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Yan F. Tan David Berumen. yho&feature=related.

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1 Yan F. Tan David Berumen

2 yho&feature=related

3  Race- a category of people who share a genetic or biological heritage as demonstrated by distinct physical characteristics (e.g., eye color, skin color, hair texture, facial features)  Caucasian  African- American  Hispanic

4  Ethnicity- a category of people who share a cultural heritage as demonstrated by distinct cultural characteristics (e.g., traditions, beliefs, clothing, food, language)  Jews  Italians  Bohemians

5  v1vo v1vo

6  Minority group- a social group that is singled out for differential treatment or discrimination due to physical or cultural characteristics and has traditionally been disadvantaged or experienced less access to resources. Also known as “subordinate groups” in society  Majority group- a social group who has traditionally experienced most of the access to resources and whose actions and behaviors are harmful to the minority group. Also known as the “dominant group” in society.  In our society white males are the majority or dominant group

7  Slavery 1. Forced into slavery by white Europeans  Abolishment of Slavery 1. Caused people to accept former slaves as humans 2. However, they were considered inferior due to their Race

8  Jason Eden of Saint Cloud State University  “Top-Down” Model  “Mob-Rule” Model  “Negotiation” Model

9  Different definitions of Race and Ethnicity 1. Color 2. Language 3. Culture  Race and Ethnicity can affect 1. Where we live 2. What we do for a living 3. What schools we attend

10  Political parties are backed by a certain race  Political districts are set up around race  Strategic tactics called “Gerrymandering”

11  Minorities less likely to own homes  NBA Lockout  “Plantation overseer” comments aimed at NBA Commissioner David Stern

12  Suffers 1. Everybody 2. Discrimination is spread 3. Minorities in certain areas  Benefits 1. More close knit communities 2. Culture and traditions are kept alive

13   National popluation:308,745,538  Texas 2010 population: 25,145,561  Texas is the 2 nd largest U.S. state by both area and population  Houston is the largest city in Texas and San Antonio is the second largest in the state and seventh larges in U.S  tml (U.S. & World population Clocks) tml  U.S. 312,626,876  World 6,975,647,958

14 by-Race-and-Ethnicity?compare=San+Antonio%2C+TX+78249


16   National population:308,745,538  Top 5 states: california:37,253,956, New York 19,378,102, Illinois 12,830,632, Texas 25,145,561, Florida 18,801,310

17  Institute of Texan Culture –( exhibits Race and Ethnicity)  Texas Folk life Festival  The Alamo

18  How do you think that gender, race and ethnicity have affected your behavior? Provide an example from your life where your specific gender, race or ethnicity, has affected your behavior  How you may have reacted different if you were of a different background?  How do you explain different races to children?  How should teachers handle Race and Ethnicity in the classroom?

19  I will show a picture of a person in different race and take guess what race the picture is showing  Once your finish guess what race is picture showing and will show you the correct answer  ess-myracepdf ess-myracepdf

20  Institute of Texan Culture: _world/?archive=y  Jennifer Lee and Dalton Conley discuss the difference between race and ethnicity  Basler, C. (2008). White dreams and red votes: Mexican Americans and the lure of inclusion in the Republican Party. Ethnic & Racial Studies, 31(1), 123-166. doi:10.1080/01419870701538950.  Eden, J. (2011). Answers to the Question: "Who Developed Race?”. History Teacher, 44(2), 169-177.  Singer, J. B. (Host). (2008, March 24). Race and social problems: Interview with Dean Larry E. Davis [Episode 36]. Social Work Podcast. Podcast retrieved Month Day, Year, from  Slavery and the Invention of Race. (2007). American Anthropologist Association. Retrieved from  Spear, J. M. (2007). Race Matters in the Colonial South. Journal Of Southern History, 73(3), 579-588.  Turner, T. M., & Smith, M. T. (2009). EXITS FROM HOMEOWNERSHIP: THE EFFECTS OF RACE, ETHNICITY, AND INCOME. Journal of Regional Science, 49(1), 1-32. doi:10.1111/j.1467- 9787.2008.00589.x.  Zirin D. (2011, October 24). Economics, Race, and the N.B.A. Lockout. The New Yorker. Retrieved from 

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