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One Heart One Mind Thematic Day 1 Remembrance & Self Sacrifice Tuesday 14 th October 2013.

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1 One Heart One Mind Thematic Day 1 Remembrance & Self Sacrifice Tuesday 14 th October 2013

2 Structure of The Day School body divided into two groups Poppies & Peace. TimesPoppiesPeace 8.40 to 9.00amRegistration in usual form bases 9.00 to 11.00amFilmCompetition Time 11.00 to 11.20amBreak 11.20 to 12.00amLunch collection /Act of worship 12.00 to 1.00pmWorking Lunch 1.00 to 3.00pmCompetition TimeFilm 3.00 to 3.10pmRegistration in usual form bases

3 Learning Outcomes 1 I will understand why I should emulate the people our forms are named after. I will understand why I remember those who sacrificed their lives in war. I will make connections between the self-sacrifice of those who have died in war and those who our forms are named after. I will design a fitting permanent memorial to all who have died in war to be placed in the grounds of BH next year to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the outbreak of WW1. This is to be entered into a competition to find the final design.

4 Learning Outcomes 2 I will understand why Broughton Hall is creating a Poppy Peace Garden in remembrance of the anniversary. I will work collaboratively with other pupils of different ages to a common aim. I will have focused upon and learned via the medium of the film War Horse, I will contribute to the final display of work. I will take part, with an appropriate demeanour, in a group reflection of Remembrance and Dedication.

5 Tasks By the end of the day your group: MUST: Create a design for Broughton Hall’s Remembrance Garden Design a poster to show how we should emulate both our war heroes & form role models COULD: Write a poem about remembrance, self sacrifice or dedication Design a poster explaining how our war heroes & form role models exemplified Broughton Hall ‘s Mission statement & the motto of One Heart One Mind

6 Names of Forms Mc Auley ss/landing.cfm?loadref=129 Parks parks-9433715http:// Keller keller-9361967 tloss/famous/Pages/helenkeller.aspx Austen le/jane-austen-9192819 storic_figures/austen_jane.shtml Clitheroe p?saint_id=515 s/tudor-stuart/margaret-clitherow

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