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Research Methodology IV BTech IT Cape Peninsula University (CPUT) Faculty of Informatics & Design (FID) Lecturer: Nhlanhla Mlitwa.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Methodology IV BTech IT Cape Peninsula University (CPUT) Faculty of Informatics & Design (FID) Lecturer: Nhlanhla Mlitwa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Methodology IV BTech IT Cape Peninsula University (CPUT) Faculty of Informatics & Design (FID) Lecturer: Nhlanhla Mlitwa

2 Research Methodology IV - Research & Research Process Problem Interest Area Idea Dissemination Choice of Method Data Analysis Data Collection Operationalisation Interpretation Research Design Objective Conceptualisation Question/s

3 Research Design - Whatever you do should be guided by, and be compliant with your research design. It is: - - Plan, blueprint, map, re - how research is to unfold - A Basis upon which research process is built, is Informed by a research objective - Cannot have research process without (or even outside of) research design

4 Research Design Let us look at these 2 separate, but related phenomena. The PROBLEM + QUESTION tell you what to do next. Don’t confuse a research design with a methodology.

5 Research Design Research Methodology Point of Departure: Research problem or question Point of Departure: Task at hand (data collection; sampling; etc) Focus: End Product – what kind of study; what kind of results are aimed at (OBJECTIVE). Focus: Process, procedures, & kind of tools to be used. Focus: Logic of Research – what kind of evidence is necessary to address the question adequately Focus: Individual steps, and the most objective procedures

6 Research Design Have research problem, & question. You want a method of addressing them. Remember : Methods used in research vary according to the tasks they perform. They range from sampling techniques, to data-collection, and data analysis methods. But which method to select, when, how and why? Selection of methods are always dependant on the aims & objectives of study; Nature of phenomenon under study; & the underlying theory (if any) or the expectations of the investigation.

7 Objective + Meta Theory How the objective determines the choice of methodology? Novices would move from the interest and idea, and try to solve every problem that exists on the subject. You cannot go to the UK, USA, Australia, and Russia at the same time, can you? Knowing your objectives helps you decide on the map to get there. Even after choosing your destination, you cannot choose several routes at the same time. You simply disregard routes leading elsewhere, but to your destination. This leads us to the notion of a meta-theory

8 Objective + Meta-Theory Meta-Theory In simplistic form, refers to thinking about the In simplistic form, refers to thinking about the nature of scientific enquiry. nature of scientific enquiry. It is a phenomenon about existing theories that It is a phenomenon about existing theories that are appropriate for specific forms of enquiry. are appropriate for specific forms of enquiry. It is a theory not in its own right, but a theory It is a theory not in its own right, but a theory about theories. about theories. The word “meta” (Greek), means “beyond” or “over”. Metatheory refers to reflections & critiques regarding the theoretical application/s of a theory Let us look at critical examples.

9 Meta-theory + Choosing a methodology Meta Theory – concerns itself with the: Nature Nature Aims Aims Methods Methods Of scientific enquiry – as influenced by some methodological paradigms: Qualitative, Quantitative, Participation Action Research. Paradigm: methods, principles, techniques+ underlying assumptions. The three critical & most influential meta-theoretical traditions are: 1. 1. Positivism 2. 2. Interpretive / Phenomenology 3. 3. Critical theoretical tradition

10 Meta-Theory +Methodology Choices Realise Ontology & Epistemology? Positivism …is based on: the notion that the “source of all knowledge is to be found on the notion that the “source of all knowledge is to be found on experience and observation” experience and observation” (empiricist theory of knowledge). (empiricist theory of knowledge). Idea of similarity between research domains: that natural science methods equally apply to the study of human factors Idea of similarity between research domains: that natural science methods equally apply to the study of human factors Deductive form of reasoning Deductive form of reasoning Natural interpretation of objectivity – an assumption that postulates objectivity as limited to clinical, neutral, natural sciences Natural interpretation of objectivity – an assumption that postulates objectivity as limited to clinical, neutral, natural sciences

