the rules and the handout to insure that you have a good thesis Write a thesis for your “essay” (the one directed to your parents) When finished, share with a neighbor and make it available for inspection

10 Exercise – Evaluating a Thesis Following are inadequate theses Look over our list of thesis rules and with a partner look at the examples on the next slide and discuss why they are inadequate

11 Inadequate Samples I want a car! You [my parents] should buy me my own car. I think parents should buy their kids cars. Having a car would be a lot of fun, and it would be good for me. You should buy me a car [my parents should buy me a car] because of responsibility, independence, and easing mom’s burden.

12 Better Samples Look over the sample thesis statements on the next slide and see if you can figure out the following: – First, why they are better than the inadequate samples (how they appear to fulfill the rules) – Second, which pattern each one fits (look at your handout on creating persuasive thesis statements:

13 Better Samples You should buy me a car [my parents should buy me a car] because having my own vehicle will teach me responsibility, give me needed independence and make your [my parents’] lives easier. Having my own car will teach me responsibility, give me needed independence and make your [my parents’] lives easier; therefore you [my parents]should buy me a car. Buying me a car will teach me responsibility, give me needed independence and make your [my parents’] lives easier.

14 Next Step – Organizing Your Ideas Look at #5 on the “Writing Process” section of the “Revolutions Unit – Persuasive Writing” handout you got at the beginning of the class Look over the sample outline when it appears on the screen for a model of how to do what is suggested in your instructions

15 Next Step – The Reasoning Process Look at #6 on the “Writing Process” section of the “Revolutions Unit – Persuasive Writing” handout you got at the beginning of the class Look over the partially filled in sample outline when it appears on the screen for a model of how to do what is suggested in your instructions

16 Step 7 – Recognizing the Opposition a)Brainstorm the arguments your parents might use to prove that they are right. Write them down. b)Choose the one or two that you think are the strongest and circle it or them. c)Brainstorm the reasons why their argument(s) are not valid or are unconvincing.

17 Model Response – a & b a) Brainstorm opposing arguments that my parents might use against buying me a car: – You’ll get into a crash, you’ll get spoiled, it will cost too much, you won’t be our little boy any more, you sister will get jealous, we never did that for your brother b) Pick the strongest: – it will cost too much

18 Model Response c Brainstorm reasons why your parents’ argument(s) are not valid or unconvincing: – Cars are pretty cheap today, You can just buy me a junker, I’ll charge kids for rides and give you the proceeds, the independence will let me get a job, the responsibility will get me to pay you back with the proceeds of my job – Of those, I think the combination of the inexpensiveness of cars today and the responsibility and independence leading to a job and payback are effective counter-arguments

19 Add to Outline Look over the section of the sample outline dedicated to “Antithesis and Rebuttal” to see how to incorporate the opposition into your paper planning.

20 Go to Work It’s now time to plan your essay for real. Go back to the beginning of the “Writing Process” section of your writing instructions and begin planning your essay.

21 Expectations for Today All students should be through step 4 – “Writing Your Thesis” – and having it approved by the end of the class. By the beginning of the next class students should have a completed outline (through step 7) Students who are having a hard time with antithesis and rebuttal should have the outline completed up to that section

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