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Changing Congress 1.Elections. The 111 th Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing Congress 1.Elections. The 111 th Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing Congress 1.Elections

2 The 111 th Congress

3 The 112 th Congress

4 111 th Congress 258 Democrats 112 th Congress 193 democrats

5 111th112th

6 The Congress (=House of Representatives) 435 Representatives since the Apportionment Act of 1911 Irrespective of population growth

7 Changing Congress 1.Redistricting in response to population change The population of Texas increased by 25% between 2000 and 2010 – from 20 million to 25 million

8 One Person, One Vote: The Equal Population Requirement


10 112 th Congress, 32 seats

11 San Antonio Austin Houston

12 113 th Congress, 36 seats



15 Minority Vote Dilution and Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act



18 Redistricting Process General Redistricting Principles One person, one vote Minority voting rights County line rule for house districts Contiguity Compactness

19 Counties (containing VTDs) by color with 112 th Congressional districts in outline


21 Contiguity Compactness

22 Gerrymandering 22


24 Census data fieldexample FID4848 ObjectID5697 STATE_FIPS48 code for the state according to Federal Information Processing Standards CNTY_FIPS61 STCOFIPS48061 TRACT12504 BLKGRP2 A census block group is a geographical unit used by the United States Census Bureau which is between the census tract and the census block. It is the smallest geographical unit for which the bureau publishes sample data, i.e. data which is only collected from a fraction of all households. FIPS480610125042 POP20002667 POP00_SQMI962.8 POP201011659 POP10_SQMI4209

25 WHITE10334 BLACK73 AMERI_ES63American Eskimo ASIAN138 HAWN_PI0Hawaaian Pacific Islander HISPANIC10629 OTHER884 MULT_RACE167multiple races MALES5574 FEMALES6085 AGE_UNDER 51170 AGE_5_91311 AGE_10_141333 AGE_15_191015 AGE_20_24662 AGE_25_341831 AGE_35_441740

26 AGE_45_541211 AGE_55_64824 AGE_65_74331 AGE_75_84189 AGE_85_UP42 MED_AGE27median age MED_AGE_M24.5 MED_AGE_F29 HOUSEHOLDS3022 A household consists of all people who occupy a housing unit regardless of relationship. AVE_HH_SZ3.86average household size HSEHLD_1_M91households w/ 1 male HSEHLD_1_F130households w/ 1 female MARHH_CHD1459married households w/ children MARHH_NO_C539married households no children MHH_CHILD93male household w/ children FHH_CHILD485female household w/ children

27 FAMILIES2745 A family consists of two or more people (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption residing in the same housing unit. AVE_FAM_SZ4.04 HSE_UNITS3153housing units VACANT131 OWNER_OCC2553owner occupied RENTER_OCC469renter occupied SQMI2.77


29 VTD – Voting Tabulation Districts

30 Election data The Voting Tabulation District Voting precincts become TVTDs Precinct 1 Precinct 3 Precinct 4Precinct 2 VTD 1 VTD 3 VTD 4 VTD 2

31 Results of Change Consistent geography for apples-to-apples demographic comparisons over time Integrates elections & voter information with census geography – VTD boundaries = tabulation block boundaries

32 Voting Tabulation District Data fieldexamples FID4844 CNTYVTD570002County voting tablulation district CNTY57 COLOR1 VTDKEY1210VTD identifier CNTYKEY29 VTD2 Shape_area2354195.33 Shape_len7506.5651 NV_D369.3068Normal vote for Ds over many elections NV_R151.6932Normal vote for Rs over many elections Gov_D_02357Governor’s race Democratic vote Gov_R_02100 Pres_D_04312President’s race Democratic vote Pres_R_04230 Gov_D_06198 Gov_R_0668 Pres_D_08334 Pres_R_08187 Gov_D_10164 Gov_R_10102 vap1427Voting age population

33 Texas Redistricts based on the 2010 US Census

34 Plan C185 June 20 2011 plan put forward by Texas Legislature See the lab for the shapefile One example: Lloyd Doggett


36 The restructuring of selected districts under C185 (the state legislature’s plan)

37 Plan C220 November 26, 2011 plan announced by the US District Court for the Western District of Texas. This was vacate by the US Supreme Court on January 20, 2012 See the lab for the shapefile

38 C185 Black lines C220 Red lines

39 Plan C235 The interim congressional plan ordered by the Western District Court

40 C185 Black lines C235 Purple lines

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