11 Meta-theory +Methodology choices - Generalisation/ Generalisability If you subscribe to this line of thinking, then your research method is likely to prioritise: - Objective measurement - Experimental control - Structural & replicable observations - Neutrality - Quantification

12 Meta-theory + Methodology choice The main argument here is that since people are continuously constructing, developing, and changing their interpretations of the world, that conceptions of human research should accommodate these flexibilities. Phenomenology/ Intepretivist Emphasis: on differences between the object of the natural and social sciences Emphasis: on understanding people as conscious, self directing beings – rather than the mere biological beings whose actions can be understood only through understanding biochemistry.

13 Meta-theory +Methodology choices - Objectivity is understood as inter-subjective If you & your study subscribe to this line of thinking, then your research method is likely to prioritise: - Interpretive understanding of meanings and self descriptions of the individual - Require unstructured observations - Qualitative data analytic methods - Open understanding

14 Methodological implications: - Participation - Collaborative enquiry - Experimental research - Social relevance - Individual empowerment Meta-theory + Methodology choice Critical theory tradition Emphasis on science as a transformative source: don’t be neutral. Don’t interprete the world, change it for the better (Jurgen Harbamas, 1960’s)

15 Meta-theory + Methodology choice Each of the theoretical traditions determine a methodological paradigm to be applied in a study. Your theoretical tradition & phenomenon of study will determine whether you end up with one of the following methodological paradigms: Quantitative + Deductive Paradigm Quantitative + Deductive Paradigm Qualitative + Inductive paradigm Qualitative + Inductive paradigm Participatory Action Research Paradigm Participatory Action Research Paradigm Mixed approach (triangulation) Mixed approach (triangulation) The nature of the question/s to be answered will play a significant role in this decision

16 Research Question Research Question + Research Design It will depend whether you are addressing empirical or non-empirical questions. Example of empirical questions: Question Type QuestionExample Exploratory What is the case What are key factors What are critical factors of successful companies? Descriptive How many/ Are X and Y related? How many people died of aids in 2007? Causal Why; What are the causes of Y What are the main causes of power failures in Cape Town? Evaluative What was the outcome of…? Predictive What will be the effect of X over Y What effect will the new anti-biotic have of the population? Historical What led to Y? What led to Thabo Mbeki losing to Jacob Zuma?

17 …Questions design Question Type QuestionExample Meta analytic What is the state of the art about x? What are the debates in physics? What is the state of research on environmental ethics? Conceptual What is the meaning of the X concept? What is the meaning of sexual harassment? Theoretical What are the most plausible theories of X What are the most widely accepted theories of competitiveness? Philosophical/ normative What is the ideal profile of x What is meant by an equitable education systems?

18 If you haven’t already, Next Week, you will attend a literature - search session in the Library. You will go straight to the library (instead of coming to class). Details of where to go & who to meet there, will be on WebCT by Monday Morning This lecture covers Ch3 & Ch4 Till next class, Thank You !

19 More on theories in IS Flynn, D., and Gregory, P. 2004. The Use of theories in 20 yrs of WG8.2 Empirical Research; in Kaplan, B., Truex III, D.P., Wastell, D., Wood-harper, A.T., and De Gross, J.I. 2004 (eds.). Information Systems Research: Relevant Theory and Informed Practice. An IFIP Publication; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, Massachusetts, USA Flynn, D., and Gregory, P. 2004. The Use of theories in 20 yrs of WG8.2 Empirical Research; in Kaplan, B., Truex III, D.P., Wastell, D., Wood-harper, A.T., and De Gross, J.I. 2004 (eds.). Information Systems Research: Relevant Theory and Informed Practice. An IFIP Publication; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, Massachusetts, USA http://www.palgrave- http://www.palgrave- http://www.palgrave- http://www.palgrave-

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