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4. NOMENCLATURE AND CONFORMATIONS OF ALKANES AND CYCLOALKANES. (approx. lecture time: 4 hr) Topics covered: 4.1-4.17. Hydrocarbons from Petroleum.

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Presentation on theme: "4. NOMENCLATURE AND CONFORMATIONS OF ALKANES AND CYCLOALKANES. (approx. lecture time: 4 hr) Topics covered: 4.1-4.17. Hydrocarbons from Petroleum."— Presentation transcript:

1 4. NOMENCLATURE AND CONFORMATIONS OF ALKANES AND CYCLOALKANES. (approx. lecture time: 4 hr) Topics covered: 4.1-4.17. Hydrocarbons from Petroleum

2 The Unbranched Alkanes

3 Nomenclature

4 1 o (primary) hydrogens also known as methyl hydrogens 2 o (secondary) hydrogens also known as methylene hydrogens 3 o (tertiary) hydrogens also known as methine hydrogens (Hydrogens on CH 4 or NH 4 + are called quaternary hydrogens)

5 Simplified IUPAC Nomenclature Rules 1.Locate longest alkyl chain. The length of this chain determines the parent name. 2.If there are chains of equal length, choose the one with larger number of substituents (avoids complex substituents) 3.Number the chain beginning at end closer to the first substituent. If there is a tie, begin numbering at the end closer to the second substituent. 4.Substituent names are placed in alphabetical order (ignore prefixes such as di, tri, tetra, sec & tert, etc. BUT NOT cyclo and iso). 5.The final name has no spaces between words. Commas and hyphens are used between “words”.


7 Alkyl Halides and Alcohols

8 Cycloalkanes (lower set of numbers in 1,3 vs 1,5) (lower set of numbers in 1,2,4 vs 1,3,4)

9 (Here, the alcohol takes precedence and numbering starts there)

10 Bicyclic Compounds Start numbering at the bridgehead and go around the longest bridge first


12 Alkenes

13 For simple cyclic alkenes (no alcohol function), the alkene must be contained in the numbers “1,2” The presence of the alcohol takes precedence. Start numbering here.

14 Alkynes and Enynes Numbering enynes (ene and yne): start from the end closer to the first multiple bond. If there is a tie, give the alkene the lower number

15 Conformational Analysis of Ethane

16 Energy Diagram for C-C Bond Rotation

17 Conformational Analysis of Butane

18 Energy Diagram for C-C Bond Rotation

19 Strain Energies Torsional strain: due to unfavourable “eclipsing” orbital interactions Steric strain: due to “crowding” of atomic nuclei InteractionCause Energy Eclipsing HTorsional strain 4.0 kJ/mol Eclipsing H and CH 3 Mostly torsional strain 6.0 Eclipsing CH 3 Torsional and steric 11 Gauche CH 3 Steric 4

20 The Zig-Zag Structure of Linear Alkanes Why do we draw alkanes in a zig-zag manner?

21 What’s in common in these compounds? Diamond Dodecahedrane (Hint: JRR Tolkien's first book of his famous trilogy) cyclohexane

22 Cyclohexane Cyclohexane, the true Lord of the Rings (in organic chemistry; mastering it will give you great power indeed!) Lord of the Rings in Middle Earth. The bearer has immense power, but it’s all fantasy. Lord of the Rings

23 The Cycloalkanes Angle Strain: due to expansion or compression of required bond angles. Torsional strain: due to unfavourable eclipsing interactions of bonding electrons. Steric strain: due to repulsive interactions of atoms in close proximity. [109 o is the perfect tetrahedral angle (sp 3 hybrid)] Rings have angle strain, in addition to torsion and steric strains

24 “flat” “bent” “envelope” “chair” The True Shapes of Cycloalkanes

25 Total Strain Energy vs Ring Size CycloalkaneTotal Strain Cyclopropane115 kJ/mol Cyclobutane110 Cyclopentane25 Cyclohexane0 Cycloheptane24 Cyclooctane40 Cyclononane53

26 Conformational Analysis of Cyclohexane 1 4 space filling model model from your molecular model set

27 Chair and Boat Conformations chair boat (lowest energy form) (A high energy form)

28 The Cyclohexane Ring Flip

29 Energy Level Diagram for Cyclohexane Ring Flip (For information only. Do not memorize!)

30 Conformational Analysis for Methylcyclohexane 1,3-diaxial interactions

31 1,3-Dixial Interactions are Gauche Interactions

32 1,4-Dimethyl Cyclohexanes

33 1,2-Dimethyl Cyclohexanes


35 Importance of 3-D Structures Controlling and understanding the 3-D shapes of organic molecules are essential for designing molecules that will function in desired ways. Chemical information is “stored” and “transferred” by the 3-D shapes of organic molecules.

36 “flexible”“rigid” (more stable) The Decalins

37 Synthesis of Alkanes: Hydrogenation of Alkenes and Alkynes

38 Corticosteroids: metabolism & immune function Anabolic Steroids: muscle & bone growth Sex Steroids: human reproduction Cholesterol is a waxy steroid found in the cell membranes. It is an essential component of mammalian cell membranes. The Importance of Rings (The Steriods)

39 An Infinite Array of Cyclohexane Rings (minus the hydrogens) Diamond

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