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The Logistics of Preparing a Research Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Logistics of Preparing a Research Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Logistics of Preparing a Research Presentation

2  Purpose?  Researchers uncover facts, discover new ideas or way of looking at things, and present the information in a way others can understand.  Examples

3 “Research Writing or Speaking”  Informational  Avoids opinions  Answers a question  Presents a Thesis-Main Idea  Provides Evidence for the Thesis  Using statistics or factual information

4  Can be short (1 Paragraph) to long (100+pages)  Uses Outside Sources  The result or product of researching information

5 Burmese pythons are native to India and parts of Southeast Asia, but they have found a new place to lurk. A study by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) shows that pythons are now a big threat to parts of Florida, especially the Everglades.

6 1. Select a topic 2. Gather Information 3. Organize the Information 4. Develop an Outline 5. Prepare a Draft 6. Edit and Revise Your Draft 7. Prepare the Oral Presentation

7 1. Select topic-varies, 5 min up to 5 hours 2. Gather information-5-10 hours 3. Organize, 1-3 hours 4. Outline, 1-2 hours 5. Prepare (Write) the Draft, 5-10 hours 6. Edit & Revise, 1-3 hours 7. Prepare a final report, 2-3 hours

8 Most important step How much research material is available?  Too much  Too little Start with several ideas and narrow down your choice

9 Answers the question: Why? or How? Topic: Rise of Islamic State (IS) How did the Islamic State (IS) rise to power? Topic: Owning a fast food restaurant How do you buy a Subway restaurant?

10 IS in Iraq after US troops withdrew Killing of Americans by IS in 2014-2015 Subway restaurants in Minnesota How the owner of Delano’s Subway started his business

11 How will you get information? Observations (science experiments, ethnography) Interviews Library Online sources Do a general search to find out how much information is available

12 Delano High School Media Center Middle School Media Center

13  Take Notes  Summarize  Keep Track of Your Information Sources  Example Johnson, J. (2014). Why I ate a snake. Rogue Printers; Highland Park, WA.

14  “In North America, the average person sees 3,000 ads a day.”  “One type of hidden ad is product placement when a company pays to have their product in a movie or TV show.”

15  “In North America, the average person sees 3,000 ads a day.”  Typically, Americas see thousands of ads each day.  “One type of hidden ad is product placement when a company pays to have their product in a movie or t.v. show.”  A hidden ad may involve the placement of a particular product in popular t.v. shows or movies.

16 Give credit to the source of information you will use in your research. This reference would then be listed in a “Works Cited”, “References” or “Sources” at the end of the document.

17  What I do  Literally cut and paste  You must keep track of your sources of information

18  Outline Examples  Work from the information you have or work from your outline  Keep going back to your outline to stay organized--it is key!

19  Write your paper  When you cannot think of what to write  Go back to your outline  Just write something--you will go back and edit later

20  Self-review  Revise first  Edit  Peer Review

21  Follow the steps  Stick to your outline when you present  Practice  Time it

22 1. Select topic-varies, 5 min up to 5 hours by 2/27 2. Gather information-5-10 hours by 3/13 3. Organize, 1-3 hours by 3/17 4. Outline, 1-2 hours by 3/19 5. Prepare (Write) the Draft, 5-10 hours by 4/10 6. Edit & Revise, 1-3 hours by 4/17 7. Prepare a final report, 2-3 hours 4/22-4/24

23  Work Backwards  When will you work on each step?  Break down tasks  How will you get the information?  Where will you work?  Quiet without interruption  Access to what you need

24  Usually 5-10 minutes  Summary of Research  Have a good introduction and conclusion

25 1. Select topic- 2/27 2. Gather information- 3/13 3. Organize Information 3/17 4. Outline-3/19 5. First Draft-4/10 6. Final Draft-4/17 7. Final Presentation-4/22-4/24

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