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Strategy of Health Related Sport in Päijät-Häme Region, Finland Mr. Lauri Kuukasjärvi Päijät-Häme Regional Council Project for Reforming Public Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy of Health Related Sport in Päijät-Häme Region, Finland Mr. Lauri Kuukasjärvi Päijät-Häme Regional Council Project for Reforming Public Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy of Health Related Sport in Päijät-Häme Region, Finland Mr. Lauri Kuukasjärvi Päijät-Häme Regional Council Project for Reforming Public Services Bryssel 22 February 2011 Päijät-Hämeen liitto, Hämeenkatu 9 A, 15110 LAHTI 1

2 PÄIJÄT-HÄME / LAHTI -200 000 inhabitants -1 hour from Helsinki -Traditional industries  CleanTech -Winter Sports -The Cradle of national radio broadcasting in Finland 2

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5 HEALTH RELATED SPORTS & EXERCISE PROMOTING HEALTH Refers to any sports or exercise that maintains or promotes the health of people Recommendations of exercise Attention to infrastructure to motivate people to move and exercise 5

6 THE STRATEGY FOR HEALTH RELATED SPORTS 2009  Launched by the Regional Council Unique among regional development initiatives Aim to promote and support the wellfare of the existing and future generations 6

7 STRATEGY OF HEALTH RELATED SPORT IN PÄIJÄT-HÄME 1.Advisory Board for health related sport 2.Municipal Action Plans of health related sports 3.Regional exercise counselling 4.Sport venues and services 5.Health related sport expertise and training 7

8 MUNICIPAL ACTION PLAN – TOWN HEINOLA Aims Raise Awareness Importance of exercise People’s own responsibility (exercise and health) Promote health related sport and exercise By collaboration over the administrative boundaries Concrete actions Children and young generation Adults and Elderly Actions by schools, Health care and Sports associations 8

9 TOWN HEINOLA - SCHOOLS ON MOVE 1.Share of sport classes in study plans 2.Exercise during the breaks  Case Jyränkölä 3.Collecting credits by sports and exercise 4.Participation of parents and parent societies 5.Communication and information of the importance of exercise 6.Upgrading of sports premises 7.National follow up of the sports and exercise 8.Advisors and Mentors 9

10 TOWN HEINOLA – ROCK´n SPORT 1.Schools and Kindergartens 2.Activators to promote exercise (vs. personal trainer) 3.Exercise / Sport Events for the parents 4.Comprehensive mapping of service providers 5.Weight watch for kids 6.Staff training on physical exercise and sports 7.Activation of the sports clubs and associations 8.Training of advisors and support personal 9.Testing services 10. Consulting in companies and public sector organisations 11. BMI 30+ 10

11 TOWN HEINOLA – SPECIAL GROUPS AND ELDERLY 1.Expansion of activities for special groups 2.New equipments for Section 11 of Municipal hospital 3.New groups on physical therapy – 4.Co-operation group in Home Care 5.Exercise and sport related services for Home Care 6.Sport exercise equipment from the Library 7.Joint operations with national campaigns 8.Joint operations with international organisations 11

12 Citizen - Why should I move? School - How to motivate? Work environment – How to promote? How to get benefit? Town - Healthy people, less costs Branding of Town, City, Region Attractiveness of the town Nation – Europe  12

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