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By: Toria A., Trevor D., & Sydney B.. Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nuns)  They devoted their lives to God and served in the Church.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Toria A., Trevor D., & Sydney B.. Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nuns)  They devoted their lives to God and served in the Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Toria A., Trevor D., & Sydney B.

2 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nuns)  They devoted their lives to God and served in the Church

3 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nuns)  Promised to remain single, be obedient to their leaders, and live life in prayer

4 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nuns)  They ate simple food.

5 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nuns)  Spent their days in silence, praying or working

6 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nuns)  Attended many church services (7 total)

7 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nobles)  Their main duty was to bear children

8 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nobles)  They usually made plans for care of their kids, if they died during child birth

9 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nobles)  Many expected to loose children during their life time.

10 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Nobles)  They were expected to run their households.

11 Jobs of the Women in the Middle Ages (Housewives)  Many women were housewives.

12 Jobs of the Women in the Middle Ages (Housewives)  When she married she worked in the house of her husband.

13 Jobs of the Women in the Middle Ages (Housewives)  Run errands for the family

14 Jobs of the Women in the Middle Ages (Housewives)  Housework (cooking and cleaning, etc.)

15 Jobs of the Women in the Middle Ages (Housewives)  Look after animals and sometimes worked in the fields

16 Jobs of the Women in the Middle Ages (Housewives)  Looked after children

17 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Peasants)  Peasants made contributions to society

18 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Peasants)  Worked hard long days… day after day

19 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Peasants)  Some became servants, but most worked on farms.

20 Jobs of Women in the Middle Ages (Peasants)  As servants, they did the “crafts” in their owners house, and often looked after their master’s children. But, the main jobs of a servant were to cook, clean, and do ALL of the housework.

21 Jobs of Girls in the Middle Ages  Taught how to sew, read and write in Latin, sing, and other practices

22 Jobs of Girls in the Middle Ages  They could be engaged at the age of six or seven

23 Jobs of Girls in the Middle Ages  They were usually married around the age of fourteen

24 Important Women during the Middle Ages (Clare)  Clare (last name not given)- one of the amazing women during the 13 th century. She devoted her life to poverty, in which she created the Poor Clares for people who were impoverished. By her courage the Saracens left before they attacked town.

25 Important Women of the Middle Ages (Eleanor of Aquitane)  Eleanor was the Queen of France from 1137 to 1152 and of England from 1154 to 1199. She had two sons who were English kings, Richard and John. Her first husband was Louis, then later King Henry the second. She took 300 women with her on the Second Crusade to fight and nurse the wounded. Then, she died at age 83 on April 1, 1199.

26 Important Women in the Middle Ages (Queen Isabella)  She was the daughter of Juan the 2 nd of Castile and Leon. She was named the “Catholic Queen” and the “Law and Order Queen.” Her motto was: “One King, one law, one faith.” She was an ambitious ruler, and promoted education. Isabella also imposed religious power.


28  Most people had their YEARLY bath in May! Hygiene

29 Hygiene  But, bathing became easier when families could afford portable tubs

30 Hygiene  Extremely basic in terms of disposal of waste products and garbage

31 Hygiene  The disease of the Black Death caused people to be more cautious about their health and hygiene

32 Personal Hygiene  Personal hygiene was more important than view of the Middle Age’s hygiene

33 Personal Hygiene  The crusaders brought soap back from the East to Europe

34 Personal Hygiene  People usually washed in cold water, unless they were wealthy, they got hot/warm water

35 Personal Hygiene  Before people entered the Great Hall for meals, they washed their hands

36 Personal Hygiene  As cleanliness improved, stone basins were introduced to wash and were put in front of entrances of castle dining rooms

37 Fashion  Fashion and clothing were directed by the Pyramid of Power which was the Feudal System.

38 Fashion  People wore tunics, togas, trousers and laced sandals

39 Fashion  Only the wealthy in the Middle Ages could dress fashionably

40 Fashion  Expensive veils were banned for lower class women

41 Fashion  Only royalty were permitted* to wear gold cloth and purple silk * Or allowed

42 Fashion  The Crusades were probably the greatest influence of fashion in the Middle Ages

43 THE 5 REVIEW QUESTIONS!!!!  What was the month that most people took their yearly baths in???

44  May

45 THE 5 REVIEW QUESTIONS  Who died at the age of 83 on April 1, 1199???

46 EEEEleanor of Aquitine

47 THE 5 REVIEW QUESTIONS  What class were expensive veils banned from???

48  Lower Class Women

49 THE 5 REVIEW QUESTIONS  What group of women promised to remain single and have their lives devoted to God???

50  Nuns

51 THE 5 REVIEW QUESTIONS  Whose job was to bear children???

52  Noble women

53 Works-cited page  middle-ages.htm middle-ages.htm middle-ages.htm  ml ml ml   00/famouspeople/famouspeople.html#izzy 00/famouspeople/famouspeople.html#izzy 00/famouspeople/famouspeople.html#izzy   clothing.htm clothing.htm clothing.htm

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