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V Panel Debate: Can there ever be true partnership when money is changing hands? Panellists: Rob Manning Bob Bannister Steve Gladwin Lucy Jeynes.

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Presentation on theme: "V Panel Debate: Can there ever be true partnership when money is changing hands? Panellists: Rob Manning Bob Bannister Steve Gladwin Lucy Jeynes."— Presentation transcript:

1 V Panel Debate: Can there ever be true partnership when money is changing hands? Panellists: Rob Manning Bob Bannister Steve Gladwin Lucy Jeynes

2 V Lucy Jeynes, Larch Consulting The Art of Intelligent Negotiation: “Getting To Yes”

3 V

4 V Preparation “If I had six hours to cut down a tree, I’d spend the first four sharpening the axe”. (Abraham Lincoln) –What are your relative rankings? –What’s the current relationship? –Do you need to maintain a relationship in the future? –Are you buying or selling? –Can you be a good negotiator without losing touch with your principles and values?

5 V

6 V Goals What do you want to get out of the negotiation? What do you think the other person wants? Think about and map these outcomes

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8 V Trades What do you and the other person have that you can trade? What do you each have that the other wants? What are you each comfortable giving away?

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10 V Alternatives If you don’t reach agreement, what are the alternatives? Are these good or bad? How much does it matter if you don’t agree? Does failure to reach agreement cut out future opportunities? What alternatives does the other party have?

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12 V Relationships What is the history? How will this history impact the negotiation? Are there any hidden issues? How will you handle these?

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14 V Outcomes What outcome will people be expecting from this negotiation? What precedents have been set in the past?

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16 V Consequences What are the consequences for you of winning or losing? What are the consequences for the other person?

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18 V Power Who holds what power in this relationship? Who controls resources? Who loses most if agreement isn’t reached? What power does the other party have to deliver what you hope for?

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20 V Compromises What possible compromises might there be? How can each party come away from the negotiation feeling positive?

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22 V Exploration Negotiation is a careful exploration of your position and the other person’s position The goal is finding a mutually acceptable compromise that gives you both as much of what you want as possible Ideally, the other person wants what you are prepared to trade, and you are prepared to give what the other person wants

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24 V What’s your style? Be confident and authentic Don’t assume it’s a battle! Be prepared – think things out The nice guys don’t always come last

25 V Five Tips

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27 V Learn to Flinch A visible reaction to the offer or price Makes the other person feel uncomfortable about the offer they’ve presented Leave them to respond

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29 V Ask for more Ask for more than you expect to get (Be cheeky rather than insulting)

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31 V Do your research The person with the most information usually does better You need to learn as much as possible about the other person’s situation, motivation, wants and needs If you are selling - know as much as possible about your competition and their offer too

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33 V Practice Practising all the time will help you become more confident It will help you to see that there is more scope for negotiation than you think Good situations to practice?

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35 V Be ready to walk away Make sure you have an alternative The most powerful negotiating position is the one where you don’t need to do a deal


37 V Preparation

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39 V Five Tips

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41 V “My job is to make it better than it was when I got here”. Lee Iacocca @LarchLucy Lucy Jeynes uk

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